Russia will create a radar-based technologies, nanophotonics
Two leading Russian companies of the defense industry sector, the Fund of perspective researches (FPI) and the concern radio-Electronic technologies (KRET), announced the beginning of joint activities in the implementation of advanced project in the field of nanophotonics. The goal is the emergence of a new generation of radar based on interaction of optical signals and microwave ranges by using nanostructures.
The basis of the new project will be available development in the field of radio photons, a special branch of applied physics. Believe that radio Photonics and microwave Photonics examines the interaction and propagation of signals in optical and microwave ranges, as well as their interaction with surrounding media.
Project participants play a leading role in the defense industry. PEF is the structure established to prepare conditions for realization of complex scientific researches in the sphere of defense of Russia, KRET includes 97 enterprises, a priority area, which is the development and production of electronics for defence sector.
In the first phase of research is planned investment in the project is 680 million rubles. According to the Director General of KRET, Nikolay Kolesov in the medium term in Russia will be created the system of electronic intelligence capabilities, significantly beyond the capabilities of the current line of devices. Likely period of the development of innovation systems is 2020. The aim of this project is the creation of components of the active phased array radar technology microwave nanophotonics.
High prospects for nanophotonics confirmed and renewed interest in the industry in other countries, including the defence Department of the USA. Shortly before the decision of FPI and KRET Research laboratory, the U.S. air force announced the awarding of a grant for the creation of a specialized Institute for nanophotonics. The purpose of formation of this structure is to prepare the conditions for the production of photonic integrated circuits. The minimum amount of funding for this project will amount to 220 million dollars, of which 110 million are allocated by the grant, and the remainder investment from non-state sources. The volume shall be not less than the amount allocated in the grant.
The task of the new Institute will be the improvement of existing modern developments in the field of developing, manufacturing, testing and Assembly of photonic circuits. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: mirnt.ru/proekty/rossiya-budet-sozdavat-radary-na-osnove-tehnologiy-nanofotoniki

The basis of the new project will be available development in the field of radio photons, a special branch of applied physics. Believe that radio Photonics and microwave Photonics examines the interaction and propagation of signals in optical and microwave ranges, as well as their interaction with surrounding media.
Project participants play a leading role in the defense industry. PEF is the structure established to prepare conditions for realization of complex scientific researches in the sphere of defense of Russia, KRET includes 97 enterprises, a priority area, which is the development and production of electronics for defence sector.
In the first phase of research is planned investment in the project is 680 million rubles. According to the Director General of KRET, Nikolay Kolesov in the medium term in Russia will be created the system of electronic intelligence capabilities, significantly beyond the capabilities of the current line of devices. Likely period of the development of innovation systems is 2020. The aim of this project is the creation of components of the active phased array radar technology microwave nanophotonics.
High prospects for nanophotonics confirmed and renewed interest in the industry in other countries, including the defence Department of the USA. Shortly before the decision of FPI and KRET Research laboratory, the U.S. air force announced the awarding of a grant for the creation of a specialized Institute for nanophotonics. The purpose of formation of this structure is to prepare the conditions for the production of photonic integrated circuits. The minimum amount of funding for this project will amount to 220 million dollars, of which 110 million are allocated by the grant, and the remainder investment from non-state sources. The volume shall be not less than the amount allocated in the grant.
The task of the new Institute will be the improvement of existing modern developments in the field of developing, manufacturing, testing and Assembly of photonic circuits. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: mirnt.ru/proekty/rossiya-budet-sozdavat-radary-na-osnove-tehnologiy-nanofotoniki
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