Hummus and 5 more ways to use it in cooking

The hummus had conquered the whole world as a delicious appetizer and surprisingly nutritious vegetarian dish. Almost anyone already tried this creamy pasta with walnut-lemon flavor. It is laid in deep bowls, pour fragrant olive oil and eat with fresh bread.
And initially, the hummus is the food of ordinary people in Lebanon, Israel and other Middle East countries. Although now it is easy to buy ready-made, homemade hummus turns out much better. Also cook it at home very simply. Ingredients:
- Chickpeas сухой175 g
- Or chickpeas canned without жидкости290 g
- Soda (for soaking chickpeas)1 tbsp
- Soda (for boiling chickpeas)¼ tsp.
- Tahini (paste made of sesame seeds)50-70 g
- Juice лимонный2 tablespoon (1 lemon)
- Чеснок1 clove
- Cumin (Jeera) moloty tsp.
- Морская1 salt tsp (or to taste)
- Olive oil extra virgin1 tbsp
- Olive oil extra virginдля filing
- Leaves putrescible filing
If you use dry chickpeas, you should start here: Put the chickpeas in a large pot, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda and pour a large amount of water at room temperature. Leave for 12 hours or overnight.
Drain in a colander, drain and rinse the chickpeas. Re-fill with room temperature water and leave for another 4 hours.
Again drain in a colander, drain and rinse the chickpeas. Now the chick is ready to brew.
Put the chickpeas in a large pot, add water (water level should be about 2 inches above the chickpeas), add a small pinch of baking soda. Cover and bring to a boil.
Cook on low heat 1-1,5 hours until peas are very tender and will not easily become flat when pressed. Remove the chickpeas from the heat and drain in a colander. Water save.

If you are using canned chickpeas, start here: Keep a small handful of whole chickpeas (for feed). The rest of the chickpeas, grind in a blender or food processor.
As needed, add water, remaining from cooking to chickpeas turned into a smooth puree. To give mashed potatoes to cool for 15 – 20 minutes.
Add tahini, lemon juice, peeled garlic, cumin, salt and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Once again grind until smooth. Add enough water remaining from boiling, so that the hummus has the consistency of a very soft silky puree.
Allow to cool to room temperature. To serve, garnish with remaining whole chickpeas, watering olive oil and sprinkled with parsley leaves.
The hummus is a high percentage of protein — 32%, so it is often used in vegetarian diet as a meat substitute. In any Israeli restaurant, wherever you went, you will be served hummus. And in many places it is offered free of charge, just as an appetizer before the main course. Hummus can be not only a starter but one of the ingredients of your dishes.

1. Spinach salad with hummus Ingredients:
- Шпинат200 g
- Яйцо2 PCs.
- Juice лимона2 tbsp
- Olive масло2 tsp.
- Хумус200 g
- Salt and perespa taste
Spinach leaves washed, to remove streaks, coarsely chop, blanshirovat, cool and squeeze. The hummus add lemon juice, olive oil, pepper. The resulting sauce mixed with spinach leaves and decorate eggs, hard-boiled.

2. Pizza with hummus and eggplant Ingredients:
- Flour coarse помола150 g
- Flour нутовая100 g
- Flour ржаная100 g
- Молоко100-200 ml
- Дрожжи15 g
- Oil оливковое5 tbsp
- Хумус4–5 tbsp
- Чеснок3–5 cloves
- Баклажан12 PCs.
- Salt and perespa taste
All kinds of flour sifted into a deep bowl. Remove 2/3 of the flour at a time, and the remaining are doing well. Yeast mixed with warm milk and breed in flour, cover with a damp towel, remove for 10 minutes in a warm and dry place. After ten minutes add the remaining flour and olive oil, knead the dough, cover with a damp towel and put it on 2 hours to the dough rise. Knead the dough, roll out and put into form for cooking. Eggplant and cut in thin slices or wedges. Garlic with olive oil warmed in the pan, get the garlic and olive oil, we will sprinkle the eggplant. Take a grill pan and fry the eggplant in a pure form without the oil, salt and spices. Put in a bowl ready eggplant and sprinkle with the prepared oil. Spread on the dough. The first layer spread a layer of hummus on top of a chaotic eggplant and sprinkle lightly with olive oil. Put in oven for 15-20 minutes.

3. Pasta with hummus Ingredients:
- Спагетти500 g
- Помидоры2 PCs.
- Olive масло1 tsp.
- Хумус150 g
- Salmon слабосоленый200 g
- Salt and perespa taste
To cook spaghetti. Fry the tomatoes in olive oil for 5 minutes. Add to the finished pasta, hummus, salmon, tomato. Stir and add spices to taste.

4. Salad dressing Ingredients:
- Хумус2 tbsp
- Apple уксус1 tbsp
- Juice лимона1 tbsp
- Salt and perespa taste
Mix all ingredients and season salad. Especially tasty this dressing makes a salad with salmon or meat. Also well suited to vegetables.

5. Sausage, sweet potato and zucchini in thin pita bread with hummus Ingredients:
- Oil оливковое1 tbsp
- Sweet potato оранжевый400 g
- Цукини1 PCs.
- Сосиски4 PCs.
- Pita армянский4 PCs.
- Хумус75 g
- Помидоры15 g
- Cilio sauce, to taste
Preheat a grill pan. In a bowl pour olive oil, sprinkle with salt and add sliced thin circles and chopped the sweet potato into pieces zucchini. Mix gently and place one evenly on the grill. Fry for 5 minutes, then flip and cook for another 5 minutes until soft. Put on a plate. Fry the sausages on the grill for 10-12 minutes, turning 1 time until Golden brown. Put on a plate and refrigerate 5 minutes, then cut in half lengthwise. Spread each lavash with 1 tablespoon of hummus. Add the finely chopped tomatoes. Then put sweet potato, zucchini and half of the sausages, pour over the chilli sauce and roll in roll. published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/pyat-sposobov-ispolzovat-khumus-pri-prigotovlenii-blyud