The syndrome of chronic discontent
If somewhere there was a good magician, I would have asked him to reveal the greatest secret in the world: why are most of us so badly when all signs would have to be good? Most of us have a job or other source of permanent income, is where to live, what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, where to have fun. It would seem, live and rejoice, enjoy this existence! No! Everywhere you look, everywhere disorganization, hostility, disorders, schisms, hatred, oppressive loneliness. There is hardly a person who does would be no sorrows, problems, unpleasant concerns.
A disease called "bad life"
Why so much grief, pain and suffering in our world, a world conceived to be beautiful? Someone will answer me: the problem is bad rulers, politicians who only care about their pocket, in the universal corruption, harmful to the chiefs, sucking the blood out of employees in bad neighbors and friends, who are dreaming, as we would do mischief. The big problem is the wife (husband), which does not want to conform to my idea of the perfect woman (man), children who do not want to listen to my advice or orders, parents that are "obsolete" and no understanding of "the current moment of history," climb with your instructions.
So, one of the main causes of the disease called "life is bad", in my opinion, there is a chronic dissatisfaction with everyone and everything. Even on the background of the external well-being, we find reasons to be unhappy. First and foremost, of course, dissatisfied with their loved ones, native people. Quibbles, quarrels, conflicts, care for mom, finally, the catastrophe of divorce are the outcome of chronic discontent. Many go to work in the morning, because I always experience negative emotions in all directions: the content of work, its conditions and the size of the payment, colleagues, superiors, subordinates.
What is behind the discontent, pretty poison our lives? And is it possible to become truly happy, full of life and always cheerful? Is it possible to be happy? That's about it let's talk.
The spiritual nature of discontent
It seems that dissatisfaction nourish egotism, high opinion of himself, pride. Proud to the extreme, loving yourself, high imagine a man the measure of all things puts himself. Yourself! He is the center of the universe, he is the connoisseur of life, he is the infallible judge. Man, of course, tend to love myself, tend to consider myself an authority peculiar to forgive yourself mistakes, shortcomings and sins. But there is another problem: people thinks their opinion, their views, their assessment is only correct. Imagine what he trusts best! He can't be wrong! He is always right! So, he knows how everything in this world should be how to treat others, how to build a life.
Accordingly, the dissatisfaction of anybody and anything this occurs whenever the actions of others are contrary to the ideal model of the world that invented itself.
For example, I think it's normal that, coming home in the evening, you can count that the wife who came home before me, dinner cooked. And it turns out that she got carried away interesting show and dinner is not prepared. Legitimate reason for the discontent and grumbling? Well, of course! Any legitimate and without alternatives! Why? Because I know exactly what a wife SHOULD do so, and not otherwise. And if such "a trick" on her part will happen regularly, I start to think — and if I did not change the wife?
His wife, too, can "get" a husband's nagging and whining, because he has a small salary, no career prospects, they still can't buy a car, and he's a bad assistant on the farm, devoting little time to the child, etc. etc. Why so? Because in an ideal world invented by the wife, the husband must comply with the famous song: "not To drink, not smoke, and flowers always gave so salary gave, mother in law called my mother, was indifferent to football, not boring, and besides that he was handsome and smart."
Or at work: Martinet, which is pretty tough demands precise execution of functional duties, shouts, threatens, oppresses, and other... I would if I was much. But we have clenched itself in a fist, to endure. At least the money pays for the work.
The familiar pictures? I think for many of us — Yes, familiar. We want to change the world for the better, but for the model, which they themselves consider best. We want to change others, to adjust them for yourself, and when that fails, get angry, resent, be upset. What here happiness? What joy? One displeasure.
What should I do? The answer suggests itself: have not the world to change and ourselves to change the world. Do not try to adapt other I fit to others — first to the closest, native people. However, this is only possible if the measure of the "correctness" of the surrounding world and people will not be me, which is not without flaws, but Someone else. The absolute ideal, without the slightest blemish. And we have such an ideal. It is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You need to turn your life
Our Lord Jesus Christ took on human flesh, became like us, human, except sin. Sin in Him was not there. Throughout His earthly life, His teaching, finally, His suffering and death on the cross, He went out of love for His creatures, He is succeeding century witnessed great truth: to assimilate, to be close to God is possible only through renunciation, through sacrifice, through love. Christ is the example for all who want to find happiness in this short earthly life and in the life after death, eternal.
Why a true believer, who loves Christ the man is happy with his life? Because he sees people around him the image of God, sees Christ, Who is love, peace, joy, bliss. The believer sees Christ in every person, no matter how outwardly angry he may be. The believer measures the world not to himself but to God Who commanded us to love everyone, even our enemies, to forgive any grudges, not to keep anyone evil, and to seek throughout the world, peace and joy. And if a Christian do not like something, he does not grumble and is not easily provoked, and humility without grumbling and discontent.
Why does a man need? Because he wants to be like his heavenly Master and Father, said, "Come unto Me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest; take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls; for My yoke is and My burden is light" (Matt. 11, 28-30).
It's simple! To find actual happiness, joy, the word of Christ, "peace" — we need to learn from Him meekness and lowliness. If we succeed, dissatisfaction with the other just go away from our lives.
True faith unfolds things in our lives 180 degrees.
We were intolerant of the offenses of others and forgive their own spiritual ailments? Faith makes us intolerant of their sins and encouraged to forgive the sins of others.
We were in constant dissatisfaction with other people, salary, politics, authorities, your destiny? And here is something we were always happy? Faith reveals to us the truth about ourselves: that we are far from perfect. Faith teaches us to be dissatisfied with themselves, their rotten words, actions and thoughts is the only way to reconciliation with all, the path to which Christ calls us.
People finding Christ, becomes the source of endless joy. Only one who with all his being clung to the Savior can understand the words of the Apostle Paul: "rejoice Always. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks" (1 Thess. 5: 16-18). You can not enjoy that feeling for someone or something, discontent and hostility. All you need — flaws, weaknesses, sins of other people — to cover with love. This is the way of Christ. Moreover, the path to true joy and happiness. Why? Yes, because through forgiveness and love to all in the soul of man cometh peace, tranquility, silence. Source of this world — a clean conscience.
A believer seeking salvation, man is mirolyuba and peacemaker. It is everywhere around you must sow peace, love, wasting warmth of heart for the reconciliation of the warring sides, the connection is divided, the establishment of understanding among the irreconcilable. Given it is at first difficult, because the devil resists strongly, but then easier and easier, as it helps Lord.
The Lord wants us to be so happy. After all, He is our Father. How can a Father not to want the good for His children? Only we, as free men, we decide if we want to be happy or seek happiness in trying to change others according to their own "patterns." But these attempts are always associated with a bitter tension, annoyance. Sometimes a man spends all its life in the afflictions of chronic discontent, grumbling and irritation. That's because live he is bad. It so happens that when he dies grumpy woman, friends say about her: "Redeemed". Like the fact that now There, in the Sky, it certainly will heal happily ever after. As well, their suffering deserved eternal rest!
I think a big mistake to think of the afterlife blissful eternity, the reward for sorrows and sufferings in this earthly life. Of course, if outwardly a person's life was sad, but inside he found Christ, stick with Him and revealed the troubles endured bravely, with hope in God's help, then, of course, in That world he can wait for eternal joy. But if sorrowful human life was a direct result of the chaos in his soul, his uncompromising rejection of God, his faith in his exclusive infallibility, and There he is unlikely to rest, that is rest in peace.
The joy of the Kingdom of Heaven, I am sure, begins to accrue even here on earth. The only way to that joy is the way of the ascension of Christ, Which is measured by the surrounding world and Which one is acquired complacent, full of love, to all who come across our path of life... posted
Author Artemy Slezkin
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pravoslavie.ru/jurnal/80334.htm

A disease called "bad life"
Why so much grief, pain and suffering in our world, a world conceived to be beautiful? Someone will answer me: the problem is bad rulers, politicians who only care about their pocket, in the universal corruption, harmful to the chiefs, sucking the blood out of employees in bad neighbors and friends, who are dreaming, as we would do mischief. The big problem is the wife (husband), which does not want to conform to my idea of the perfect woman (man), children who do not want to listen to my advice or orders, parents that are "obsolete" and no understanding of "the current moment of history," climb with your instructions.
So, one of the main causes of the disease called "life is bad", in my opinion, there is a chronic dissatisfaction with everyone and everything. Even on the background of the external well-being, we find reasons to be unhappy. First and foremost, of course, dissatisfied with their loved ones, native people. Quibbles, quarrels, conflicts, care for mom, finally, the catastrophe of divorce are the outcome of chronic discontent. Many go to work in the morning, because I always experience negative emotions in all directions: the content of work, its conditions and the size of the payment, colleagues, superiors, subordinates.
What is behind the discontent, pretty poison our lives? And is it possible to become truly happy, full of life and always cheerful? Is it possible to be happy? That's about it let's talk.
The spiritual nature of discontent
It seems that dissatisfaction nourish egotism, high opinion of himself, pride. Proud to the extreme, loving yourself, high imagine a man the measure of all things puts himself. Yourself! He is the center of the universe, he is the connoisseur of life, he is the infallible judge. Man, of course, tend to love myself, tend to consider myself an authority peculiar to forgive yourself mistakes, shortcomings and sins. But there is another problem: people thinks their opinion, their views, their assessment is only correct. Imagine what he trusts best! He can't be wrong! He is always right! So, he knows how everything in this world should be how to treat others, how to build a life.
Accordingly, the dissatisfaction of anybody and anything this occurs whenever the actions of others are contrary to the ideal model of the world that invented itself.
For example, I think it's normal that, coming home in the evening, you can count that the wife who came home before me, dinner cooked. And it turns out that she got carried away interesting show and dinner is not prepared. Legitimate reason for the discontent and grumbling? Well, of course! Any legitimate and without alternatives! Why? Because I know exactly what a wife SHOULD do so, and not otherwise. And if such "a trick" on her part will happen regularly, I start to think — and if I did not change the wife?
His wife, too, can "get" a husband's nagging and whining, because he has a small salary, no career prospects, they still can't buy a car, and he's a bad assistant on the farm, devoting little time to the child, etc. etc. Why so? Because in an ideal world invented by the wife, the husband must comply with the famous song: "not To drink, not smoke, and flowers always gave so salary gave, mother in law called my mother, was indifferent to football, not boring, and besides that he was handsome and smart."
Or at work: Martinet, which is pretty tough demands precise execution of functional duties, shouts, threatens, oppresses, and other... I would if I was much. But we have clenched itself in a fist, to endure. At least the money pays for the work.
The familiar pictures? I think for many of us — Yes, familiar. We want to change the world for the better, but for the model, which they themselves consider best. We want to change others, to adjust them for yourself, and when that fails, get angry, resent, be upset. What here happiness? What joy? One displeasure.
What should I do? The answer suggests itself: have not the world to change and ourselves to change the world. Do not try to adapt other I fit to others — first to the closest, native people. However, this is only possible if the measure of the "correctness" of the surrounding world and people will not be me, which is not without flaws, but Someone else. The absolute ideal, without the slightest blemish. And we have such an ideal. It is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You need to turn your life
Our Lord Jesus Christ took on human flesh, became like us, human, except sin. Sin in Him was not there. Throughout His earthly life, His teaching, finally, His suffering and death on the cross, He went out of love for His creatures, He is succeeding century witnessed great truth: to assimilate, to be close to God is possible only through renunciation, through sacrifice, through love. Christ is the example for all who want to find happiness in this short earthly life and in the life after death, eternal.
Why a true believer, who loves Christ the man is happy with his life? Because he sees people around him the image of God, sees Christ, Who is love, peace, joy, bliss. The believer sees Christ in every person, no matter how outwardly angry he may be. The believer measures the world not to himself but to God Who commanded us to love everyone, even our enemies, to forgive any grudges, not to keep anyone evil, and to seek throughout the world, peace and joy. And if a Christian do not like something, he does not grumble and is not easily provoked, and humility without grumbling and discontent.
Why does a man need? Because he wants to be like his heavenly Master and Father, said, "Come unto Me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest; take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls; for My yoke is and My burden is light" (Matt. 11, 28-30).
It's simple! To find actual happiness, joy, the word of Christ, "peace" — we need to learn from Him meekness and lowliness. If we succeed, dissatisfaction with the other just go away from our lives.
True faith unfolds things in our lives 180 degrees.
We were intolerant of the offenses of others and forgive their own spiritual ailments? Faith makes us intolerant of their sins and encouraged to forgive the sins of others.
We were in constant dissatisfaction with other people, salary, politics, authorities, your destiny? And here is something we were always happy? Faith reveals to us the truth about ourselves: that we are far from perfect. Faith teaches us to be dissatisfied with themselves, their rotten words, actions and thoughts is the only way to reconciliation with all, the path to which Christ calls us.
People finding Christ, becomes the source of endless joy. Only one who with all his being clung to the Savior can understand the words of the Apostle Paul: "rejoice Always. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks" (1 Thess. 5: 16-18). You can not enjoy that feeling for someone or something, discontent and hostility. All you need — flaws, weaknesses, sins of other people — to cover with love. This is the way of Christ. Moreover, the path to true joy and happiness. Why? Yes, because through forgiveness and love to all in the soul of man cometh peace, tranquility, silence. Source of this world — a clean conscience.
A believer seeking salvation, man is mirolyuba and peacemaker. It is everywhere around you must sow peace, love, wasting warmth of heart for the reconciliation of the warring sides, the connection is divided, the establishment of understanding among the irreconcilable. Given it is at first difficult, because the devil resists strongly, but then easier and easier, as it helps Lord.
The Lord wants us to be so happy. After all, He is our Father. How can a Father not to want the good for His children? Only we, as free men, we decide if we want to be happy or seek happiness in trying to change others according to their own "patterns." But these attempts are always associated with a bitter tension, annoyance. Sometimes a man spends all its life in the afflictions of chronic discontent, grumbling and irritation. That's because live he is bad. It so happens that when he dies grumpy woman, friends say about her: "Redeemed". Like the fact that now There, in the Sky, it certainly will heal happily ever after. As well, their suffering deserved eternal rest!
I think a big mistake to think of the afterlife blissful eternity, the reward for sorrows and sufferings in this earthly life. Of course, if outwardly a person's life was sad, but inside he found Christ, stick with Him and revealed the troubles endured bravely, with hope in God's help, then, of course, in That world he can wait for eternal joy. But if sorrowful human life was a direct result of the chaos in his soul, his uncompromising rejection of God, his faith in his exclusive infallibility, and There he is unlikely to rest, that is rest in peace.
The joy of the Kingdom of Heaven, I am sure, begins to accrue even here on earth. The only way to that joy is the way of the ascension of Christ, Which is measured by the surrounding world and Which one is acquired complacent, full of love, to all who come across our path of life... posted
Author Artemy Slezkin
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pravoslavie.ru/jurnal/80334.htm