Time-tested recipes from the sagging of the cheeks and not only
To mask with tar for a person pleased, and not disappointed the first time, you should know some details of its preparation. The product from which it is composed, not quite normal, and therefore requires a special approach, especially what we are talking about the skin. And your task — to make it beautiful and healthy with this unique folk remedies.
Indications for use: oily and problem skin, psoriasis, flews.
Contraindications: dry skin type.
With caution these products are used to care for normal or combination skin type.
Prepare the tool check will not react if your skin is allergic to it. This grease tar soap tar or wrist, rinse after 15 minutes and after a couple of hours evaluate the results. Use the mask to destination only if there is no discomfort.
Before the procedure, rasparte face over a steam bath so the pores open as widely as possible to meet the active tar ingredients of the mask.
Apply only the massage lines.
Duration — no more than 10 minutes.
Rinse first with warm and then cold water. Such contrasting washing will enhance the action of tar mask.
After the procedure, wipe the face tonic or lotion, then applied moisturizer. This will allow you to get rid of smell of your wonder drug.
Because of the rather active operations on the skin mask for the face with tar soap is used 1 time per week — not more.
Made with their own hands, mask with birch tar, despite their unusual smell and unsightly appearance, will delight you with their results. After a few treatments you will notice how hateful rashes disappear, smooth out wrinkles, flews are not as noticeable, lose fat gloss. In the recipes fault there, so choose what you will like.
TOP best recipesFrom the variety of recipes you should be selected is the mask made of tar that will solve your cosmetic problem that you want to get first.
Make shavings of lye soap, to beat her until the state foam, add a little salt. This tar cleansing facial mask will rid your pores from skin debris and will make you forget about the black dots.
From flews
The foam tar soap mix with a small amount of sour cream, apply along the jawline. Similar to tar tool from flews has a lifting effect in just over a month, will significantly tighten formed in the cheek folds.
From psoriasis
3 tablespoons of honey mix with 1 tablespoon of birch tar. Treatment tar cream psoriasis facilitates the disease and make the symptoms not so unpleasant.
Apply coal-tar soap, apply the foam to the problem area of the face. Anti-inflammatory acne can be safely used to care for teenage skin.
Any mask with birch tar — is primarily a great anti-inflammatory agent that disinfects and clears the skin to its deeper layers. If you have tried various means in the fight against acne and breakouts, stay on these recipes. The result is guaranteed by mother nature-and time-tested. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: rosy-cheeks.ru/maska-dlya-lica-s-degtem.html
Indications for use: oily and problem skin, psoriasis, flews.
Contraindications: dry skin type.
With caution these products are used to care for normal or combination skin type.
Prepare the tool check will not react if your skin is allergic to it. This grease tar soap tar or wrist, rinse after 15 minutes and after a couple of hours evaluate the results. Use the mask to destination only if there is no discomfort.
Before the procedure, rasparte face over a steam bath so the pores open as widely as possible to meet the active tar ingredients of the mask.
Apply only the massage lines.
Duration — no more than 10 minutes.
Rinse first with warm and then cold water. Such contrasting washing will enhance the action of tar mask.
After the procedure, wipe the face tonic or lotion, then applied moisturizer. This will allow you to get rid of smell of your wonder drug.
Because of the rather active operations on the skin mask for the face with tar soap is used 1 time per week — not more.
Made with their own hands, mask with birch tar, despite their unusual smell and unsightly appearance, will delight you with their results. After a few treatments you will notice how hateful rashes disappear, smooth out wrinkles, flews are not as noticeable, lose fat gloss. In the recipes fault there, so choose what you will like.

TOP best recipesFrom the variety of recipes you should be selected is the mask made of tar that will solve your cosmetic problem that you want to get first.
Make shavings of lye soap, to beat her until the state foam, add a little salt. This tar cleansing facial mask will rid your pores from skin debris and will make you forget about the black dots.
From flews
The foam tar soap mix with a small amount of sour cream, apply along the jawline. Similar to tar tool from flews has a lifting effect in just over a month, will significantly tighten formed in the cheek folds.
From psoriasis
3 tablespoons of honey mix with 1 tablespoon of birch tar. Treatment tar cream psoriasis facilitates the disease and make the symptoms not so unpleasant.
Apply coal-tar soap, apply the foam to the problem area of the face. Anti-inflammatory acne can be safely used to care for teenage skin.
Any mask with birch tar — is primarily a great anti-inflammatory agent that disinfects and clears the skin to its deeper layers. If you have tried various means in the fight against acne and breakouts, stay on these recipes. The result is guaranteed by mother nature-and time-tested. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: rosy-cheeks.ru/maska-dlya-lica-s-degtem.html