Why do we spend hours on the furious debates on the forums in social networks ?
To defend their point of view on the Internet has become a matter of honor, and some people turned into a kind of hobby. Privivochnoi argue with antireligioznik, childfree – with water-borne, supporters of the government with the opposition. Why do we have controversy in the Network, which often spoils the mood, and sometimes able to embroil us with real friends and family?
The lack of real contact with another person creates the illusion of secure communication. You can leave the computer, think through the reasoning to compose a more accurate and witty response. Unfortunately, this sense of security sometimes brings out the worst in us. The phenomenon of impunity on the Internet became evident when the first forums and chat, when the masks of nicknames and avatars people wrote what had never dared to voice in public. But it was 10-15 years, and the era of social networking. Online anonymity has almost disappeared, but the degree of discussion on the Internet is still high.
Oddly enough, one of the reasons of popularity of "network war" is our commitment to excellence. Controversy and opposition the group help to maintain your "ideal self": "they – are, and I don't like this, they are poor, and I – well." For this purpose a person chooses a "virtual enemies" – people whose views seem to be cruel, misplaced or outdated. And then consistently and systematically tries to debunk their delusion, simultaneously sharing one's worries in private posts to friends.
Virtual battle for the truth appealing because they boil real passion. Delicate injections, parry replicas of opponents and a ban as a last resort... People whose life is uneventful, go to the fields of network battles for bright emotions. The trouble is that the debate in the correspondence, alas, can not replace real experience. Life remains poor with colours and emotions, and along with growing dissatisfaction and the level of aggression.
For some, defending the truth in the virtual world is the usual time filler. No need to risk trying to make friends or going on a date with a new fan. No expectations – no disappointments. In addition to passing the wasted time and life, which froze.
The last six months the Ira literally can not get off of the forum devoted to the maintenance of Pets. In addition to finding useful information and examining photos of cats and dogs, she gets into fierce arguments with other members of the community. "Can you imagine, he wrote me that it makes no sense to vaccinate animals because it allegedly interferes with nature to produce natural selection! It's so cruel", – with indignation, she tells about one of the users. Interestingly, spending every day on the forum for a few hours, Irina complains about the lack of time for personal life.
How to understand what you spend on "broken copies" on the Internet too much time and mental energy?
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: psyh.ru/rubric/3/articles/2493/
The lack of real contact with another person creates the illusion of secure communication. You can leave the computer, think through the reasoning to compose a more accurate and witty response. Unfortunately, this sense of security sometimes brings out the worst in us. The phenomenon of impunity on the Internet became evident when the first forums and chat, when the masks of nicknames and avatars people wrote what had never dared to voice in public. But it was 10-15 years, and the era of social networking. Online anonymity has almost disappeared, but the degree of discussion on the Internet is still high.

Oddly enough, one of the reasons of popularity of "network war" is our commitment to excellence. Controversy and opposition the group help to maintain your "ideal self": "they – are, and I don't like this, they are poor, and I – well." For this purpose a person chooses a "virtual enemies" – people whose views seem to be cruel, misplaced or outdated. And then consistently and systematically tries to debunk their delusion, simultaneously sharing one's worries in private posts to friends.
Virtual battle for the truth appealing because they boil real passion. Delicate injections, parry replicas of opponents and a ban as a last resort... People whose life is uneventful, go to the fields of network battles for bright emotions. The trouble is that the debate in the correspondence, alas, can not replace real experience. Life remains poor with colours and emotions, and along with growing dissatisfaction and the level of aggression.
For some, defending the truth in the virtual world is the usual time filler. No need to risk trying to make friends or going on a date with a new fan. No expectations – no disappointments. In addition to passing the wasted time and life, which froze.
The last six months the Ira literally can not get off of the forum devoted to the maintenance of Pets. In addition to finding useful information and examining photos of cats and dogs, she gets into fierce arguments with other members of the community. "Can you imagine, he wrote me that it makes no sense to vaccinate animals because it allegedly interferes with nature to produce natural selection! It's so cruel", – with indignation, she tells about one of the users. Interestingly, spending every day on the forum for a few hours, Irina complains about the lack of time for personal life.
How to understand what you spend on "broken copies" on the Internet too much time and mental energy?
- You overreact to criticism from others or provoke controversy.
- Once in offline, you continue to think about "what I have written you this rude".
- Virtual conversations are increasingly the subject of conversations with your real friends.
- After reading the comments or correspondence you feel anger, helplessness or emotional emptiness.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: psyh.ru/rubric/3/articles/2493/