Treatment of renal cyst with folk remedies
Treatment of renal cyst drugs modern pharmacology is accompanied by negative consequences for the internal organs. An acceptable alternative is traditional medicine using medicinal plants. Due to the natural origin of traditional medicines cause minimal side effects, and often don't have them at all.
Nineteen million one hundred ninety five thousand forty one
Green tea
Medicine is green tea with milk. You need to mix them in the proportions 50/50, take in the morning and in the evenings. Burdock
Juice of burdock. Using a juicer, get the juice of all parts of the plant. Treatment juice lasts a month. The result is achieved with 3 doses per day 1-2 tbsp before meals. Because the juice retains medicinal properties for a limited time, store the juice in glass container in dark and cool place up to 3 days. After a month of use of the juice of burdock the cyst resolves in 70% of cases. If the ultrasound results did not show positive dynamics, it is recommended after 2 weeks to repeat the course of treatment with juice burdock. The pulp of burdock. Using the grinder turn the leaves of burdock into a homogeneous mass. The first 2 days take morning and evening for 1 teaspoon of the Following 3 days – 3 doses of medicine a day for 1 tsp Then 2 days — 3 doses a day of infusion 1 tbsp. l. This cycle repeated 4 times. Repeated treatment can be performed after 4 weeks.
To prepare the infusion should be made from fresh plants. The stems and leaves mince (blender), the resulting mass squeeze to obtain the juice. Due to the toxicity of greater celandine is highly recommended to begin treatment with receiving 1 drop of juice in 1 tsp of water. Daily added 1 drop. Course period of acceptance of infusion is 10 days. Before the next course is to wait 10 days. Then 1 tsp. celandine diluted in 5 tsp of water and for 10 days there are 3 administration of infusion a day before meals. The continuation of the course of treatment is 10 days. In the treatment of celandine, you need to consume considerable amounts of milk and dairy products.
Knotweed (knotweed)
Before taking knotweed is necessary to conduct a 10-day course of treatment with drugs for the withdrawal of sand from the kidney (such as Tsiston). Infusion of knotweed prepared from the powder, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Treatment requires 3 doses per day of 150 ml. of infusion in approximately 30-40 minutes.before eating. Exchange rate the period the medication is 10 days. Golden mustache
Tincture Golden mustache is prepared from 50 "sustavchikov" plants, flooded 0,5 l of vodka. At least 10 days drug must infuse in a dark place. Ready infusion is filtered and taken 2 times a day on an empty stomach in the morning and 40 minutes before dinner. The regimen is this: first time 10 drops of tincture diluted in 30 ml water. Every day is added 1 drop. On day 25 of treatment the number of drops must equal 35. After that the number drops every day decreases by 1 in reverse order to 10 drops. Starting with the 3rd course you can take an infusion 3 times a day. Just recommended to carry out 5 courses. "Brew" of yeast and elecampane
This tool requires 1 tablespoon of yeast for baking 30 g of chopped root elecampane, 2 tbsp sugar. The resulting mixture was poured 3 l of warm water and insist 2 hours in a warm place until fermentation. The effect is three times daily intake of 100 ml. infusion until the end. The repetition rate is possible only in 3-4 weeks. Pine nut
A half Cup of pine nut you need to fill in 0,5 l of water and boil in an enamel pot 1 hour on low heat under the lid. Required 3 doses of tincture per day in 70 ml. on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. After 4 weeks after possible re-treatment. The occurrence of pain in the cyst speaks of its resorption. Soothe the pain will help the infusion of chamomile, yarrow or St. John's wort, the reception of which is necessary within 10 days.
Aspen bark
From the bark with a grinder to produce the powder. The tool is used three times daily before meals, washed down with plenty of water. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. A repeated course is allowed after a week's break. Needles TUI
To prepare a decoction of 20 g. of needles TUI pour 1 liter of hot water (~70-90 °C) and insist in a thermos. The broth is filtered through a sieve and is consumed three times a day for 100 ml. before meals.
Source: natural-medicine.ru
Nineteen million one hundred ninety five thousand forty one
Green tea
Medicine is green tea with milk. You need to mix them in the proportions 50/50, take in the morning and in the evenings. Burdock
Juice of burdock. Using a juicer, get the juice of all parts of the plant. Treatment juice lasts a month. The result is achieved with 3 doses per day 1-2 tbsp before meals. Because the juice retains medicinal properties for a limited time, store the juice in glass container in dark and cool place up to 3 days. After a month of use of the juice of burdock the cyst resolves in 70% of cases. If the ultrasound results did not show positive dynamics, it is recommended after 2 weeks to repeat the course of treatment with juice burdock. The pulp of burdock. Using the grinder turn the leaves of burdock into a homogeneous mass. The first 2 days take morning and evening for 1 teaspoon of the Following 3 days – 3 doses of medicine a day for 1 tsp Then 2 days — 3 doses a day of infusion 1 tbsp. l. This cycle repeated 4 times. Repeated treatment can be performed after 4 weeks.
To prepare the infusion should be made from fresh plants. The stems and leaves mince (blender), the resulting mass squeeze to obtain the juice. Due to the toxicity of greater celandine is highly recommended to begin treatment with receiving 1 drop of juice in 1 tsp of water. Daily added 1 drop. Course period of acceptance of infusion is 10 days. Before the next course is to wait 10 days. Then 1 tsp. celandine diluted in 5 tsp of water and for 10 days there are 3 administration of infusion a day before meals. The continuation of the course of treatment is 10 days. In the treatment of celandine, you need to consume considerable amounts of milk and dairy products.
Knotweed (knotweed)
Before taking knotweed is necessary to conduct a 10-day course of treatment with drugs for the withdrawal of sand from the kidney (such as Tsiston). Infusion of knotweed prepared from the powder, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Treatment requires 3 doses per day of 150 ml. of infusion in approximately 30-40 minutes.before eating. Exchange rate the period the medication is 10 days. Golden mustache
Tincture Golden mustache is prepared from 50 "sustavchikov" plants, flooded 0,5 l of vodka. At least 10 days drug must infuse in a dark place. Ready infusion is filtered and taken 2 times a day on an empty stomach in the morning and 40 minutes before dinner. The regimen is this: first time 10 drops of tincture diluted in 30 ml water. Every day is added 1 drop. On day 25 of treatment the number of drops must equal 35. After that the number drops every day decreases by 1 in reverse order to 10 drops. Starting with the 3rd course you can take an infusion 3 times a day. Just recommended to carry out 5 courses. "Brew" of yeast and elecampane
This tool requires 1 tablespoon of yeast for baking 30 g of chopped root elecampane, 2 tbsp sugar. The resulting mixture was poured 3 l of warm water and insist 2 hours in a warm place until fermentation. The effect is three times daily intake of 100 ml. infusion until the end. The repetition rate is possible only in 3-4 weeks. Pine nut
A half Cup of pine nut you need to fill in 0,5 l of water and boil in an enamel pot 1 hour on low heat under the lid. Required 3 doses of tincture per day in 70 ml. on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. After 4 weeks after possible re-treatment. The occurrence of pain in the cyst speaks of its resorption. Soothe the pain will help the infusion of chamomile, yarrow or St. John's wort, the reception of which is necessary within 10 days.
Aspen bark
From the bark with a grinder to produce the powder. The tool is used three times daily before meals, washed down with plenty of water. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. A repeated course is allowed after a week's break. Needles TUI
To prepare a decoction of 20 g. of needles TUI pour 1 liter of hot water (~70-90 °C) and insist in a thermos. The broth is filtered through a sieve and is consumed three times a day for 100 ml. before meals.
Source: natural-medicine.ru
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