Why will You stop listening to new music in 33 years
If you're worried about losing interest in new music, your fears are not in vain.According to a new survey, most people ceased to be interested in music as such during the period, achieving "maturity", i.e., approximately 33 years. In other words, after you grow up finally, all you will be interested in music, you have liked in your early 20-ies.
The company Spotify, the world's most popular online music service, conducted a study of the preferences of its users. It showed that teenagers listening to almost exclusively new music, watching the ratings and the charts, but the people who are over 30, prefer to listen to something old. The tastes of young people are rapidly changing after 20 years, but immediately after the 30 users are becoming much more conservative.
Spotify experts say that there are two reasons.First, those who are older, listen to radio stations in the FM range, and therefore less likely to find attractive new genres. Secondly, the men after 30 are more likely to listen to what was popular when they were students.
The study also found that men more often than women are experimenting with focusing more on emerging artists. Those who have children, too, are more likely to accept new members than those who don't.
Why the interest in new music drops after 33 years? Researchers say that people at this age are usually already too busy to be interested in music. And besides, the happier they are adolescents, and therefore, they do not need to identify themselves with any particular musical direction. published
Author: Konstantin Shiyan
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lifter.com.ua/Pochemu-vi-perestanete-slushat-novuyu-muziku-v-33-goda#40723
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