This is incredible! Get rid of a cold in 5 minutes without medication!

There are a few people that would consider a cold a serious illness, but he poisons the life of almost everyone. To help the body cope with the discomfort, to activate inner strength to fight the cold, you can use massage the following points on the face:

Point 1.

If we continue the line of the eyebrows, this point will be on the line crossing the nose.

Point 2.

These symmetric points are located on both sides of the face. A barely perceptible depression in two inches from the outer edge of the eyebrow. To press them at the same time.

Point 3.

Two symmetrical points at the base of the nose, near the edge of the eye sockets. Massage at the same time.

Point 4.

Symmetrical point in the half centimeter from the wings of the nose.

These points should be massaged with fingertips for one minute. Press hard, but not to pain. It does not matter, clockwise or counterclockwise. It's important to have a feeling of pressure on the point.HOW TO PUSH?


The main proper blood flow!

— Dr. Liu, by clicking somewhere, to affect a disease?

Chinese medicine believes that the most important thing is proper blood flow to the muscles and tissues. If somewhere in the body there is stagnation of blood, then this place may start the disease. And Vice versa — if you provide the correct the bloodstream, the body is able to heal the disease. Therefore, the massage of key points helps to restore health.



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