Kidney Failure – What You Need to Know

Mental hygiene in case of kidney failure

It must be admitted that renal failure refers to those diseases when patients need to be taught the lifestyle that dictates this disease.

Since the time of Hippocrates, it is known that they are treated not only with medicines, not only with folk remedies. We are convinced that in the treatment of cancer, first of all, the state of the patient’s soul is crucial.

Communicating in endless queues with patients who underwent surgery and remained with one kidney, it is necessary to highlight the fact that for them the question becomes especially acute: "How to live on?" We were able to hear the answer to this question from patients who have been on dispensary records for a long time.

Many of them put the hygiene of thoughts, the so-called regulation of the psycho-emotional state, at the head of the rehabilitation program. For all these patients, the remaining kidney and care for it, in its functional importance, is comparable to caring for the heart. After all, the kidney, like the heart, is very sensitive to the mood of the host.

With negative emotions, the smallest capillaries, of which, together with the nephrons and tissue, the kidney consists, have the property, like the heart muscle, to sclerosis and cause a heart attack or stroke. All this is the price of people for involvement in stress, although none of the medical reference books can find information that the kidney suffers from stress to the same extent as the heart.

The vast number of patients left with one kidney, note that it is impossible in the course of communication with urologists, nephrologists and doctors of other specialization to hear from them questions about what mood they live with: optimism or pessimism. Can you stay awake? And how often unpleasant thoughts overwhelm them. Unfortunately, this level of communication between a doctor and a patient suffering from renal failure is too steep to overcome. Doctors don't care about the patient yet.

Those patients with renal failure, who understood that life is life and in the circumstances rely only on themselves, try to take the path of search and assessment of the situation. In addition, it is necessary not to wait, but simply to live you need to be able to adapt to the aggressive environment.

Every patient with one kidney is able to realize and understand the reality of the facts that the violation of renal processes, manifested by a decrease in the ability of the kidneys to concentrate, urine due to a weakening of glomerular filtration, affects sleep, mood, appetite. The decrease in the functional ability of the active nephrons over time is reflected in the patient himself - the hair is not only brittle, but also dull, dystrophy and inhibition increase with drowsiness. Hemoglobin falls and if iron is below normal, then this is anemia.

Therefore, in order to prevent the development of these processes with renal failure, it is necessary for the patient to know about the prohibitions in this disease and strictly, but at the same time firmly follow them.

As mentioned above, you should try to avoid emotional stress. Look for opportunities to evade, to avoid provocations of involvement in unpleasant conversations. Constantly remember that negative emotions spoil the blood, contaminate the kidneys with excess toxins, which are already enough in excess of the physiological processes occurring in the body.

Revise your attitude to physical overloads, especially to cottages. Creating and ennobling the earth is not only fascinating, but also fraught with the danger of forgetting and not calculating your strength, overexerting yourself. This is necessarily accompanied by hypertension and discomfort in the kidney, which, as a rule, will usually remind of themselves at the most inopportune time. Of course, it would be better to avoid all these consequences.

When negative emotions can not be avoided, then it is necessary to use a calming rhythmic breathing, performed according to the formula 4:6:2, where on the account of approximately four seconds inhalation, six exhalation and two holding of breath. The practice of such rhythmic breathing helps to reduce blood pressure, as the blood is saturated with carbon dioxide, the arteries and arterioles expand along their entire length. This prevents vascular attack and kidney sclerosis.

In addition, to train yourself to be as long as possible in a good mood, you need to smile more often, support jokes, even if you joke at yourself. Try not to allow a return to thoughts about your illness, not to dwell on unpleasant sensations. Welcome humor, fun and thereby create your kidneys those conditions under which they are not oppressed.

Always, under any circumstances, do not shy away from biochemistry tests, as they play a decisive role for a patient with renal failure. On what they are, largely depends on the course of the disease. Azotemia - an increased content in the blood of creatinine, uric acid, urea should try to keep everything within the normal range. In case of growth of azotemia, it is necessary to take a tincture of lespeflan, which is sold in pharmacies. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day.

The level of uric acid and urea can be reduced with the help of an infusion of renal tea - ortosiphone. Prepare the infusion in the water bath. It is better to brew 2 teaspoons of orthosifon herb in a small 200-gram thermos for half an hour. Strain, bring the volume to 0.2 liters, cool for 45 minutes. Drink half a cup in the morning and evening 0.5 hours before meals.

Anemia in renal failure, unfortunately, is quite common. To prevent this, you need to try to keep hemoglobin at a high level. For this purpose, dishes with beef liver, kidneys are required in the diet. There's iron in baked potatoes, beets, dried apricots, hazelnuts.

Nevertheless, it should be firmly understood that if iron deficiency is noticeable enough, then it is very difficult to restore it with food alone. Iron-containing drugs should come to the rescue. For prophylactic purposes, iron with vitamin C in capsules is usually taken in cycles per month. Doses in one capsule are usually enough for a whole day.

With a violation of calcium metabolism is associated with the development of osteodystrophy (weakening of bone tissue). To eliminate this disorder, long-term use of calcium gluconate and vitamin D is required, without which calcium will not be absorbed and its lack in bones will not be compensated. A good way to eliminate calcium deficiency will also be egg shells. For this purpose, 0.5 teaspoons of crushed egg shells should be taken with meals, which will also be enough to eliminate calcium deficiency.

A big problem in renal failure is the care of strengthening the walls of blood vessels, cartilage, bones, immunity. In this case, patients can help decoction of rosehip fruits, which is known to be rich in vitamin C. In addition, in such cases, rosehip will also be a supplier of not only vitamin C, but also potassium and iron.

To prepare the infusion, you need 5 tablespoons of dried rosehip fruits to pour in a liter thermos with boiling water and insist for 12 hours. Take a glass instead of tea, adding 1 teaspoon of honey to the glass. As the infusion dies in the thermos, it can be added with boiling water, which does not reduce the strength of the drink for a long time.

A very good stimulating effect on the kidneys has foot massage. Approximately in the middle of the feet there are kidney projections and if you roll either a massager or a roller coaster with the soles, then this activates the work of the kidneys, cheers up the whole body.

And in conclusion: all this information from the program of kidney health in case of kidney failure is aimed at drawing attention to the importance of the problem in maintaining blood purity. Strictly following the observance of the prohibitions mentioned above, the efforts of each person should be aimed at preventing the development of azotemia and thereby eliminating debris of the blood with toxins.



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