What kind of cardio suits you
When it comes to healthy living, weight loss, exercise, the first thing to remember about running. Sure, running is one of the most effective times of preprovozhdeno for your health, but at the same time only a part of sports.
All exercise depending on the intensity are divided into two types – aerobic and anaerobic. The main difference between these loads is the saturation of the body with oxygen during classes.
Will focus on aerobic activities in more detail. Most often these include such activities as running, Cycling, swimming, various sports and games. Remember your feelings when you do something from this: breathing is not enough, heart pounding, it seems that on the next inhale breath is not enough – all signs of lack of oxygen to the body. With these loads associated with the weight loss and improving endurance in our body.

What kind of aerobic exercise is a better deal?
You have a huge choice. If you like fresh air, you can choose Jogging outside, Cycling or stay the same on a huge variety of sports and games whether football, basketball, tennis, etc. If you prefer playing sports indoors, specially for you in all the major gyms created the so-called cardio zone.
In simple words, cardio is a part of the sports complex which houses a variety of aerobic exercise equipment or cardiovascular equipment. As I said, the cardio zone exist in virtually all sports complexes. But if you are very unlucky and in your gym does not have that same area, it is likely that a couple of simulators such as the treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike you just.
The aforementioned area includes several major types of simulators: treadmills, exercise bikes, elliptical trainers (in common – orbitrek) and Steppers. And a reasonable question arises: what is the difference between these trainers? In fact, they all aim to strengthen our cardiovascular system, and of fat to lose, of course. Below I will try to outline the main differences.The treadmill isthe Most popular trainer in any gym. No, seriously, I personally in my gym have never seen that all the tracks were empty at the same time. Someone always runs to it to your purpose. And it is no accident that she became a trainer No. 1 to maintain the shape. The main action that you do on this device is the active transfer of the body in space. In common – running. It is for this the body needs an increased flow of oxygen. Perhaps the most high-intensity exerciser you will be able to choose, but there is some minuses. In particular, if not properly running shock load on the are the joints of the knees and feet, also the load goes on the back. Therefore it is better to run with an instructor, or at least view some of the materials about the correct formulation of the foot during running.
The bikeis Also very widespread and popular. It is not difficult to guess from the title, in this simulator you can simulate riding a bike, only not as fun and entertaining as outdoors. The stress on the joints in comparison with the track – minimal, you can also increase the intensity by switching modes, the larger the mode, the harder it is to pedal. But we are not to rest here?
EllipticalsAs has become clear, this elliptical trainer is called due to the fact that the foot when it describes the trajectory of an ellipse or oval. This treadmill also has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the fact that there is harder work the large muscles of the thigh: quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteus (girls note), there is no shock loading on joints and almost always the design includes a handle, holding on which you can further connect the upper body, namely hands, arms, shoulders, chest. There are setting options that allow you to complicate your work. This simulator is also very effective from the point of view of burning calories.
StepperStepper (from the English. step – step) simulates climbing stairs. This machine as well as elliptical to a greater extent involve the large muscles of the thigh, with emphasis on the quadriceps and anterior thigh. The main advantages include minimal chance of injury, the shortcomings – not very active nature of the activity itself but a great variety of modes will not let you get bored.
Other types of equipmentTo a very rare and specific types of cardiovascular equipment include a hand Ergometer, rowing machine, climber, etc.
Manual Ergometer simulates the Cycling, with one small difference – you will go with hands, not feet. There is this trainer for people who due to some sort of trauma can't do at the gym involving the muscles of the legs or back.
A rowing machine is an excellent tool for strengthening the entire body. The work includes the muscles of the legs, back, and shoulder girdle. A rowing machine simulates the rowing in a kayak. But its main drawback is a strong tension for the back, so people with back injuries or spinal is better to refrain from this exercise.
Climber (from the English. climb – climb, climb) is a simulator that simulates climbing. I think, for anybody not a secret that the climber implies some physical training, but also not too comfortable for long cardio, as it is very exhausting for the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle.
Conclusionto summarize, we can say that each of these activities has its advantages and disadvantages and to choose a cardio equipment is necessary in connection with the purpose which you wish to achieve, but also do not forget that sport is only part of your work to achieve health and ideal body shape, and to go further or not up to you. published
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Source: lifehacker.ru/2013/05/22/kakie-kardiotrenirovki-podxodyat-imenno-vam/
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