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I became tougher in the places where I was beaten...

You know, I did not become tougher in the places where I was beaten, I became stronger where I needed it and what didn't kill me, made me stronger.

Edge hypersensitivity of my nature is not very exposed though how significant changes over the past four decades.

Simply because of the law of self-preservation, and given the ability to analyze and retrospect I have learned, and not always skillfully skillfully, I confess, is to control certain characteristics of his "pronounced personality".

The vast majority of stone tenets of psychology and other "internal" Sciences did not take root and did not become working tools of my life's manifestations, in spite of all we offer beauty, practicality, and persuasiveness. It still hurts when you hit me, I'm falling when pushing hard, I cry when I can't, I cry when my soul torn cloth, like an old old blanket.

Seventeen million seven hundred three thousand nine hundred eight

I am as alive as the first day when I first was one on one with a new life in a cool room with blue tiles and a huge lamp, turned upside down, receiving his first slap on the bare ass.

Since then, a lot of clothes covered my body with the most cherished place that kept the first impression of friendliness of this world. But if its just friendly, even with the promise of bringing in a sense, spank, I'll yell real loud, though not as loudly and hysterically as the first cry of a helpless baby, but I will also hurt.

I am a strong man and a defenseless child. And the thing is that both of these parts with me at the same time. No one is includes in different situations or circumstances. We are always, forever, remain together with every part of yourself.

We do not hear and feel a thousand impulses of our inner universe, but we spend the vast river of time for the fitting of one or another new myself for some templates, pastrami around us.

All these clothes already worn. They will not be perfect for us, because sewn on someone else's mold.

The place where our true nature, where carefully structured and clearly laid out all of our biochemical, genetic and spiritual potential, know each of us. And only there you can find the "clothing" of its size, content and all the necessary "accessories", and the sincerely persistent — manual for use and applying ourselves with all this wealth in this particular life, specifically with these people, specifically this point.

Everything you need only your personal, individual pattern you will find in this Divine Atelier Self. Is it for everyone.

Now, stop, stop, stop, stop the world around, close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold your breath, quietly count to four, exhale, hold breath again, and quietly counted to four. And do so four times (namely, four). Freeze for a few seconds after the fourth exhale — that's the point of your build. In this state you can change the whole world, not just yourself.

And enter it at any time. And if you find yourself in it for longer...  Vaguely?

Vague — generalizing many of the teachings and personality — are strikingly specific. We can use informative material as road signs, if we move along the road, but not to substitute one for the other. No need to be some teaching, some practice, especially to become their authors. These people did their job. Our task is to find and make your.

Why is no one is amazing and does not lead to a depressive collapse the complexity of our body — it is very complicated mechanism. And mental, emotional and sensitive nature of our warehouse frightens us to rejection and non-recognition, sometimes the obvious things. Although both we mercilessly use, Deplete and destroy, and then the outside looking for a all-powerful medicine.

But we're not trying to move the liver to one more convenient for us or place the bowel differently in the image and likeness of another person. Or find a new place a little pacecca?

Why do we always want to alter their nature? Isn't it easier to try to deal with all your inclinations and to develop them at least to apply, and then load the updates.

You can't just throw away unnecessary emotions. And to remake them is also impossible. Yeah. It is impossible, is an illusion. You are a man, emotion is a part of our life, the same as leather. If we porugese or pricks with a needle, it still hurts, sharp word too. And that's OK. One should not blame or despise for what seems to us as if we don't like someone there or something there. That we feel something is wrong, as I would like. On the contrary, it is necessary to expand and support their emotional nature. Give her the necessary balance. Not to quarrel with him.

Buy yourself something nice, talk nice, tell someone something nice, let your emotion be replenished, and is hungry and rumbling like a hungry stomach.

Emotions agree among themselves, if you do not select one and despise the other. They will balance and enrich each other.

I imagine it's easier than it seems. We hoard like a hog, carefully and selflessly some resentment, but do not even think about the fact that it is a direct projection of what we ourselves constantly hurt. His rejection, his dissatisfaction, criticism, judgments and ideas about what we would like it to be, what kind of people we want around.

Want to be hugged, and themselves unselfishly not even smile. We are greedy, but others to be with us greedy we do not allow. And we them for it do not forgive, myself sorry. So willing or restrained hang on deprived, by us, of emotion to someone else instead of them enriches us.

Our discontent, still, what or who, only the result solely of our preconceived ideas about who and what someone or we should. We choose to stay in a crib covered with his displeasure than to change, at least that is in our power.

There is always something that can be done right now, today, this week, this year.

To change something is a long present process. And it scares us. Even though the possibility to gain new experience, new feeling, new emotions.

The richer your emotional and multivalent nature, the more balanced your emotional world. Even in the turmoil. That's the whole paradoxical secret of.

Looking back, I see so many miles of roads, how many patterns and re-divisions I have used how authoritarian the lights I'm challenged by the example of their lives, not because but rather in spite of, because they sincerely wanted to change. How many inputs and outputs I was looking for, found, lost and searching.

And most importantly, was always nearby. If they beat us — we hurt because we live, because it is able to feel, therefore, to change something. In itself. Based on their characteristics, instincts and hard work. And if we get hit again by the same patient — more hurt. Only the power and the time of pain will depend directly on that, we broke out of the previous pain or increase it to those that left with him, carrying, storing up, Pistoia.

Such a forced "cut" can greatly affect our lives, she has much to teach us, it can overwhelm us, can tame or make it even more annoying. But we do not become stronger from shocks and the seats do not become coista. We just change, our perception and even priorities.

It makes no sense to burn out your feelings, feelings are treated by feelings, emotions — emotions, sincerity — sincerity, pain, pain, thoughts thoughts. Only by understanding these relationships it is possible to integrate itself in itself, and, therefore, to find myself in this world, which would be imperfect without us.

All that we have — it's part of us. All what we have and what we no longer find ourselves, the more we. And there are no parts in the us, one of which is something there, and the other is something else there. We are whole. Indivisible. Very personal. Special. Necessary. Important. Each. published 

© Tatiana Baruch


P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

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Source: www.slovomiru.com/2015/12/nedelimoe-ochen-lichnoe.html