Chickpeas: amazing healing properties
Garbanzo beans are short, swollen, oval-elongated, have a straw-white color. One Bob is usually from one to three grains. The skin of the seed is white or brown. The weight of 1000 grains – 250-500 grams.
Eating the seeds of chickpea are useful for abrasions, eczema, psoriasis and various skin diseases. Daily consumption of beans, adding them to salads and soups helps to get rid of depression. From the seeds make flour, it is added to dough when baking bread, thereby enhancing the properties and biological value of foods. The chickpea flour is a component in mixes and gruels for child nutrition.
Nut – culture, which has ancient origins. The plant is native to Turkey, India, Thailand and other Eastern countries. Nutritious chickpeas have a slight walnut flavor, buttery texture, shaped like a hazelnut, the color can be green, black, red, brown and beige. The chickpeas contains almost 80 nutrients. The seed is rich in vegetable protein, enriches the human body with selenium, carbohydrates, fats, folic acid.
Chickpeas supplies the organs and systems of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, silicon, iron. Protein grains contain amino acids, lysine, tryptophan, methionine. The nutritive properties of the chickpea in its value are the same as those of bread and meat. It is full of magnesium, which is useful for nervous strains and for normal functioning of the heart. The product is easily absorbed by the body.
Calorie content of chickpeas
Chickpeas can be a great component of the diet because it has fiber. Its invaluable use as a low-calorie product. 100 grams chickpea – 120 kcal.
The use of chickpeas
The use of chickpeas, with soluble and insoluble fiber, very useful for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and not only. Soluble fiber in the stomach and intestines to form a gel-like consistency liquid, it binds all the waste products in the bile and cholesterol, cleanses the intestines from toxins. Insoluble fiber eliminate constipation. Garbanzo beans are useful in the treatment of anemia, decrease in hemoglobin. Flour of chickpea are useful for the treatment of tumors and getting rid of the itching with scabies. Chickpea is used in the prevention and treatment of potency, removes from kidney sand, dissolves stones, has diuretic effects, helping to reduce the pressure.
Due to the fact that glucose and fructose are delivered in the blood, diabetics are not require additional insulin. Eating dishes of chickpeas twice a week significantly reduces blood sugar levels. Delicate mashed shown to eat when ulcers stomach and duodenal ulcer, acute colitis. Isoflavones, components of chickpea, inhibit the development of breast cancer, these substances retain all their properties during heat treatment of the product. Its beneficial actions are amino acids, particularly tryptophan, into a human body to serotonin.
Chickpea provides assistance with depression, anxiety state, elevates the mood, which is especially needed in the winter. Besides, boiled chickpeas with herbs and spices warms you up, gives you a comfortable feeling in cold days. You can take the broth from the beans for kidney stones, it has a beneficial effect on the blood, stimulates the metabolism. Dish of chickpeas will make the diet varied and healthy, the plant is created by nature in order for man to a ripe old age to remain healthy.
Frequent use of porridge of chickpea is increasing immunity. Vitamin C and carotene also have an impact on preventing the emergence of cancer cells, if the disease is already advanced, these substances inhibit its further development. This is an excellent, environmentally friendly product. The plant does not accumulate nitrates, radionuclides and toxins, making its use in food is very useful.
Chickpeas – a real storehouse of nutrients. More than enough in it beta-carotene, thiamine, Riboflavin, tocopherol, vitamin PP. Chickpea is especially useful for women: it saturates the body with iron, which is consumed during menstruation and is especially needed during pregnancy and feeding children.
Chickpea – and-prophylactic product and recommended herb for many diseases. Its regular use will make you forget about the heartburn and unpleasant sensations in the stomach. Cooked beans have a slightly sweet taste. They contain omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid is very nutrients for the female and male body.
Sprouted chickpeas
Chickpea sprouts are useful because of the content of large amounts of vitamin A and C, fat, protein, fiber. Sprouted grains are nutritious and healthy, they are the preferred food of vegetarians. The two most essential amino acids – methionine and cysteine – contain only the sprouted chickpeas, in addition, the amino acids accumulate ascorbic acid. During germination the starch is converted into malt sugar. Happen the conversion of proteins to amino acids.
Fats become fatty acids. The sprouted seeds there is a living energy, the synthesis of vitamins and minerals. Sprouts help in the management and recovery of critical processes in the body, improve immunity and metabolism. Eating a healthy diet, rich in minerals and microelements, is an excellent prevention of colds, gastrointestinal diseases, have a positive effect on cardiac function.
The germination of chickpea grains: whole and healthy grains should be placed in a container with a thin layer, cover with water daily and refill it in descending order. A few days will appear with the young shoots. Sprouted chickpeas reminiscent of the taste of raw nuts, the air during the growth of new stalks filled with the scent of roses.
In sprouted chickpeas increases the content of antioxidants, so in the winter time is the best prevention of colds. With obesity and diabetes sprouted chickpeas must be included in diet therapy.
The broth of chickpeas: 2 tablespoons of beans should pour 1.5 cups of water, bring to the boil and simmer 10-20 minutes, then strain the decoction and take in case of poisoning and constipation.
Infusion of chickpeas: 1 tablespoon crushed grains pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist half an hour, strain and drink 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. Infusion take in atherosclerosis, obesity, constipation, diabetes, and kidney stones.
Treatment with chickpeas
Water from soaking the chickpeas is a great remedy against hair loss, it is used to treat seborrhea, acne on the skin, to eliminate bleeding gums when periodontal. Traditional healers recommend eating chickpeas for prevention of cataract. It helps to cleanse the body and normalizes the circulation of intraocular fluid. Its moderate use does not cause discomfort in the intestines.
Recipe cleansing: should soak 1/2 Cup of seeds in cold boiled water overnight, in the morning, drain the water, grind the chickpeas in a blender or grinder and there throughout the day in small portions raw or add a mixture of different dishes during the week, then take a break for 7 days. The course is 3 months.
You can use chickpeas for cooking and medicinal soup. It helps against cough and bronchitis. With such a stew with grated almonds, celery and oil of radish, you can get excellent folk cure for bladder stones.
Recipe soup: one Cup crushed chickpeas and two liters of water to boil (30 minutes) the soup, add the butter and take the whole day, divided into equal parts.
Varieties of chickpeas
Grain chickpea is sourced from Canada and Australia, Central Asia, North Caucasus. In Russia grows 9 varieties: "Volgograd", "Krasnokutsky", "Anniversary", "Sovkhoznyy", "Bucak", "rose", "Memory", "Pegasus", "Triumph". In Ukraine well-known varieties of "welfare" and "Color". All varieties produce good yields, resistant to diseases, grow well without requiring special conditions for care.
Chickpea lamb
Chickpeas garbanzo is grown in many Eastern countries. In Russia and Ukraine it appeared on the fields and gardens with the 70-ies of the XVIII century. Currently, chickpea is widely used in folk medicine, it is used in many countries as an exotic dish. It is ground into flour, eaten roasted or cooked him soups and purees. Nutritious food tasty and healthy in any way, it has a restorative effect on the body in General, helps in complex therapy at diseases of the genitourinary system, assists in complex treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, hysteria, indigestion. It can be used for treatment of rheumatism.
Contraindications to the use of chickpeas
Although the medicinal properties of the plant are commendable, it is still necessary to observe some restrictions when using it in the menu. Chickpea is contraindicated in peptic ulcer, hypersensitive. Before you enter it in the menu, you need to consult with your doctor as the presence of serious problems for example joint disease, gout, possible unwanted effects.
All legumes, and chickpeas are no exception, cause bloating, discomfort of gas accumulation and discomfort in the stomach. So cook the chickpeas must be properly: with the addition of products (herbs, spices, vegetables) that counter such troubles. Caution need to be used chickpeas for the elderly and young children as it contains purine compounds.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ecology.md
Eating the seeds of chickpea are useful for abrasions, eczema, psoriasis and various skin diseases. Daily consumption of beans, adding them to salads and soups helps to get rid of depression. From the seeds make flour, it is added to dough when baking bread, thereby enhancing the properties and biological value of foods. The chickpea flour is a component in mixes and gruels for child nutrition.
Nut – culture, which has ancient origins. The plant is native to Turkey, India, Thailand and other Eastern countries. Nutritious chickpeas have a slight walnut flavor, buttery texture, shaped like a hazelnut, the color can be green, black, red, brown and beige. The chickpeas contains almost 80 nutrients. The seed is rich in vegetable protein, enriches the human body with selenium, carbohydrates, fats, folic acid.
Chickpeas supplies the organs and systems of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, silicon, iron. Protein grains contain amino acids, lysine, tryptophan, methionine. The nutritive properties of the chickpea in its value are the same as those of bread and meat. It is full of magnesium, which is useful for nervous strains and for normal functioning of the heart. The product is easily absorbed by the body.

Calorie content of chickpeas
Chickpeas can be a great component of the diet because it has fiber. Its invaluable use as a low-calorie product. 100 grams chickpea – 120 kcal.
The use of chickpeas
The use of chickpeas, with soluble and insoluble fiber, very useful for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and not only. Soluble fiber in the stomach and intestines to form a gel-like consistency liquid, it binds all the waste products in the bile and cholesterol, cleanses the intestines from toxins. Insoluble fiber eliminate constipation. Garbanzo beans are useful in the treatment of anemia, decrease in hemoglobin. Flour of chickpea are useful for the treatment of tumors and getting rid of the itching with scabies. Chickpea is used in the prevention and treatment of potency, removes from kidney sand, dissolves stones, has diuretic effects, helping to reduce the pressure.
Due to the fact that glucose and fructose are delivered in the blood, diabetics are not require additional insulin. Eating dishes of chickpeas twice a week significantly reduces blood sugar levels. Delicate mashed shown to eat when ulcers stomach and duodenal ulcer, acute colitis. Isoflavones, components of chickpea, inhibit the development of breast cancer, these substances retain all their properties during heat treatment of the product. Its beneficial actions are amino acids, particularly tryptophan, into a human body to serotonin.
Chickpea provides assistance with depression, anxiety state, elevates the mood, which is especially needed in the winter. Besides, boiled chickpeas with herbs and spices warms you up, gives you a comfortable feeling in cold days. You can take the broth from the beans for kidney stones, it has a beneficial effect on the blood, stimulates the metabolism. Dish of chickpeas will make the diet varied and healthy, the plant is created by nature in order for man to a ripe old age to remain healthy.
Frequent use of porridge of chickpea is increasing immunity. Vitamin C and carotene also have an impact on preventing the emergence of cancer cells, if the disease is already advanced, these substances inhibit its further development. This is an excellent, environmentally friendly product. The plant does not accumulate nitrates, radionuclides and toxins, making its use in food is very useful.
Chickpeas – a real storehouse of nutrients. More than enough in it beta-carotene, thiamine, Riboflavin, tocopherol, vitamin PP. Chickpea is especially useful for women: it saturates the body with iron, which is consumed during menstruation and is especially needed during pregnancy and feeding children.
Chickpea – and-prophylactic product and recommended herb for many diseases. Its regular use will make you forget about the heartburn and unpleasant sensations in the stomach. Cooked beans have a slightly sweet taste. They contain omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid is very nutrients for the female and male body.
Sprouted chickpeas
Chickpea sprouts are useful because of the content of large amounts of vitamin A and C, fat, protein, fiber. Sprouted grains are nutritious and healthy, they are the preferred food of vegetarians. The two most essential amino acids – methionine and cysteine – contain only the sprouted chickpeas, in addition, the amino acids accumulate ascorbic acid. During germination the starch is converted into malt sugar. Happen the conversion of proteins to amino acids.
Fats become fatty acids. The sprouted seeds there is a living energy, the synthesis of vitamins and minerals. Sprouts help in the management and recovery of critical processes in the body, improve immunity and metabolism. Eating a healthy diet, rich in minerals and microelements, is an excellent prevention of colds, gastrointestinal diseases, have a positive effect on cardiac function.
The germination of chickpea grains: whole and healthy grains should be placed in a container with a thin layer, cover with water daily and refill it in descending order. A few days will appear with the young shoots. Sprouted chickpeas reminiscent of the taste of raw nuts, the air during the growth of new stalks filled with the scent of roses.
In sprouted chickpeas increases the content of antioxidants, so in the winter time is the best prevention of colds. With obesity and diabetes sprouted chickpeas must be included in diet therapy.
The broth of chickpeas: 2 tablespoons of beans should pour 1.5 cups of water, bring to the boil and simmer 10-20 minutes, then strain the decoction and take in case of poisoning and constipation.
Infusion of chickpeas: 1 tablespoon crushed grains pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist half an hour, strain and drink 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. Infusion take in atherosclerosis, obesity, constipation, diabetes, and kidney stones.
Treatment with chickpeas
Water from soaking the chickpeas is a great remedy against hair loss, it is used to treat seborrhea, acne on the skin, to eliminate bleeding gums when periodontal. Traditional healers recommend eating chickpeas for prevention of cataract. It helps to cleanse the body and normalizes the circulation of intraocular fluid. Its moderate use does not cause discomfort in the intestines.
Recipe cleansing: should soak 1/2 Cup of seeds in cold boiled water overnight, in the morning, drain the water, grind the chickpeas in a blender or grinder and there throughout the day in small portions raw or add a mixture of different dishes during the week, then take a break for 7 days. The course is 3 months.
You can use chickpeas for cooking and medicinal soup. It helps against cough and bronchitis. With such a stew with grated almonds, celery and oil of radish, you can get excellent folk cure for bladder stones.
Recipe soup: one Cup crushed chickpeas and two liters of water to boil (30 minutes) the soup, add the butter and take the whole day, divided into equal parts.
Varieties of chickpeas
Grain chickpea is sourced from Canada and Australia, Central Asia, North Caucasus. In Russia grows 9 varieties: "Volgograd", "Krasnokutsky", "Anniversary", "Sovkhoznyy", "Bucak", "rose", "Memory", "Pegasus", "Triumph". In Ukraine well-known varieties of "welfare" and "Color". All varieties produce good yields, resistant to diseases, grow well without requiring special conditions for care.
Chickpea lamb
Chickpeas garbanzo is grown in many Eastern countries. In Russia and Ukraine it appeared on the fields and gardens with the 70-ies of the XVIII century. Currently, chickpea is widely used in folk medicine, it is used in many countries as an exotic dish. It is ground into flour, eaten roasted or cooked him soups and purees. Nutritious food tasty and healthy in any way, it has a restorative effect on the body in General, helps in complex therapy at diseases of the genitourinary system, assists in complex treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, hysteria, indigestion. It can be used for treatment of rheumatism.
Contraindications to the use of chickpeas
Although the medicinal properties of the plant are commendable, it is still necessary to observe some restrictions when using it in the menu. Chickpea is contraindicated in peptic ulcer, hypersensitive. Before you enter it in the menu, you need to consult with your doctor as the presence of serious problems for example joint disease, gout, possible unwanted effects.
All legumes, and chickpeas are no exception, cause bloating, discomfort of gas accumulation and discomfort in the stomach. So cook the chickpeas must be properly: with the addition of products (herbs, spices, vegetables) that counter such troubles. Caution need to be used chickpeas for the elderly and young children as it contains purine compounds.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ecology.md