5 Unexpected Ways to Recover Quickly After Exercise

1. Listen to music immediately after exercise.

It is known that good music, regardless of genre (rock, rap, house), can give an appropriate mood during training. Did you know that listening to music after exercise helps you recover faster?

In 2010, one study showed that listening to slow, calm music immediately after exercise slows the heartbeat, normalizing blood pressure, and generally adjusts the body to a speedy recovery.

2. Before exercising, eat protein and carbohydrates

Most of us know what post-workout nutrition should be to maximize progress in the gym. Did you know that eating protein and carbohydrates before exercise is just as important for your fitness outcomes? Studies show that elevated levels of insulin and amino acids in your body (from carbohydrates and protein) during exercise boost muscle performance. Also, eating protein-rich foods before exercise promotes protein synthesis (muscle growth + recovery) long after exercise.

If you decide to follow this advice, snack 15-45 minutes before your workout. A good option will be eggs and toast, protein smoothie or Greek yogurt with fruit.

3. Drink sour cherry juice

There is nothing better than a glass of cold fruit juice. Especially beneficial will be sour cherry juice. It is useful not only for the heart and digestive system: if you regularly drink cold cherry juice, it will help to cope with painful sensations after exercise.

Studies show that sour cherry juice improves the quality and duration of sleep and also increases melatonin levels. And since it is known that good sleep means a lot for quality recovery, weight management, etc., it is wise to use it regularly.

4. Drink less alcohol.

Studies show that after exercise, alcohol can hinder progress in the gym. However, low alcohol consumption will not significantly affect your athletic performance. What does that mean?

If you plan to have a good rest on the weekend, skipping a couple of alcoholic cocktails, then it is better not to train before the party, since the benefits of such a load will be minimal. Carefully monitor the amount of alcohol consumed if you adhere to a strict training program.

5. Take a nap after exercise

Sleep can be used as part of your recovery plan. It is scientifically proven that daytime sleep has a beneficial effect on the recovery processes after training. Its deficiency provokes the body to draw fast energy in food to maintain itself in an active state.

If you worked hard in the gym in the morning or at noon, take a nap after exercise before returning to an active life.

In addition to the conventional methods of recovery, try some of the above methods and you will see that they will really help improve your body’s performance in the gym!

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Source: fitfixed.com


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