Treatment with the juice of burdock — old proven tool

In folk medicine, the juice of fresh leaves of burdock successfully treat a variety cysts. Burdock cope with the cysts on kidney, cysts of the uterus and the ovaries in women. Treatment with the juice of the burdock is long and requires discipline, but once treated that way, from cysts, as a rule, it is possible to get rid of permanently without resorting to surgery.
Burdock — old proven tool. To his power shall even fibroids, fibroids and other tumors, as it has antitumor, resolving properties. Burdock regulates metabolism in the body, heals the entire gastrointestinal tract, cleans the blood.
Young leaves of burdock (August-deadline for juicing), wash, mince, squeeze the juice, pour into glass jar and refrigerate.
Drink scheme without missing any doses. The 1st and 2nd days-1 teaspoon 2 times a day, the 3rd, 4th and subsequent days-1 tsp 3 times a day. The course-a month. If the cyst does not fully resolve, the treatment must be repeated. There may be three. The break between them-a month.
During treatment, you can RUB burdock oil into the lower back nightly. This will enhance the effect and speed up the recovery.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pervorod.ru/blogs/eto-interesno/sok-iz-lopuha
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