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Genetic consequences of fornication

"If people (clan, clan, family) continues to persist in sexually depraved behavior, then comes the third and last stage of degeneration in the form of birth defects such as congenital withered, horse foot, cleft lip, cleft palate, strabismus, etc., etc.

Under normal conditions, this guarantees the care of the clan (genus, family) from the historical arena within one to two generations.

Well, who in their right mind, would want to marry a gook with sadistic inclinations pervert?

With each generation degenerative infection grows and intensifies. We can agree that if the people will be imposed and to settle down sexual perversion, which will become public encourage, such people have embarked on the path of degeneration.»

Ninety three million five hundred twenty seven thousand three hundred seventeen

Genetic consequences of fornication

Speaking about the genetic consequences of disordered sexual relationships (in Church terminology — fornication) and perversion, doctor and bachelor of religious studies K. V. Zorin said from my experience that "the inevitable result of promiscuous sexual contacts are disturbances of the personality, psyche and behavior."

Moral turpitude accompanied by certain somatic diseases. Experts know more than 30 sexually transmitted diseases: venereal diseases, hepatitis b and C, HIV infection and its final stage — AIDS, some cancers, etc.

Researched and scientifically proven fact based on the number of gynecological and urological diseases from moral behavior. For example, a woman who had more than seven sexual partners, even if it has not caught any infection, gynecologists almost immediately diagnosed with chronic inflammation of the appendages.

Owing to the abnormal sexual relations there is a tumor. Infectious forms of cancer suffers and dies about 15% of all cancer patients, with the greatest risk are exposed to infected people having promiscuous sexual relations, and homosexuals.

For moral and mental health is extremely detrimental to overcome natural feelings of shame. This leads to the formation of a "sexual dominant" in the mind and subdues her life force. "Sexual dominant" is one of many types of pathological dependency along with alcoholism and drug addiction. Priest Maxim Obukhov writes: "Those Nations, among which were widely spread fornication, quickly disappeared from the face of the earth or lost their independence, weakened and gave way to other Nations. The connection between the weakening and the extinction of the nation and the prodigal sin of the historically obvious. Sick, infected by sin, the society ceases to give rise to Suvorov, Lobachevsky, the Queen, turns into a worthless gray mass. This happens not immediately, but within several generations, the accumulation of sin."

Among intimate contacts that are contrary to the commandments of God, the most negative imprint on the genotype of the child imposes consanguinity in marriage.

The children of such relationships is vulnerable to malformations and genetic deformities. Incest leads to degeneration of offspring due to the accumulation of the same defective genes have a common origin. The farther the relationship, the less the probability of obtaining the patient's offspring.

The Union between second cousins brother and sister, it is approximately 8%, between cousins is 17.5%, between closer relatives is more than 50%. About one third of spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) and stillbirths depend on the genetic incompatibility of the couple who are in kinship with each other.

Strongly condemns incest the old Testament: no to any kin should not approach to uncover their nakedness (Lev. 18, 5-6). Not less severe is said in the New Testament encroached to such fornication, "that someone is his wife has his father's wife", the Apostle Paul was betrayed to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 5, 1-5).

Except incest catastrophic leave a trace in the genes of premarital and extramarital Affairs. These relationships cause deep wounds of the heart to loved ones and can't help but have serious consequences for mental and spiritual health. They impoverish the highest feelings that bring them exclusively to feelings of physical intimacy. Exhausted, wears out the body, decreases the potency.

According to sociological surveys, about 30% of Schoolgirls in Russia acquire a sexual experience at 14-15 years. One in five sexually experienced girl and every other boy almost didn't know their first partner. To the question: "How do You assess the loss of your virginity?"42% of respondents 25-year-old women said that I regret it, with whom, how and when it happened.

A special place in depraved sex is homosexuality and lesbianism. Currently, it's the corruption of trying to teach as a kind of democratic form of choice of sexual orientation and provide for normal sexual culture of the XXI century "Misrepresentation, deliberate perversion of God's plan in us — that is what homosexuality is; a distortion, largely absorbed in themselves secular culture that is now trying to establish it as almost optional, in any case, acceptable standards. And if society is to silently recognize the same-sex love as a given — namely at the level of a social phenomenon — something that society commits an ungodly act. All references to pluralism is simply inappropriate and not important."

The Bible clearly and definitely expressed a commandment concerning same-sex relationships: do Not lie with a male as with a woman: it is abomination (Lev. 18, 22)

Various media repeatedly reported the "discovery" of genes linked to homosexuality. However, none of these statements was not confirmed. As for the psychological side, the therapists successfully work with homosexuals, helping the person to change homosexual orientation to heterosexual.

One of the prominent researchers of the question of the genetic consequences of perversion is G. P. Klimov. In order to understand this matter, he had to peruse the writings of many psychiatrists and sociologists. It turned out that the issue was developed in the late 40-ies of XX century, the best brain trust of America — Harvard University. For the understanding of the genetic nature of the impact of sexual perversions on the offspring, Klimov uses the concept of "degeneration". A synonym for this term degenerates.

Degeneration has three stages:

1. Sexual perversion.

2. Mental illness.

3. Birth defect.

Klimov says that everything begins with sexual perversions.

The second stage of degeneration is characterized by the fact that abnormal sexual craving joined by mental illness.

If people (clan, clan, family) continues to persist in sexually depraved behavior, then comes the third and last stage of degeneration in the form of birth defects such as congenital withered, horse foot, cleft lip, cleft palate, strabismus, etc., etc.

Under normal conditions, this guarantees the care of the clan (genus, family) from the historical arena within one to two generations.

Well, who in their right mind, would want to marry a gook with sadistic inclinations pervert?

With each generation degenerative infection grows and intensifies. We can agree that if the people will be imposed and to settle down sexual perversion, which will become public encourage, such people have embarked on the path of degeneration.

Sexual perversion with constant repetition and consolidation as a skill behavior and distort all human being in General. These negative skills and installation are fixed at the genetic level and are passed down from generation to generation.

To break the family curse, to stop it for yourself, you must be firmly faithful Orthodox Christian, chastity, fasting, and prayer are destroying the wiles of the devil. And to atone for the sins of their ancestors and possible adoption of monasticism, devotion to God throughout his life.

In 1934, the law prohibits homosexuality, legalized in the first years of the revolution; and in 1936 ban on abortion. Was banned prostitution, and necrophilia, bestiality, etc. However, the national and spiritual restoration was displeasing to the forces that set the task division and destruction of the Russian state due to the collapse of the economy, culture, morality, and the destruction of the only nation which stubbornly adheres to Christian values.

Today, the moral laws of life of our ancestors, based on Christian commandments are confirmed in scientific studies. Today's young people, students and teachers should know the results of those studies to understand what is happening and not go on about the abusers, to stop the terrible abuse of people, on themselves and on their future and making the right conclusions, correctly to form a model of their reproductive behavior. published 

Author: Oleg Matveychev


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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Source: matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/2002400.html