Illness as a HEALING tool
Homeoenergetic medicine (GSM) is a modern branch of medicine, developed by Italian physician Luigi Marcello Monsellato.
Golosaria is the combined effect of similar factors. The word comes from the Greek words homey- (homoios – similar, identical) and synergy (synergos – acting together).
First of all it is the medicine of life, of its laws. From the academic traditional medicine it is distinguished by a number of fundamental issues.
First of all, fuel is the spiritual medicine, which is based on the laws of life. Disease in GSM is considered as an instrument of healing. And the whole syndrome of the disease is not that other, as the process of purification of the Soul.
Traditional medicine processes in the body divides into normal and pathological. In GSM pathology does not exist. First of all, DBS is trying to understand the meaning of illness and to convey it to people. This medicine is not so much about the body but about how a person lives his life. Everything else: bacteria, viruses, fungi – are part of the process called life.
Man comes to Earth to realize and solve the problems of the past, manifested through disease, suffering. Unresolved – so unconsciously. Therefore, the main objective of GSM is the realization.
Awareness of the needs of the Soul for which it came to Earth. Awareness allows you to be cleansed, to get rid of intoxication. Recovery can be thought of as two scales: awareness and suffering. This is two possible ways of man.
If the person lives with the needs of the Soul, accepts and understands, then there is no place for suffering. Awareness is the true recovery. It is not enough to give a person medicine. Homeoenergetic drugs are specially selected synergistic components, which not only affect physical but also spiritual. But their task is not to cure, but to help understanding.
The main diagnostic tool for fuel is muscle testing. It is a tool through which physician – homeoenergetic can communicate with the human Soul. The art of the doctor of GSM – to "read" the processes occurring in the body.
To do this the doctor uses a "language" of the body. The symptom is a pointer to man's way of life. The body never lies. Each symptom is a message to a person what is his unawareness of where he is turned from his way of life. One must understand the meaning and causes of his illness. Then he can take responsibility for their recovery.
DBS considers the 5 basic emotions. She divides them into positive and negative.
1. Fear.
It is a way of human salvation. Fear accumulates, if a person is not able to Express it. The society is not accepted to Express your own. And a child who is born with a great ability to be afraid, can't Express their fear. We say to him: "Well, what are you afraid of? Go ahead! You're an adult. Only small children are afraid and crying." And the fear remains inside, it is stored and waiting in the wings to get out through illness.
2. Anger.
Allows you to make strong our beliefs. When a child is angry, he wants to Express his emotions. We say to him: "do Not shout. Quiet! Are you poorly educated?" The child cannot Express his anger and stores it. Then the emotion comes out through the body.
3. Sadness.
This way of being with yourself. It's a way to be alone with ourselves to hear ourselves. Parents, seeing their child sad, saying, "Why are you so sad? Let's portulacas. Buy you some toys." Sadness accumulates in the adult, such a person becomes depressed.
4. Love.
It means to give without requiring anything in return. A child is born with this quality. Children give their toys to others, asking nothing in return. But parents say: "This is your toy. You can play, but then must take her. If they'll give you, you have nothing left". Such a child becomes greedy, with a desire to possess, and is incapable of unconditional love.
5. Envy.
The child tries to imitate, copy adults, wants to play them. It is a tool for its development. But the society evaluates the envy negative: "You can't do what adults do. You're still small. Your time has not yet come". And instead of development, push for more, the child does not show his emotion. And it accumulates.
GSM is based on the 7 Spiritual laws:
1. Like attracts like: all life events, illness, accidents are not accidental. They are a reflection of the shadow sides of our Soul.
2. Any illness is a positive processaimed at the elimination of toxins, emotional blocks. A disease is always a cause for joy. After all, due to a disease the body is purified and goes to a new level.
3. All human suffering associated with rejection, failure. People are prone to criticism and condemnation. We are constantly looking to blame, complain about a hard life. But life is not bad. It was a great experience. We can only assess it as good or bad. But it's the choice of everyone.
4. What we resist, continues to exist. If we live a situation, not accepting her and opposing her, that create chronic problem (the situation will be repeated, until we find conflict within myself). Everyone's situation is not accidental. Life through these situations gives us the chance to be free, to be cleansed. Due to these situations, and using the rule of the Mirror (like attracts like), we must begin to better understand yourself. But we are looking for fault outside themselves, and continue to fight. The same with sickness. If we are struggling with acute sore throat using antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, we drive the conflict deeper into and subsequently get the disease of heart, kidneys, joints. But what is angina? You can't say what you feel, you're always protected, don't trust the world. Disease is a message to us, the chance to get rid of conflict, but we block it.
5. In life everyone is either aware of, or Stradeso the Best way to live without the disease – to realize it.
6. The world soverzeneB. there are No errors. There is experience and lessons. The one who kills, perfect. He's perfect because that belongs to perfect world. One who kills is not wrong. The only thing that separates him from us is the level of awareness. Murderers are not random. According to the law of like attracts like, killers exist only because we, too, kill, only in a different way: beliefs, lies, indecision. All the murder. For GSM there is no difference between those who are physically and kills those who kills emotionally.
7. We are all one. What we do to others we do to ourselves. As you sow so shall you reap. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: kinesio-med.ru/node/12
Golosaria is the combined effect of similar factors. The word comes from the Greek words homey- (homoios – similar, identical) and synergy (synergos – acting together).
First of all it is the medicine of life, of its laws. From the academic traditional medicine it is distinguished by a number of fundamental issues.
First of all, fuel is the spiritual medicine, which is based on the laws of life. Disease in GSM is considered as an instrument of healing. And the whole syndrome of the disease is not that other, as the process of purification of the Soul.
Traditional medicine processes in the body divides into normal and pathological. In GSM pathology does not exist. First of all, DBS is trying to understand the meaning of illness and to convey it to people. This medicine is not so much about the body but about how a person lives his life. Everything else: bacteria, viruses, fungi – are part of the process called life.

Man comes to Earth to realize and solve the problems of the past, manifested through disease, suffering. Unresolved – so unconsciously. Therefore, the main objective of GSM is the realization.
Awareness of the needs of the Soul for which it came to Earth. Awareness allows you to be cleansed, to get rid of intoxication. Recovery can be thought of as two scales: awareness and suffering. This is two possible ways of man.
If the person lives with the needs of the Soul, accepts and understands, then there is no place for suffering. Awareness is the true recovery. It is not enough to give a person medicine. Homeoenergetic drugs are specially selected synergistic components, which not only affect physical but also spiritual. But their task is not to cure, but to help understanding.
The main diagnostic tool for fuel is muscle testing. It is a tool through which physician – homeoenergetic can communicate with the human Soul. The art of the doctor of GSM – to "read" the processes occurring in the body.
To do this the doctor uses a "language" of the body. The symptom is a pointer to man's way of life. The body never lies. Each symptom is a message to a person what is his unawareness of where he is turned from his way of life. One must understand the meaning and causes of his illness. Then he can take responsibility for their recovery.
DBS considers the 5 basic emotions. She divides them into positive and negative.
1. Fear.
It is a way of human salvation. Fear accumulates, if a person is not able to Express it. The society is not accepted to Express your own. And a child who is born with a great ability to be afraid, can't Express their fear. We say to him: "Well, what are you afraid of? Go ahead! You're an adult. Only small children are afraid and crying." And the fear remains inside, it is stored and waiting in the wings to get out through illness.
2. Anger.
Allows you to make strong our beliefs. When a child is angry, he wants to Express his emotions. We say to him: "do Not shout. Quiet! Are you poorly educated?" The child cannot Express his anger and stores it. Then the emotion comes out through the body.
3. Sadness.
This way of being with yourself. It's a way to be alone with ourselves to hear ourselves. Parents, seeing their child sad, saying, "Why are you so sad? Let's portulacas. Buy you some toys." Sadness accumulates in the adult, such a person becomes depressed.
4. Love.
It means to give without requiring anything in return. A child is born with this quality. Children give their toys to others, asking nothing in return. But parents say: "This is your toy. You can play, but then must take her. If they'll give you, you have nothing left". Such a child becomes greedy, with a desire to possess, and is incapable of unconditional love.
5. Envy.
The child tries to imitate, copy adults, wants to play them. It is a tool for its development. But the society evaluates the envy negative: "You can't do what adults do. You're still small. Your time has not yet come". And instead of development, push for more, the child does not show his emotion. And it accumulates.

GSM is based on the 7 Spiritual laws:
1. Like attracts like: all life events, illness, accidents are not accidental. They are a reflection of the shadow sides of our Soul.
2. Any illness is a positive processaimed at the elimination of toxins, emotional blocks. A disease is always a cause for joy. After all, due to a disease the body is purified and goes to a new level.
3. All human suffering associated with rejection, failure. People are prone to criticism and condemnation. We are constantly looking to blame, complain about a hard life. But life is not bad. It was a great experience. We can only assess it as good or bad. But it's the choice of everyone.
4. What we resist, continues to exist. If we live a situation, not accepting her and opposing her, that create chronic problem (the situation will be repeated, until we find conflict within myself). Everyone's situation is not accidental. Life through these situations gives us the chance to be free, to be cleansed. Due to these situations, and using the rule of the Mirror (like attracts like), we must begin to better understand yourself. But we are looking for fault outside themselves, and continue to fight. The same with sickness. If we are struggling with acute sore throat using antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, we drive the conflict deeper into and subsequently get the disease of heart, kidneys, joints. But what is angina? You can't say what you feel, you're always protected, don't trust the world. Disease is a message to us, the chance to get rid of conflict, but we block it.
5. In life everyone is either aware of, or Stradeso the Best way to live without the disease – to realize it.
6. The world soverzeneB. there are No errors. There is experience and lessons. The one who kills, perfect. He's perfect because that belongs to perfect world. One who kills is not wrong. The only thing that separates him from us is the level of awareness. Murderers are not random. According to the law of like attracts like, killers exist only because we, too, kill, only in a different way: beliefs, lies, indecision. All the murder. For GSM there is no difference between those who are physically and kills those who kills emotionally.
7. We are all one. What we do to others we do to ourselves. As you sow so shall you reap. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: kinesio-med.ru/node/12