Hybrid installations on ships

New market research from Transparency Market Research (TRM) has found that global profits from hybrid installations on ships will increase profits from $2.24 billion in 2013 to $4.46 billion in 2022. Ferry owners are the main users of hybrid systems. Most ferries operate in coastal areas and inland waterways, where emissions standards are stricter than those on the high seas. Most owners, especially in Europe, are investing heavily in hybrid technology, which is likely to grow rapidly in the near future.

TRM also predicts that auxiliary vessels such as tugboats will be among the most profitable segments. These vessels operate at low engine load most of the time, and hybrid units will greatly reduce fuel costs, which in turn will reduce the cost of operating the vessel.

Hybrid systems are also beginning to be used in luxury yachts and small tourist boats. Some designers are already developing new hybrid models of yachts and boats.

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Source: en.evbud.com/news/704/


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