The device supermarkets
How are supermarkets in which we want to buy everything.
Tips forcing you to buy
They force you to associate the color red with discounts.
Supermarkets often have hung outside advertising, where you can see the highlighted discounts. In our minds the red price tag has long been associated with a decrease in prices. However, it should be attentive - not always as colored price tags mean a bargain: the price may be reduced slightly or remain unchanged at all times. But it still is the consumer to buy goods with such price tags because of the already established association.
They make too big truck.
Shopping carts were invented in 1938. The area of the conventional truck in the last 40 years has doubled. And almost always they are much more than a "market basket" of an average family. If we are taking a half-empty truck, purely on a subconscious level, we have a desire to fill it. As a result, you are buying more food than you need. Therefore, if you do not want a long time to run to the store, take the basket better. So you kill two birds with one stone: save money and shopping bags will be easier.
Fruits and vegetables are usually found at the entrance to the store.
The researchers tested the willpower buyers. It turned out that it is enough to give a person the opportunity first to do what, in his opinion, "good", that then he began to actively go beyond their own limits. That is why the owners of supermarkets laid useful fruits and vegetables right at the entrance: the buyer more money to spend on useful products, the more he bought harmful products, such as beer and chips.
They hide in the depths of dairy store.
Sales professionals use a lot of tricks to get us to buy more. Years of research have developed a lot of tricks that are used everywhere, and that we do not even guess. To illustrate more clearly, let's think about why the milk - a product most in demand, always located in the far end of the supermarket? It is not that there is a fridge, but that you have to want to search for milk you first passed by other products.
They create the illusion that their fruits and vegetables fresh.
Most supermarket fruits and vegetables in produce department washed and polished to a shine. Moreover, they are often sprinkled with water, despite the fact that such they will rot faster. Why is that? Yes, because people love all the fresh and the brain is associated with a shiny, wet surface. Also used in supermarkets specifically defined substance, for maintaining an appetizing appearance and color of fresh fruits and vegetables. In fact, "fresh" fruits and vegetables that you buy at the supermarket, could be a month before the stock, then prolezhat still a couple of days in your refrigerator before being eaten.
They are trying to bring you flowers.
Once you go to the supermarket, delights your senses smell the flowers and colorful fruit in the produce department. This automatically triggers release of the hormone of pleasure "dopamine", and you are in the pleasant anticipation of shopping. From here to buy even a step and half step. Council. Sniff and enjoy, but remember that you really need to buy. Pull out the light of day your shopping list and reread it.
They make you feel hungry.
Many supermarkets are pastries at the entrance. The smell of fresh baking activates the salivary glands, and you want to immediately buy this yummy. In addition, some supermarkets install small shelves, offering consumers taste a particular product. Always it is surprising the number of people who buy goods just because they feel obligated or hungry. Remember, you do not owe anything to anyone, and to avoid "starving" the purchase, the best snack before going to the store.
It forces you to walk everywhere.
These essential products, such as bread, milk and eggs are scattered throughout the store that you walked around it a little longer on the road making a spontaneous hasty purchase. Are you sure you can choose your itinerary at the supermarket. In fact, experts in their field specially thought of everything, so that on the way to the cherished goal you'll meet plenty of temptations. Therefore, the shelf with dairy products never located at the entrance, otherwise you could handle too quickly and leave without two dozen relevant details.
They make you think you're going fast, when in fact it is not.
They spread the floor tiles in the shallow parts of the more expensive that your truck rattled loudly. So you think you're going faster, so subconsciously slow down and spend more time on the road department.
They worked out a formula of "left-right».
Since most supermarkets work - the so-called law of the right hand, when the movement of visitors is organized counterclockwise. In this case, the buyer, moving around the store, turn left all the time, and his eyes often falls into the middle of it right wall. It is in this place is the so-called golden shelves, and on them - or most expensive products or products with expiring.
They confuse us complex prices.
We all know the old trick: 0, 99 always seems to be much less than 1, 0 Subconsciously penny grows to giant size savings, and the hand reaching for the coveted "freebie". In the same direction work fatty crossed the old price, often written in a smaller font, and dedicated new ones. Your brain processes this information as an image, rather than as an arithmetic problem. And in the end you take not the desired thing to "save". Council. Think! Do not be lazy to deduct the new price of the old. Sometimes the result will amaze their insignificance.
They use your children.
Perhaps it is inevitable. Each parent will have to go through a rite of passage: go to the store with your child, and bear all his whims, requests for buying chocolates, new cereal, candy ... And well, if it would cost only tears, but it's not excluded and hysteria to wallow on the floor wild cries. Yes, children are not easy hikes by colorful windows.
They hide from you cheaper goods.
Have you ever paid attention to that all the expensive item is on the middle shelf of the counter, just at the height of your eyes? This is done so that you first saw the most expensive commodity. The following is a calculation of the psychology that you have decided that the goods on the shelves that are higher or lower, lower quality (although usually it is not). Today, however, this is the place "under the sun" gaining "untwisted" brand, as their products bring big profits.
They offer their 'couples of goods ".
All love couple. So in the supermarket. The so-called related products are always placed next to the main. Next to the beer - chips or bags with dried fish, next to the cookies - juices or sodas next to shirts - ties, etc. All for you to buy more.
They sell meat and fish on the white walls.
Meat and fish are often sold on a white background to look fresh. And such visual tricks, like wooden shelves and pleasant lighting make people spend more.
They appeal to your greed.
It seems that the flow of promotion shall simply inexhaustible. Buy a shampoo and the second was a gift. Great deal! However, before you buy shampoo, think about whether you need it or will gather dust for 3 months? When buying two products at a lower price, there is little you win, but supermarket sales turnover increases. Also at reduced prices are usually sold stale or expired goods.
They paint the walls in warm colors to make you linger in the store longer.
Warm colors attract and force to behold. Studies have shown that people for a long time choosing a fruit juice to buy, so these series painted red.
They put the music, so you spend more.
Music also plays an important role in an attempt to "roll out" you to purchase. The next time will be in the shopping center, close your eyes and listen. You probably hear the melodious music, which is also part of the strategy. Under this kind of music we subconsciously slows down, we stop long before the counters and to examine the goods. Supermarkets twist light hits, improving mood, in order to entice you to make "impulse purchase", which was not on your list.
They have an army with all small things at the cash register, you do spontaneous purchases.
At the cash register can be seen even more products, which belongs to the category of so-called "spontaneous purchases." Bars, cheap magazines, gum, mints and soda ... Last Chance supermarket to get you to spend money. Usually, at the cash register are shelves with chocolates, you are likely to take as a reward for a long shopping. View and select these products you will in any case - it must somehow pass the time in the queue. And against the backdrop of the "big" shopping, buy gum or candy bars "on track" for polkopeyki money is simply not perceived by us as such.
They tie you to itself with the help of the discount.
Well, you are paying at the checkout habitually pull out a discount card. Partly discount tightly bind you to this supermarket. A regular customer - is a gold mine. After you leave here next time even more money.
Tips forcing you to buy
They force you to associate the color red with discounts.
Supermarkets often have hung outside advertising, where you can see the highlighted discounts. In our minds the red price tag has long been associated with a decrease in prices. However, it should be attentive - not always as colored price tags mean a bargain: the price may be reduced slightly or remain unchanged at all times. But it still is the consumer to buy goods with such price tags because of the already established association.

They make too big truck.
Shopping carts were invented in 1938. The area of the conventional truck in the last 40 years has doubled. And almost always they are much more than a "market basket" of an average family. If we are taking a half-empty truck, purely on a subconscious level, we have a desire to fill it. As a result, you are buying more food than you need. Therefore, if you do not want a long time to run to the store, take the basket better. So you kill two birds with one stone: save money and shopping bags will be easier.

Fruits and vegetables are usually found at the entrance to the store.
The researchers tested the willpower buyers. It turned out that it is enough to give a person the opportunity first to do what, in his opinion, "good", that then he began to actively go beyond their own limits. That is why the owners of supermarkets laid useful fruits and vegetables right at the entrance: the buyer more money to spend on useful products, the more he bought harmful products, such as beer and chips.

They hide in the depths of dairy store.
Sales professionals use a lot of tricks to get us to buy more. Years of research have developed a lot of tricks that are used everywhere, and that we do not even guess. To illustrate more clearly, let's think about why the milk - a product most in demand, always located in the far end of the supermarket? It is not that there is a fridge, but that you have to want to search for milk you first passed by other products.

They create the illusion that their fruits and vegetables fresh.
Most supermarket fruits and vegetables in produce department washed and polished to a shine. Moreover, they are often sprinkled with water, despite the fact that such they will rot faster. Why is that? Yes, because people love all the fresh and the brain is associated with a shiny, wet surface. Also used in supermarkets specifically defined substance, for maintaining an appetizing appearance and color of fresh fruits and vegetables. In fact, "fresh" fruits and vegetables that you buy at the supermarket, could be a month before the stock, then prolezhat still a couple of days in your refrigerator before being eaten.

They are trying to bring you flowers.
Once you go to the supermarket, delights your senses smell the flowers and colorful fruit in the produce department. This automatically triggers release of the hormone of pleasure "dopamine", and you are in the pleasant anticipation of shopping. From here to buy even a step and half step. Council. Sniff and enjoy, but remember that you really need to buy. Pull out the light of day your shopping list and reread it.

They make you feel hungry.
Many supermarkets are pastries at the entrance. The smell of fresh baking activates the salivary glands, and you want to immediately buy this yummy. In addition, some supermarkets install small shelves, offering consumers taste a particular product. Always it is surprising the number of people who buy goods just because they feel obligated or hungry. Remember, you do not owe anything to anyone, and to avoid "starving" the purchase, the best snack before going to the store.

It forces you to walk everywhere.
These essential products, such as bread, milk and eggs are scattered throughout the store that you walked around it a little longer on the road making a spontaneous hasty purchase. Are you sure you can choose your itinerary at the supermarket. In fact, experts in their field specially thought of everything, so that on the way to the cherished goal you'll meet plenty of temptations. Therefore, the shelf with dairy products never located at the entrance, otherwise you could handle too quickly and leave without two dozen relevant details.

They make you think you're going fast, when in fact it is not.
They spread the floor tiles in the shallow parts of the more expensive that your truck rattled loudly. So you think you're going faster, so subconsciously slow down and spend more time on the road department.

They worked out a formula of "left-right».
Since most supermarkets work - the so-called law of the right hand, when the movement of visitors is organized counterclockwise. In this case, the buyer, moving around the store, turn left all the time, and his eyes often falls into the middle of it right wall. It is in this place is the so-called golden shelves, and on them - or most expensive products or products with expiring.

They confuse us complex prices.
We all know the old trick: 0, 99 always seems to be much less than 1, 0 Subconsciously penny grows to giant size savings, and the hand reaching for the coveted "freebie". In the same direction work fatty crossed the old price, often written in a smaller font, and dedicated new ones. Your brain processes this information as an image, rather than as an arithmetic problem. And in the end you take not the desired thing to "save". Council. Think! Do not be lazy to deduct the new price of the old. Sometimes the result will amaze their insignificance.

They use your children.
Perhaps it is inevitable. Each parent will have to go through a rite of passage: go to the store with your child, and bear all his whims, requests for buying chocolates, new cereal, candy ... And well, if it would cost only tears, but it's not excluded and hysteria to wallow on the floor wild cries. Yes, children are not easy hikes by colorful windows.

They hide from you cheaper goods.
Have you ever paid attention to that all the expensive item is on the middle shelf of the counter, just at the height of your eyes? This is done so that you first saw the most expensive commodity. The following is a calculation of the psychology that you have decided that the goods on the shelves that are higher or lower, lower quality (although usually it is not). Today, however, this is the place "under the sun" gaining "untwisted" brand, as their products bring big profits.

They offer their 'couples of goods ".
All love couple. So in the supermarket. The so-called related products are always placed next to the main. Next to the beer - chips or bags with dried fish, next to the cookies - juices or sodas next to shirts - ties, etc. All for you to buy more.

They sell meat and fish on the white walls.
Meat and fish are often sold on a white background to look fresh. And such visual tricks, like wooden shelves and pleasant lighting make people spend more.

They appeal to your greed.
It seems that the flow of promotion shall simply inexhaustible. Buy a shampoo and the second was a gift. Great deal! However, before you buy shampoo, think about whether you need it or will gather dust for 3 months? When buying two products at a lower price, there is little you win, but supermarket sales turnover increases. Also at reduced prices are usually sold stale or expired goods.

They paint the walls in warm colors to make you linger in the store longer.
Warm colors attract and force to behold. Studies have shown that people for a long time choosing a fruit juice to buy, so these series painted red.

They put the music, so you spend more.
Music also plays an important role in an attempt to "roll out" you to purchase. The next time will be in the shopping center, close your eyes and listen. You probably hear the melodious music, which is also part of the strategy. Under this kind of music we subconsciously slows down, we stop long before the counters and to examine the goods. Supermarkets twist light hits, improving mood, in order to entice you to make "impulse purchase", which was not on your list.

They have an army with all small things at the cash register, you do spontaneous purchases.
At the cash register can be seen even more products, which belongs to the category of so-called "spontaneous purchases." Bars, cheap magazines, gum, mints and soda ... Last Chance supermarket to get you to spend money. Usually, at the cash register are shelves with chocolates, you are likely to take as a reward for a long shopping. View and select these products you will in any case - it must somehow pass the time in the queue. And against the backdrop of the "big" shopping, buy gum or candy bars "on track" for polkopeyki money is simply not perceived by us as such.

They tie you to itself with the help of the discount.
Well, you are paying at the checkout habitually pull out a discount card. Partly discount tightly bind you to this supermarket. A regular customer - is a gold mine. After you leave here next time even more money.
