Google turns old coal plant in the green data center

The Internet is a remarkable human achievement that connected all to all, providing access to more of the world of information at such a low price that millions of people who can't afford a lot of other benefits, have access to the Internet using an inexpensive smartphone.
But to ensure that such work requires infinite number of servers hosted in large energy data centers. And if we want the Internet to be sustainable from an environmental point of view, you must first make sure that it is behind the scenes infrastructure brings less harm to the environment.
Fortunately, many Internet giants have started to work on this problem, we have already raised this issue in his article: a Report of Greenpeace: giant Companies that are 100% switching to clean energy.
Google is probably the company with the largest number of Internet servers in the world, recently announced his new project, which in itself is quite symbolic. They are going to build a new data center in Alabama, which will be their 14th center in the world.
But the company will not just build it in any ordinary place, it will place him in the Widows Creek Plant, a closed coal-fired power plant located on the reservoir Guntersville, on the Tennessee river, northeast of Alabama. The infrastructure area will be completely transformed for the new data center. Coal-fired power plant Widows Creek Plant began its work in 1952, so it is not quite a modern object.

"Decades of investment is not meant to be wasted only because the plant closed, we can restructure the existing electrical and other infrastructure to ensure that our data centers reliably serve our users around the world," writes Google.
Makes this project more interesting is the fact that the former coal-fired power plant, becoming the data center will receive energy supply from renewable energy sources. Google plans to work with local energy companies to discuss renewable energy. This is part of a global vision of 100% clean energy supply (currently, approximately 35%).
"The plant we will be able to use a lot of power lines for energy supply from renewable energy sources. Thanks to the agreement with the Tennessee Valley Authority, our power company, we will be able to develop new projects of renewable energy sources".
And of course, as Google rightly observes, the net energy is the energy you don't use:
"Our data centre in Alabama will enable our state of the art energy efficient technology. We built our own super-efficient servers, invented more efficient ways to cool our data centers, and even used the advanced technology of computer learning to get more out of every watt of power we consume. In comparison with the situation five years ago, we now get 3.5 times more processing power from the same amount of energy."
Start of construction is planned for 2016. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facepla.net/the-news/5129-тэс-в-зеленый-дата-центр.html