Is it possible to "eat" their allergies?
It is possible, it turns out.
Strange, strange, you say, what nonsense!
Let us look and investigate this issue: why it can be done and what will be the benefit? Well, if we learn about these two things, it will become clear how to do it.
So, why with allergies should eat in order to get rid of it? Because nobody can do it instead of him! No medicine will do, but will give the illusive impression that the Allergy is gone. (Incidentally, the same occurs for any other illness.) Why? An answer only when we learn the real causes of this disease every spring or fall, or year round in hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people around the world.
What are the known (that is, apparent!) causes allergies? Pollen of flowering trees and herbs (Topol, Timothy, mugwort, rye, sunflower, etc.). Ambrosia is mentioned the most — you know, the "pernicious weed, the enemy of man." Ambrosial with hay fever and then asthma affects not only southern Russia but also in America, Australia, New Zealand. All new contingents of people (especially children) every year are involved in this trouble. People on the advice of doctors or away from regions of the flowering of the allergen, or make all new drugs because the old one is ineffective.
In the last 20-30 years to "old" allergens causing "hay fever", referred to before this disease became a new and very formidable allergens: honey, citrus, raspberry, strawberry, cherry, watermelon, all red and orange fruits and vegetables (carrots, beets). Here you and! The most useful for children and adults products, cures anemia, cancer, contains powerful antioxidants and vitamins proved to be our enemies! But how can that be?
Why, in my twenty years of sanitary-educational work in the Krasnodar region there was not a single person who, after a program of natural treatment, wouldn't have all these foods in unlimited quantities, without any manifestations of Allergy, while they were strictly forbidden in the previous five or ten or fifteen years? How to explain this? I guess the fact that citrus fruits and red vegetables and fruits do not cause allergies! However, it is necessary to eat one of the strawberry, and the baby is blistering!
And you try to conduct basic hygienic procedures to cleanse the liver and kidneys this child, and at the same time remove the pus from the paranasal sinuses — frontal and maxillary! All it will take you one to two weeks, an adult — about five to six weeks, but the result will be a recovery. Moreover, the recovery is real and not temporary. And after two or three weeks or a month the child can eat and strawberries, and honey, and oranges, and all that before he has had an asthma attack or a rash on the body.
So, the cause of allergies is the toxins (metabolic waste) accumulated in the cells and tissues of our body: the waste in the large intestine, which are constantly rotting and fermented due to improper nutrition and dysbiosis, mucus and stagnant bile in the liver, sand and stones in the biliary tract and in the kidney, mucus and pus in the bronchi and sinuses.
All those who scored our fabric is scum not brought in a timely manner from the body again because of malnutrition and various disorders of the digestive tract and respiratory system. This intestinal atony or spasms and adhesions, biliary dyskinesia, diabes uric acid (stones in the urinary tract and diseases of the joints), goiter, polyps in the nasal passages, sore throat. Can any medication — old, "proven", or new "no obsolete", bring all of this out of our internal environment for a day, week, or month, or year? Experience has shown that this is impossible.
And what possible? Here's what: if power to the solid food you need to chew, swallow and then digest in the stomach and intestine through a huge number of digestive enzymes secreted gluon glands, stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas, these organs stop working, and consequently, excrete digestive enzymes. While in the living body, which carries the genetic code of perfect self-control, immediately switch "enzyme shunt" and instead adopted to digest food, the body breaks down its own sick, intoxicated tissue. And how he does it? See that there where there are the toxins that produce lethal toxins in small doses and continuously poisoning the liver, kidneys and intestinal mucosa of the bronchi and cause diseases of these organs, allergies, then thyroid disease, spine, joints, brain or bone marrow (acute leukemia)? While doing this work, tissue proteases, the enzymes contained in every living cell (including plants). In the absence of digestion are broken inside every cell are microscopic "canned" — lysosomes of them are lysing, i.e. solvent diseased cells proteolytic enzymes (proteases) that cleave the sick proteins in the body. Allergy is, first and foremost, antibodies to external allergens — pollen of flowering plants, colorants, fruits and vegetables (flavones, anthocyanins), which, once in the body, dissolve and release into the blood of cellular waste products. Then it's our own sick protein molecules that become antigens and autoantibodies to them.
And these tissue proteases, saves us, find the cells that need to clean up and get out of the body? Very simple. They spill out of lysosomes in the interstitial fluid that bathes and healthy and diseased tissue. In the first place are destroyed, of course, the sick and the dead cells (pus, sand, stones). And to remove from the body all this evil, all the diseased cells, requires time determined by the biorhythms of the body and nature, and so this is the time of 3-6 weeks depending on the patient's age and the extent of the disease. So the body itself destroys his disease, "eating", consuming all the sick and bringing him out of his internal environment.
With a strong flood the blood with toxins, before "preserved" in the tissues, can occur internal intoxication by their own poisons contained in these wastes. It is extremely toxic monoamines — the decay products of our own dead proteins, that is, cadaveric poisons. That's why in this "conditional hunger" it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids that feed our cells (without digestion). This decoction of herbs with honey and lemon juice, grapefruit.
But if you have allergies can't tolerate any honey or lemon, then 1-3 days you should drink only purified, better — structured, this kind of water — up to three litres a day. In three days it will be possible to add in herbal teas honey and citrus juices. Drinking plenty of fluids nourishes the cells and promotes the excretion of toxins by the kidneys from the blood. But it is highly toxic and a much larger number fall into the lymph and are excreted through the large intestine. Therefore, the necessary flushing of the bowel with warm saline solution, or infusions of herbs. These washing especially actively remove toxicity and prevent a variety of aggravation in the form of hypertensive crisis, asthmatic attack, headache, etc.
So we have kept to the time frame of purification, "ate" their Allergy. Now comes the recovery period. At this time you need along with herbal infusions (1-1. 5 l) of drinking freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices — 1-2 litres per day. Fresh juices of plants also contain a large number of proteases, which are released from cells already in the process of squeezing the juice and help the body to dissolve and excrete waste. So they need to drink fresh, because the activity of these enzymes is lost in 20 minutes.
So, treatment and diet at the same time continues during the recovery period, which lasts 2-3 weeks. Then you must go along with the herbal decoction and juices of raw fruits and raw vegetable salads — the longer the better. Why raw and not cooked foods? Because only raw plants contain active enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants — all of which not only cures, but is the source of our life.
Everything you read is called a treatment according to the laws of nature, or natural therapy. Nature heals us, not the drug. They only relieve the symptoms, hide it, drive inland. But somewhere deep inside? In the liver, kidney, heart and — worst — in the bone marrow. Then we have acute leukemia, which in the last two years was rampant and ruining children and young people. And it happens because the immune system of our children and adolescents — fourth-fifth generation, raised on chemicals and antibiotics, is a very weak and vulnerable, and there is no body which would ensure that it protected. Previously, it was well-protected brain and spinal cord, bone marrow and the fetus of pregnant women who had a double and a triple immune barriers. Now all these barriers have turned into a "sieve" and let the toxins in any part of the body, including vital. And therefore beware of drugs — antipyretics and antibiotics, especially hormones. Wash the sick children bowel, give them herbal infusions and juices, and you clean them and strengthen the child's immunity without medication.
Because if the child is with each disease treated, by cleansing the body of accumulated poisons and toxins (and, believe me, have enough children), it hurts less and less, and finally becomes completely immune to colds, viruses, germs. During the epidemic, he will not catch the flu (no flu shots) and, of course, avoid chronic diseases, such as dysbiosis, biliary dyskinesia, leukemia, asthma, etc.
Trust nature and try to live according to its laws, not in spite of them! published
Author: Vartan Ohanian S.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: almedeko.ru/izbavitsia_ot_allergii.html
Strange, strange, you say, what nonsense!
Let us look and investigate this issue: why it can be done and what will be the benefit? Well, if we learn about these two things, it will become clear how to do it.

So, why with allergies should eat in order to get rid of it? Because nobody can do it instead of him! No medicine will do, but will give the illusive impression that the Allergy is gone. (Incidentally, the same occurs for any other illness.) Why? An answer only when we learn the real causes of this disease every spring or fall, or year round in hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people around the world.
What are the known (that is, apparent!) causes allergies? Pollen of flowering trees and herbs (Topol, Timothy, mugwort, rye, sunflower, etc.). Ambrosia is mentioned the most — you know, the "pernicious weed, the enemy of man." Ambrosial with hay fever and then asthma affects not only southern Russia but also in America, Australia, New Zealand. All new contingents of people (especially children) every year are involved in this trouble. People on the advice of doctors or away from regions of the flowering of the allergen, or make all new drugs because the old one is ineffective.
In the last 20-30 years to "old" allergens causing "hay fever", referred to before this disease became a new and very formidable allergens: honey, citrus, raspberry, strawberry, cherry, watermelon, all red and orange fruits and vegetables (carrots, beets). Here you and! The most useful for children and adults products, cures anemia, cancer, contains powerful antioxidants and vitamins proved to be our enemies! But how can that be?
Why, in my twenty years of sanitary-educational work in the Krasnodar region there was not a single person who, after a program of natural treatment, wouldn't have all these foods in unlimited quantities, without any manifestations of Allergy, while they were strictly forbidden in the previous five or ten or fifteen years? How to explain this? I guess the fact that citrus fruits and red vegetables and fruits do not cause allergies! However, it is necessary to eat one of the strawberry, and the baby is blistering!
And you try to conduct basic hygienic procedures to cleanse the liver and kidneys this child, and at the same time remove the pus from the paranasal sinuses — frontal and maxillary! All it will take you one to two weeks, an adult — about five to six weeks, but the result will be a recovery. Moreover, the recovery is real and not temporary. And after two or three weeks or a month the child can eat and strawberries, and honey, and oranges, and all that before he has had an asthma attack or a rash on the body.
So, the cause of allergies is the toxins (metabolic waste) accumulated in the cells and tissues of our body: the waste in the large intestine, which are constantly rotting and fermented due to improper nutrition and dysbiosis, mucus and stagnant bile in the liver, sand and stones in the biliary tract and in the kidney, mucus and pus in the bronchi and sinuses.
All those who scored our fabric is scum not brought in a timely manner from the body again because of malnutrition and various disorders of the digestive tract and respiratory system. This intestinal atony or spasms and adhesions, biliary dyskinesia, diabes uric acid (stones in the urinary tract and diseases of the joints), goiter, polyps in the nasal passages, sore throat. Can any medication — old, "proven", or new "no obsolete", bring all of this out of our internal environment for a day, week, or month, or year? Experience has shown that this is impossible.
And what possible? Here's what: if power to the solid food you need to chew, swallow and then digest in the stomach and intestine through a huge number of digestive enzymes secreted gluon glands, stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas, these organs stop working, and consequently, excrete digestive enzymes. While in the living body, which carries the genetic code of perfect self-control, immediately switch "enzyme shunt" and instead adopted to digest food, the body breaks down its own sick, intoxicated tissue. And how he does it? See that there where there are the toxins that produce lethal toxins in small doses and continuously poisoning the liver, kidneys and intestinal mucosa of the bronchi and cause diseases of these organs, allergies, then thyroid disease, spine, joints, brain or bone marrow (acute leukemia)? While doing this work, tissue proteases, the enzymes contained in every living cell (including plants). In the absence of digestion are broken inside every cell are microscopic "canned" — lysosomes of them are lysing, i.e. solvent diseased cells proteolytic enzymes (proteases) that cleave the sick proteins in the body. Allergy is, first and foremost, antibodies to external allergens — pollen of flowering plants, colorants, fruits and vegetables (flavones, anthocyanins), which, once in the body, dissolve and release into the blood of cellular waste products. Then it's our own sick protein molecules that become antigens and autoantibodies to them.
And these tissue proteases, saves us, find the cells that need to clean up and get out of the body? Very simple. They spill out of lysosomes in the interstitial fluid that bathes and healthy and diseased tissue. In the first place are destroyed, of course, the sick and the dead cells (pus, sand, stones). And to remove from the body all this evil, all the diseased cells, requires time determined by the biorhythms of the body and nature, and so this is the time of 3-6 weeks depending on the patient's age and the extent of the disease. So the body itself destroys his disease, "eating", consuming all the sick and bringing him out of his internal environment.
With a strong flood the blood with toxins, before "preserved" in the tissues, can occur internal intoxication by their own poisons contained in these wastes. It is extremely toxic monoamines — the decay products of our own dead proteins, that is, cadaveric poisons. That's why in this "conditional hunger" it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids that feed our cells (without digestion). This decoction of herbs with honey and lemon juice, grapefruit.
But if you have allergies can't tolerate any honey or lemon, then 1-3 days you should drink only purified, better — structured, this kind of water — up to three litres a day. In three days it will be possible to add in herbal teas honey and citrus juices. Drinking plenty of fluids nourishes the cells and promotes the excretion of toxins by the kidneys from the blood. But it is highly toxic and a much larger number fall into the lymph and are excreted through the large intestine. Therefore, the necessary flushing of the bowel with warm saline solution, or infusions of herbs. These washing especially actively remove toxicity and prevent a variety of aggravation in the form of hypertensive crisis, asthmatic attack, headache, etc.
So we have kept to the time frame of purification, "ate" their Allergy. Now comes the recovery period. At this time you need along with herbal infusions (1-1. 5 l) of drinking freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices — 1-2 litres per day. Fresh juices of plants also contain a large number of proteases, which are released from cells already in the process of squeezing the juice and help the body to dissolve and excrete waste. So they need to drink fresh, because the activity of these enzymes is lost in 20 minutes.
So, treatment and diet at the same time continues during the recovery period, which lasts 2-3 weeks. Then you must go along with the herbal decoction and juices of raw fruits and raw vegetable salads — the longer the better. Why raw and not cooked foods? Because only raw plants contain active enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants — all of which not only cures, but is the source of our life.
Everything you read is called a treatment according to the laws of nature, or natural therapy. Nature heals us, not the drug. They only relieve the symptoms, hide it, drive inland. But somewhere deep inside? In the liver, kidney, heart and — worst — in the bone marrow. Then we have acute leukemia, which in the last two years was rampant and ruining children and young people. And it happens because the immune system of our children and adolescents — fourth-fifth generation, raised on chemicals and antibiotics, is a very weak and vulnerable, and there is no body which would ensure that it protected. Previously, it was well-protected brain and spinal cord, bone marrow and the fetus of pregnant women who had a double and a triple immune barriers. Now all these barriers have turned into a "sieve" and let the toxins in any part of the body, including vital. And therefore beware of drugs — antipyretics and antibiotics, especially hormones. Wash the sick children bowel, give them herbal infusions and juices, and you clean them and strengthen the child's immunity without medication.
Because if the child is with each disease treated, by cleansing the body of accumulated poisons and toxins (and, believe me, have enough children), it hurts less and less, and finally becomes completely immune to colds, viruses, germs. During the epidemic, he will not catch the flu (no flu shots) and, of course, avoid chronic diseases, such as dysbiosis, biliary dyskinesia, leukemia, asthma, etc.
Trust nature and try to live according to its laws, not in spite of them! published
Author: Vartan Ohanian S.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: almedeko.ru/izbavitsia_ot_allergii.html