Why you should give up impulsive shopping
Conscious consumption is what many people call zero waste. To abandon certain goods people are motivated by good intentions. Many decide to radically change their lives and stop wasting natural resources and polluting the environment with things that can be done without. Others see it as a sensible way to manage their budget. Whatever the reason, you need to rethink your priorities. After all, we often go on the lead of marketers, buying things that we do not need.
Periodically it is very useful to clutter the corners in the house, freeing up space from things that you no longer use. But that's not zero waste. Conscious consumption begins with the fact that you stop buying what is simply dusting on the shelf for years. These are different things for different people. And the fact that some try to take care of nature and do not buy inorganic goods or disposable dishes does not mean that it is convenient for everyone and you need to forget about all these things at once forever.
No, the point is that all those things and objects that you have, were the most involved in your life and bring joy, otherwise why do they need?
To restore order in the house and in your thoughts, it is easier to divide things into categories and figure out what you need for each day, and what lies idle and takes place. Then you need to pay attention to shopping. If in the house you have things from the following, perhaps it is better to get rid of them or replace them with more practical ones, thereby saving your hard earned.
Paper books. Especially if there is no extra space for bookshelves in the house, you can save space and money by replacing paper media with an e-book. Special kitchen appliances. How many times have you come across special harvesters, figure knives for vegetables and fruits and all that? These things turn into garbage in the kitchen if you don’t use them every day. Air freshener. It can be replaced with essential oil, which, moreover, will have a positive effect on the nervous system. And the consumption is minimal, and the aromas are more pleasant.
There are plenty of things to give up, but the question is how much you need them. Reasonable consumption is not only right in terms of preserving the environment. It makes us the masters of our lives, who are able to give up chocolate on the action, if it is not a desire to eat chocolate, and supposedly save. You'll save money if you don't buy that chocolate bar at all.
In order not to be led by marketing tricks, many go to the store with a list of necessary goods. You are more likely to buy only the right things. No one is immune from impulsive purchases: they can lift the mood or seem very necessary at some point. Before you take a more or less expensive thing, think about how much time you spend on work, earning the same money that you are going to spend on a particular product. Typically, it helps to get rid of unnecessary junk in the house and spend your budget on the things you really need.

Periodically it is very useful to clutter the corners in the house, freeing up space from things that you no longer use. But that's not zero waste. Conscious consumption begins with the fact that you stop buying what is simply dusting on the shelf for years. These are different things for different people. And the fact that some try to take care of nature and do not buy inorganic goods or disposable dishes does not mean that it is convenient for everyone and you need to forget about all these things at once forever.
No, the point is that all those things and objects that you have, were the most involved in your life and bring joy, otherwise why do they need?
To restore order in the house and in your thoughts, it is easier to divide things into categories and figure out what you need for each day, and what lies idle and takes place. Then you need to pay attention to shopping. If in the house you have things from the following, perhaps it is better to get rid of them or replace them with more practical ones, thereby saving your hard earned.

- Artificial flowers. An interior item that bloggers and models use to create beautiful photos for social networks. Is it not better to replace them with unpretentious living flowers that enrich the home with oxygen?
- The dishes. All kinds of sets for twelve persons, sets of knives, mugs and so on. Usually all these sets lie in the nightstand for a long time and take up quite a lot of space. They are used every six months. It is better to buy the same utensils in small quantities of some manufacturer to be able to buy the same if necessary.
- Travel souvenirs. Unless you collect magnets on the refrigerator and it is not a great pleasure, it is better to refrain.
- Disposable dishes, bags. Items that are more likely to become garbage if not used. It is better even for trips to nature to buy albeit plastic, but reusable dishes.

Paper books. Especially if there is no extra space for bookshelves in the house, you can save space and money by replacing paper media with an e-book. Special kitchen appliances. How many times have you come across special harvesters, figure knives for vegetables and fruits and all that? These things turn into garbage in the kitchen if you don’t use them every day. Air freshener. It can be replaced with essential oil, which, moreover, will have a positive effect on the nervous system. And the consumption is minimal, and the aromas are more pleasant.

- Tests. In the store, you can take a sampler, or you can spray perfume on a piece of paper, which is also essentially garbage, but this will save you from the accumulation of all sorts of small bottles that will be opened only once.
- Hair styling products. If you don’t do your hair every day, these cans will take up space in the bathroom. And it is even better not to buy, for example, a hair mask or shampoo until the start is over. This way you avoid the accumulation of half-filled cans and bottles and use the product accurately.
- Shaving gel and disposable razors. Instead of the gel, you can successfully use soap, and replace disposable razors with a razor with a replaceable blade.

- Uncomfortable shoes
- Synthetic substandard fabrics. It is better to buy one quality sweater made of natural material than three cheap ones. First, it will bring more pleasure when wearing. And secondly, it will keep its proper appearance longer.
- Clothes out. It's something you'll wear once or twice at best and the thing will hang in the closet indefinitely until better times.

There are plenty of things to give up, but the question is how much you need them. Reasonable consumption is not only right in terms of preserving the environment. It makes us the masters of our lives, who are able to give up chocolate on the action, if it is not a desire to eat chocolate, and supposedly save. You'll save money if you don't buy that chocolate bar at all.

In order not to be led by marketing tricks, many go to the store with a list of necessary goods. You are more likely to buy only the right things. No one is immune from impulsive purchases: they can lift the mood or seem very necessary at some point. Before you take a more or less expensive thing, think about how much time you spend on work, earning the same money that you are going to spend on a particular product. Typically, it helps to get rid of unnecessary junk in the house and spend your budget on the things you really need.