Walnut farming business
One of the main advantages of this direction is that the demand for this helpful product is increasing every year, but businessmen who are engaged in farming on an industrial scale not so much. Why? First, this is a purely seasonal business, many are not willing to wait and hope that there will be a harvest and that the resulting profit will meet expectations. Second, the lack of space for planting.
What is the usefulness of walnuts? They since ancient times is recognized as the most useful product on earth. They have a positive effect on the brain and human body in General. Even scientists recommend, there are every day dozens of these fruits, and then no disease you are not afraid. This nut in its composition contains iodine and many minerals: proteins, fats and vitamin E.
Also, this business is one of the few that can be attributed to the passive type of earnings. So planting trees once, you will be able to collect the fruits for many years. Special care they require and perfectly acclimatized on the territory of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
The largest producer of walnuts is the USA, and some European countries.
One of the main directions of marketing of nuts is the medical industry. They make various medicinal tinctures.
How to select a grade of walnut? No secret that choosing the right varieties of these fruits you will be able not only to obtain good yields, but also to build the structure ripening at different seasons. So one of the most popular varieties of walnut is the "Ideal". This variety is not for nothing that bears the title, he got it due to its characteristics. So it has a thin shell, and average kernel weight is about 10 grams. 20 year old tree can give fruits to 120kg annually. Usually this grade begins, brings harvest after 3 years after planting. Experienced entrepreneurs are buying this kind of trees already at the age of five, in order to quickly reach the level of high yield.
"Ideal" excellent to treat a cold, and can withstand temperatures of more than -30 degrees Celsius.
But you should not focus on just one type. It is advisable to dilute my fit and other varieties of nuts. So, another popular variety could be called "Giant". Its name he received for the size of the fetus, the weight of which averages around 30грамм. So the yield of this variety can reach 35 quintals per hectare planting.
Also, important parameters when choosing varieties are: wall thickness of the shell;
the value of the kernel.
So thin nuts with thick shell buyers do not buy too readily. The people believed that the thinner the wall of the nut and the larger the nucleus, the more valuable the product itself. Many world scientists are trying to bring the perfect in the relationship class. So some of them are French variety – "Francette". And in California, and even brought a nut with a so-called paper type shell — "Site Dew Soft it was". He is also quite productive, though it is not known how he would react to our climate, and plus it will be destroyed our feathered, able to cope with our varieties of nuts.
The technology of growing walnut: Before planting walnuts require serious care for the earth in which they will grow. Your planting will be durable. If you clay the area you will need to use organic fertilizer to slightly loosen it, and to establish a system of receipts and withdrawal of water.
It is clear that before planting the area should be cleaned of weeds and can be procultural area.
1.) Plant rows in the direction North-South, it will allow to achieve good lighting in the daytime.
2.) The scheme of planting in normal soil is usually 5x5 m. On poor soils it is desirable to make the distance a little more about 7х7м. But when this scheme you first need to focus on the size of the top of the tree or other varieties of nuts.
3.) The pit is 50 cm in diameter and about 70 – 75 cm in depth.
4.) Into the hole pour the fertilizer which needs to settle within 2 days. 12 – 15 kg of humus is added about 50 grams of phosphoric fertilizers and 25 grams of potassium. Then dumaetsya some land and filled with water with a volume of 35 – 45 litres.
5.) Simultaneously with the preparation of land the seedlings are placed in water for two days.
6.) Planting a sapling, whose roots sleep with loose earth. Then poured 35 litres of water. For the best savings of the moisture can be sprinkled near the landing place dry grass.
Markets for walnuts: Now in Europe, Ukraine and Russia, the shortage of these fruits. They do not need to advertise and often buyers will find you. You've probably seen in the Newspapers the announcement of the purchase or in the local markets of people with signs "I'll Buy walnuts expensive."
The profitability of this business is very high. So the tree about 8 years of age can give a yield of 18 kg. Given that 1 ha of land can be planted about 180 – 220 trees, even in low scenario, it is possible to collect about 3.2 tons. Purchasers for 1 kg of product will give about $1 — $2. So in one season from one hectare you will be able to earn about $3200 — $6400. In this case, your profit will grow. Given that it's practically passive income, you will agree is not bad at all.
Apart from being an environmentally friendly business, it is designed not for one generation. Useful properties of the bark and leaves of this plant, used in pharmacology. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: dsezon.blogspot.com/2015/05/gretskiy-orekh-biznes-na-vyrashchivanii.html
What is the usefulness of walnuts? They since ancient times is recognized as the most useful product on earth. They have a positive effect on the brain and human body in General. Even scientists recommend, there are every day dozens of these fruits, and then no disease you are not afraid. This nut in its composition contains iodine and many minerals: proteins, fats and vitamin E.

Also, this business is one of the few that can be attributed to the passive type of earnings. So planting trees once, you will be able to collect the fruits for many years. Special care they require and perfectly acclimatized on the territory of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
The largest producer of walnuts is the USA, and some European countries.
One of the main directions of marketing of nuts is the medical industry. They make various medicinal tinctures.
How to select a grade of walnut? No secret that choosing the right varieties of these fruits you will be able not only to obtain good yields, but also to build the structure ripening at different seasons. So one of the most popular varieties of walnut is the "Ideal". This variety is not for nothing that bears the title, he got it due to its characteristics. So it has a thin shell, and average kernel weight is about 10 grams. 20 year old tree can give fruits to 120kg annually. Usually this grade begins, brings harvest after 3 years after planting. Experienced entrepreneurs are buying this kind of trees already at the age of five, in order to quickly reach the level of high yield.
"Ideal" excellent to treat a cold, and can withstand temperatures of more than -30 degrees Celsius.
But you should not focus on just one type. It is advisable to dilute my fit and other varieties of nuts. So, another popular variety could be called "Giant". Its name he received for the size of the fetus, the weight of which averages around 30грамм. So the yield of this variety can reach 35 quintals per hectare planting.
Also, important parameters when choosing varieties are: wall thickness of the shell;
the value of the kernel.
So thin nuts with thick shell buyers do not buy too readily. The people believed that the thinner the wall of the nut and the larger the nucleus, the more valuable the product itself. Many world scientists are trying to bring the perfect in the relationship class. So some of them are French variety – "Francette". And in California, and even brought a nut with a so-called paper type shell — "Site Dew Soft it was". He is also quite productive, though it is not known how he would react to our climate, and plus it will be destroyed our feathered, able to cope with our varieties of nuts.

The technology of growing walnut: Before planting walnuts require serious care for the earth in which they will grow. Your planting will be durable. If you clay the area you will need to use organic fertilizer to slightly loosen it, and to establish a system of receipts and withdrawal of water.
It is clear that before planting the area should be cleaned of weeds and can be procultural area.
1.) Plant rows in the direction North-South, it will allow to achieve good lighting in the daytime.
2.) The scheme of planting in normal soil is usually 5x5 m. On poor soils it is desirable to make the distance a little more about 7х7м. But when this scheme you first need to focus on the size of the top of the tree or other varieties of nuts.
3.) The pit is 50 cm in diameter and about 70 – 75 cm in depth.
4.) Into the hole pour the fertilizer which needs to settle within 2 days. 12 – 15 kg of humus is added about 50 grams of phosphoric fertilizers and 25 grams of potassium. Then dumaetsya some land and filled with water with a volume of 35 – 45 litres.
5.) Simultaneously with the preparation of land the seedlings are placed in water for two days.
6.) Planting a sapling, whose roots sleep with loose earth. Then poured 35 litres of water. For the best savings of the moisture can be sprinkled near the landing place dry grass.
Markets for walnuts: Now in Europe, Ukraine and Russia, the shortage of these fruits. They do not need to advertise and often buyers will find you. You've probably seen in the Newspapers the announcement of the purchase or in the local markets of people with signs "I'll Buy walnuts expensive."
The profitability of this business is very high. So the tree about 8 years of age can give a yield of 18 kg. Given that 1 ha of land can be planted about 180 – 220 trees, even in low scenario, it is possible to collect about 3.2 tons. Purchasers for 1 kg of product will give about $1 — $2. So in one season from one hectare you will be able to earn about $3200 — $6400. In this case, your profit will grow. Given that it's practically passive income, you will agree is not bad at all.
Apart from being an environmentally friendly business, it is designed not for one generation. Useful properties of the bark and leaves of this plant, used in pharmacology. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: dsezon.blogspot.com/2015/05/gretskiy-orekh-biznes-na-vyrashchivanii.html
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