The simplest recipe will reduce the pressure for many years!
Hypertension hurt many. Such people years go doctors, taking antihypertensive drugs and not even aware of the existence of a simple, but very effective recipes of traditional medicine, which can cause the blood pressure to normal at least for a few years.
And prepares medicinal teas like this:
Pour in a saucepan 5 table. spoons of pine needles and 2 table. tablespoons hips and onion skins, pour a mixture of 1 liter of cold water, bring to boil and simmer on low heat under a lid for 10 minutes.
Allow broth to infuse for a bit, then strain and, if necessary, add a little boiling water to the broth was exactly 1 liter. Divide this volume evenly and drink for 2 days, then prepare a new batch of broth. The course of treatment is 4 months.
The first few years, do it regularly and then as needed. Improvement can occur in a week, and a month later you can start to gradually abolish the antihypertensive drugs.
By the way, pine broth cleans the intestines and liver and has a diuretic effect.
Believe me — hurt-it definitely won't bring.
How useful onion peel and her composition, which allows its use in folk medicine. In his part of the onion peel contains vitamins P, C, E and minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium. Scientists from the University of Madrid, found in onion skins of the fiber, which reduce the risk of heart disease, the gastrointestinal tract, cancer of the colon.
The use of onion peel and its application:
Mature rose hips contain per 100 g 14-60 g of water, 1.6 to 4 g of protein, 24-60 grams of carbohydrates, 4 to 10 g dietary fiber, 2-5 grams of free organic acids; and a large number of minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt) and vitamins (B1, B2, B6, K, E, PP, C), tannins, coloring matter, carotene, Riboflavin, citric and malic acids, sugars, volatile, essential oil.
Vitamin C in rose hips 5-10 times more than in black currants, up to 40 times more than in lemons.
Wild rose clears the circulatory system, improves metabolism, rich in vitamins, used in anemia, scurvy, diseases of the kidneys and bladder, liver.
Rosehip used as obscheukreplyayuschee, tonic, weakens the development of atherosclerosis, improve the body's resistance in infectious diseases and as a vitamin remedy.
Method of use: 2 tbsp. chopped dried fruits pour 1/2 liter of water, boil 15 minutes on weak fire, to insist, wrapped, night, drain. With honey throughout the day as a tea and instead of water.
The therapeutic properties can be used as a prevention in cardiovascular diseases, as well as in combination of complex therapy of ischemia, of "angina pectoris", arrhythmia, hypertension and aterosclerose.
Tinctures and oil extracted from pine needles, will help to reduce the level of cholesterol in blood, strengthens blood vessels and helps to restore elasticity.
How to use needles for therapeutic purposes — the question is important and necessary, as the needles are quite affordable. Natural base of needles does not cause the body stress, but gently and confidently acts on healing and cleansing the body on a cellular level.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: chagnavstretchy.mirtesen.ru/blog/43341141910/Prosteyshiy-retsept-snizit-davlenie-na-mnogo-let?utm_campaign=transit&%3Butm_source=main&%3Butm_medium=page_0&%3Bdomain=mirtesen.ru&%3Bpaid=1&%3Bpad=1
And prepares medicinal teas like this:
Pour in a saucepan 5 table. spoons of pine needles and 2 table. tablespoons hips and onion skins, pour a mixture of 1 liter of cold water, bring to boil and simmer on low heat under a lid for 10 minutes.
Allow broth to infuse for a bit, then strain and, if necessary, add a little boiling water to the broth was exactly 1 liter. Divide this volume evenly and drink for 2 days, then prepare a new batch of broth. The course of treatment is 4 months.
The first few years, do it regularly and then as needed. Improvement can occur in a week, and a month later you can start to gradually abolish the antihypertensive drugs.
By the way, pine broth cleans the intestines and liver and has a diuretic effect.
Believe me — hurt-it definitely won't bring.
How useful onion peel and her composition, which allows its use in folk medicine. In his part of the onion peel contains vitamins P, C, E and minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium. Scientists from the University of Madrid, found in onion skins of the fiber, which reduce the risk of heart disease, the gastrointestinal tract, cancer of the colon.
The use of onion peel and its application:
- Onion peel prevents aging of the body, thanks to vitamin E
- Is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular, endocrine, and even cancer, diseases.
- Onion peel has a strong antimicrobial action, it is good to treat colds.
- Onion peel valued vitamin C that strengthens the immune system.
- Contains rutin (vitamin P), which strengthens our blood vessels.
- Onion peel is useful in sore throat, laryngitis, inflammation of gums, stomatitis, as it has antibacterial properties.
Mature rose hips contain per 100 g 14-60 g of water, 1.6 to 4 g of protein, 24-60 grams of carbohydrates, 4 to 10 g dietary fiber, 2-5 grams of free organic acids; and a large number of minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt) and vitamins (B1, B2, B6, K, E, PP, C), tannins, coloring matter, carotene, Riboflavin, citric and malic acids, sugars, volatile, essential oil.
Vitamin C in rose hips 5-10 times more than in black currants, up to 40 times more than in lemons.
Wild rose clears the circulatory system, improves metabolism, rich in vitamins, used in anemia, scurvy, diseases of the kidneys and bladder, liver.
Rosehip used as obscheukreplyayuschee, tonic, weakens the development of atherosclerosis, improve the body's resistance in infectious diseases and as a vitamin remedy.
Method of use: 2 tbsp. chopped dried fruits pour 1/2 liter of water, boil 15 minutes on weak fire, to insist, wrapped, night, drain. With honey throughout the day as a tea and instead of water.
The therapeutic properties can be used as a prevention in cardiovascular diseases, as well as in combination of complex therapy of ischemia, of "angina pectoris", arrhythmia, hypertension and aterosclerose.
Tinctures and oil extracted from pine needles, will help to reduce the level of cholesterol in blood, strengthens blood vessels and helps to restore elasticity.
How to use needles for therapeutic purposes — the question is important and necessary, as the needles are quite affordable. Natural base of needles does not cause the body stress, but gently and confidently acts on healing and cleansing the body on a cellular level.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: chagnavstretchy.mirtesen.ru/blog/43341141910/Prosteyshiy-retsept-snizit-davlenie-na-mnogo-let?utm_campaign=transit&%3Butm_source=main&%3Butm_medium=page_0&%3Bdomain=mirtesen.ru&%3Bpaid=1&%3Bpad=1