Under the ground discovered a giant ocean, which is three times more than all the oceans on earth
Researchers have found a huge reservoir of water under the mantle, at a depth of about 600 km. It's so huge that this water can be filled three times all the oceans on Earth that we know.
The study's author, Graham Pearson of the University of Alberta in Canada, said: "one of the reasons that the Earth is a dynamic planet is the presence of water inside it."
After many decades of theoretical discussions, the scientists report that they have finally found the Great Ocean under the Earth mantle.
This amazing Discovery suggests that the surface water comes from the bowels of the planet as part of integrated water cycle, displacing the dominant theory that water was brought to Earth by icy comets millions of years ago.
Now researchers believe that water on Earth might have come from the bowels of the planet and manages to surface geologic activity.
After numerous studies, scientists have announced they found a giant reservoir of water in the transition zone between the upper and lower layers of the mantle, in the region, which lies between 400 and 660 km below the earth's surface.
As you know, water occupies a large part of our planet's surface, which is paradoxically called Earth. Although in comparison with the earth's mass, the depth of the oceans is only a thin layer, similar to the peel from the onion, we now know that the presence of the precious liquid is not limited to the visible surface.
Incredibly, this discovery confirms the theory of Jules Verne that beneath the surface of our planet there is a real parallel world! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: dictat.net/pod-zemlej-obnaruzhen-gigantskij-okean-kotoryij-v-tri-raza-bolshe-vsex-okeanov-na-zemle
The study's author, Graham Pearson of the University of Alberta in Canada, said: "one of the reasons that the Earth is a dynamic planet is the presence of water inside it."
After many decades of theoretical discussions, the scientists report that they have finally found the Great Ocean under the Earth mantle.
This amazing Discovery suggests that the surface water comes from the bowels of the planet as part of integrated water cycle, displacing the dominant theory that water was brought to Earth by icy comets millions of years ago.
Now researchers believe that water on Earth might have come from the bowels of the planet and manages to surface geologic activity.
After numerous studies, scientists have announced they found a giant reservoir of water in the transition zone between the upper and lower layers of the mantle, in the region, which lies between 400 and 660 km below the earth's surface.
As you know, water occupies a large part of our planet's surface, which is paradoxically called Earth. Although in comparison with the earth's mass, the depth of the oceans is only a thin layer, similar to the peel from the onion, we now know that the presence of the precious liquid is not limited to the visible surface.
Incredibly, this discovery confirms the theory of Jules Verne that beneath the surface of our planet there is a real parallel world! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: dictat.net/pod-zemlej-obnaruzhen-gigantskij-okean-kotoryij-v-tri-raza-bolshe-vsex-okeanov-na-zemle