A breakthrough in the field of landscape design — PrintGREEN
A group of young, creative people Maja Petek, Tina Zidanšek, Urška Tale, Danica Rženičnik and Simon Tržan, students of the University in Maribor(Slovenia), under the direction of Dušan Zidar made a breakthrough in the field of landscape design. Developed and brought to life the project "PrintGREEN", which is a 3D printer, which turns the intended writing or drawing, in a lively, grassy imprint of the desired size and shape. Inside the printer are not ink, but a mixture of soil, water and seeds, which can turn into a printed letter or figure. After drying muddy organic compound retains its shape and later it starts to grow grass. The slogan "PrintGREEN" is the phrase "Think before you print". The project aims to combine art, technology and organic production for creative living designs.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.readandpost.ru/proryv-v-sfere-landshaftnogo-dizajna/

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.readandpost.ru/proryv-v-sfere-landshaftnogo-dizajna/
30 illustrations, confirming that “the world has gone mad”
Stealing beauty. 5 plants, which may not see our grandchildren