Partitions walnuts: protection from iodine deficiency.
Famous for its healing properties of walnuts – really unique products which with some exaggeration can even be called waste-free. Folk healers never throw away partitions walnuts, and cook them in a variety of tinctures and decoctions. The range of application of such drugs is very wide, but their use is associated with certain nuances.
In the modern grocery stores and supermarkets walnuts are often sold in a purified form, packaged in plastic boxes or bags. And in order to get desired partitions, it is necessary to split each nut independently – thin plates of a dark brown color, separating the halves of the kernel and is the subject of "hunting". To assemble them at least in the amount of 10 grams, nuts have to sort out a lot.
Treatment with decoction of walnut walls
Walnut partitions contain a lot of iodine – however, this also applies to the product as a whole. The lack of this element for people of our time sometimes takes alarming proportions, after all, suffer from similar problems to entire regions. In addition, a deficiency of iodine in the body, usually faced by pregnant women and mothers, and office workers carrying out most of the day. Often the lack of iodine test and the elderly of both sexes.
Get your daily dose of iodine from food is not always possible, and relations with the finished drugs are not at all. To fill the body's need for this substance and ensure the prevention of diseases of the thyroid gland will help a decoction of partitions: they need to take in the amount of 1/2 Cup and pour cold water in the ratio 1:4. Pan with walnut walls put on the stove, bring to the boil and then cook under cover on very low heat for ten minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain it through a folded in 2-3 layers of cheesecloth, pour into a glass dish and refrigerate. Scheme of the use will be as follows: one SIP of the broth for 5-10 minutes before eating, 3 times a day. Before treatment talk to your doctor – he will give you recommendations on the duration of the course.
The properties of partitions walnuts
It would be correct to speak not about the properties of walls as such, but about the properties of the prepared homemade potions. The same broth, which was mentioned above, improves metabolic processes in the body and in a sense can be a "cure" excess weight. In addition, it helps to strengthen the immune system, to put in order the nervous system, to get rid of excessive nervousness and irritability, to cope with insomnia.
A decoction of walnut walls has a pronounced antibacterial properties, in connection with what is practiced, its use in the treatment of conjunctivitis as a lotion.
Tincture of partitions walnuts
"Pull" useful properties of walnut walls can not only with water but also by alcohol, this raw material is very often prepare medicinal infusions in vodka. The degree of concentration of these drugs depends on their field of application. For example, for the treatment of mastopathy and cancer should be removed from the septum 25 walnuts and pour 200 ml of 70% alcohol. Glass bottle in which to Mature the infusion, for a week clean in a dark place. Then drink it three times a day, dissolving in half a glass of water 15-20 drops of the drug.
Always good to have in the home medicine Cabinet and less concentrated tincture, which will be useful in case of diarrhea or chronic colitis, as well as help to keep the nerves or become good help in the treatment of diabetes. Here the recipe is: 1 tablespoon of the partitions have 200 ml of ordinary vodka. To insist means you need a much longer – exactly two weeks. During this time it just has to stand in a dark place, only about once or twice a day is recommended to lightly shake the bottle. Ready infusion strain and drink a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is usually two weeks.
Please note what is described here folk treatments are not direct recommendations for action. Before to try to imagine one or the other method, consult your doctor. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: kozdor.ru/odna_stat.php?id=146
In the modern grocery stores and supermarkets walnuts are often sold in a purified form, packaged in plastic boxes or bags. And in order to get desired partitions, it is necessary to split each nut independently – thin plates of a dark brown color, separating the halves of the kernel and is the subject of "hunting". To assemble them at least in the amount of 10 grams, nuts have to sort out a lot.

Treatment with decoction of walnut walls
Walnut partitions contain a lot of iodine – however, this also applies to the product as a whole. The lack of this element for people of our time sometimes takes alarming proportions, after all, suffer from similar problems to entire regions. In addition, a deficiency of iodine in the body, usually faced by pregnant women and mothers, and office workers carrying out most of the day. Often the lack of iodine test and the elderly of both sexes.
Get your daily dose of iodine from food is not always possible, and relations with the finished drugs are not at all. To fill the body's need for this substance and ensure the prevention of diseases of the thyroid gland will help a decoction of partitions: they need to take in the amount of 1/2 Cup and pour cold water in the ratio 1:4. Pan with walnut walls put on the stove, bring to the boil and then cook under cover on very low heat for ten minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain it through a folded in 2-3 layers of cheesecloth, pour into a glass dish and refrigerate. Scheme of the use will be as follows: one SIP of the broth for 5-10 minutes before eating, 3 times a day. Before treatment talk to your doctor – he will give you recommendations on the duration of the course.
The properties of partitions walnuts
It would be correct to speak not about the properties of walls as such, but about the properties of the prepared homemade potions. The same broth, which was mentioned above, improves metabolic processes in the body and in a sense can be a "cure" excess weight. In addition, it helps to strengthen the immune system, to put in order the nervous system, to get rid of excessive nervousness and irritability, to cope with insomnia.
A decoction of walnut walls has a pronounced antibacterial properties, in connection with what is practiced, its use in the treatment of conjunctivitis as a lotion.
Tincture of partitions walnuts
"Pull" useful properties of walnut walls can not only with water but also by alcohol, this raw material is very often prepare medicinal infusions in vodka. The degree of concentration of these drugs depends on their field of application. For example, for the treatment of mastopathy and cancer should be removed from the septum 25 walnuts and pour 200 ml of 70% alcohol. Glass bottle in which to Mature the infusion, for a week clean in a dark place. Then drink it three times a day, dissolving in half a glass of water 15-20 drops of the drug.
Always good to have in the home medicine Cabinet and less concentrated tincture, which will be useful in case of diarrhea or chronic colitis, as well as help to keep the nerves or become good help in the treatment of diabetes. Here the recipe is: 1 tablespoon of the partitions have 200 ml of ordinary vodka. To insist means you need a much longer – exactly two weeks. During this time it just has to stand in a dark place, only about once or twice a day is recommended to lightly shake the bottle. Ready infusion strain and drink a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is usually two weeks.
Please note what is described here folk treatments are not direct recommendations for action. Before to try to imagine one or the other method, consult your doctor. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: kozdor.ru/odna_stat.php?id=146
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