How to make: almond cultivation
Regular almond is a small tree, but some breeding varieties and all are bushes. Almond tree due to its powerful root system can grow on fairly poor soils that were previously fertilized with organic matter.
So there is no need to rent black earth land in order to save, you can rent land with other soil types. The highest price per hectare of land per year can reach three and a half thousand rubles, but the average is two thousand. Right to allocate the land for planting almond garden is not enough to confine a field of five hectares. Rental price of this land will average about 10 thousand rubles.
Cultivated, as a rule, the species Prunus dulcis, which is included in the genus Plum.
Yes, almonds – a close relative of the plum and cherry plum. How can we guess the fruit of almonds are not nuts, although they are often classifies them. It is also necessary to distinguish between bitter and sweet almonds, which are grown for different purposes, because you find an uneven application in human activities.
Often, of course, use sweet almond, which is an ingredient in many culinary dishes, bitter often becomes the basis for the production of almond oil and a component in making some mixes, marzipan, or praline.
It turns out that one hectare will require about 70 thousand rubles for planting, and for five hectares, this would amount to 350 thousand rubles. The almond grows well even on stony soils, thrives in clay and loamy, tolerates leached the earth, but are very sensitive to salts and acidic compounds. Advance soil fertilized with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are introduced later as well on the growth of the almond is affected by manure and other organic fertilizers.
The almond is affected by a large number of diseases and harmful insects, pests similar to agricultural pests of plum.
Specific insect – plum Tolstonogov –pupates in the seed, and the caterpillars spoil the leaves of the plant. There are also other insects that harm the plants of almonds, such as almond leaf Sawfly or almond sameed.
From all diseases and insects can be removed the traditional way — by cleaning up fallen early fruits and leaves, manual sorting rotten fruit. If you do not take care of the garden, its yield may be reduced almost to zero.
If to count, on five acres of land is nearly a thousand plants, 1400, to be exact. Almond fruits are formed in a large number of groups, and in one season a single tree can yield up to 15 kilograms of finished products, i.e. peeled almonds.
The record is rate is approximately 80 kilograms of a tree, in some countries, where almond is a natural inhabitant, the yield is slightly higher than in Russia, but even 15 kilograms per tree in the country – an excellent result.
The production of marzipan.
But you can earn not only by selling themselves to the fruit. If in the garden are grown the seeds of bitter almonds, with sweet seeds, you can engage in home production of marzipan.
If agriculture is the farmer with his family, it will have enough opportunities to develop additional business, which will become a new source of income. This practice became widespread in Europe and gradually this idea comes in this country.
The grower, which itself grows almonds, can significantly save on raw materials, and hence offer a cheaper finished product, not inferior in quality.
Thus, the harvested almonds is divided into parts, a significant portion go on sale, and a small number retained by the farmer for the production of marzipan. Almond seeds turn into a flour, while separately cooking the bitter and sweet almonds. Then added syrup, sugar, beaten eggs and the like depending on the recipe.
Large marzipan factory do not give out the recipe, considering it a trade secret, but you can create your own recipe since the main ingredients are known.
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Dan Kennedy: How to succeed in business by breaking all the rulesand Established a home factory for the production of marzipan can become not just additional income, but also a good opportunity to take still vacant in the country niche. Because imported almonds to Russia from other countries easier than a much more perishable marzipan, which increases the price of imported product to the end user.
Yet there are some businesses that offer cake decorating marzipan, but many of them use not just imported almonds, and even replace him – walnuts or apricot pits.
All this allows you to be the first player on the market that offers this quality product at a acceptable for marzipan price. Marzipan can also be different, and its price is determined primarily by the content of the almond mass. Common varieties of marzipan with the almond content of 25%, although particularly expensive, this figure reaches 70%.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/blacklionmag?w=wall-95325074_13147
So there is no need to rent black earth land in order to save, you can rent land with other soil types. The highest price per hectare of land per year can reach three and a half thousand rubles, but the average is two thousand. Right to allocate the land for planting almond garden is not enough to confine a field of five hectares. Rental price of this land will average about 10 thousand rubles.

Cultivated, as a rule, the species Prunus dulcis, which is included in the genus Plum.
Yes, almonds – a close relative of the plum and cherry plum. How can we guess the fruit of almonds are not nuts, although they are often classifies them. It is also necessary to distinguish between bitter and sweet almonds, which are grown for different purposes, because you find an uneven application in human activities.
Often, of course, use sweet almond, which is an ingredient in many culinary dishes, bitter often becomes the basis for the production of almond oil and a component in making some mixes, marzipan, or praline.
It turns out that one hectare will require about 70 thousand rubles for planting, and for five hectares, this would amount to 350 thousand rubles. The almond grows well even on stony soils, thrives in clay and loamy, tolerates leached the earth, but are very sensitive to salts and acidic compounds. Advance soil fertilized with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are introduced later as well on the growth of the almond is affected by manure and other organic fertilizers.

The almond is affected by a large number of diseases and harmful insects, pests similar to agricultural pests of plum.
Specific insect – plum Tolstonogov –pupates in the seed, and the caterpillars spoil the leaves of the plant. There are also other insects that harm the plants of almonds, such as almond leaf Sawfly or almond sameed.
From all diseases and insects can be removed the traditional way — by cleaning up fallen early fruits and leaves, manual sorting rotten fruit. If you do not take care of the garden, its yield may be reduced almost to zero.
If to count, on five acres of land is nearly a thousand plants, 1400, to be exact. Almond fruits are formed in a large number of groups, and in one season a single tree can yield up to 15 kilograms of finished products, i.e. peeled almonds.
The record is rate is approximately 80 kilograms of a tree, in some countries, where almond is a natural inhabitant, the yield is slightly higher than in Russia, but even 15 kilograms per tree in the country – an excellent result.

The production of marzipan.
But you can earn not only by selling themselves to the fruit. If in the garden are grown the seeds of bitter almonds, with sweet seeds, you can engage in home production of marzipan.
If agriculture is the farmer with his family, it will have enough opportunities to develop additional business, which will become a new source of income. This practice became widespread in Europe and gradually this idea comes in this country.
The grower, which itself grows almonds, can significantly save on raw materials, and hence offer a cheaper finished product, not inferior in quality.
Thus, the harvested almonds is divided into parts, a significant portion go on sale, and a small number retained by the farmer for the production of marzipan. Almond seeds turn into a flour, while separately cooking the bitter and sweet almonds. Then added syrup, sugar, beaten eggs and the like depending on the recipe.
Large marzipan factory do not give out the recipe, considering it a trade secret, but you can create your own recipe since the main ingredients are known.
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Dan Kennedy: How to succeed in business by breaking all the rulesand Established a home factory for the production of marzipan can become not just additional income, but also a good opportunity to take still vacant in the country niche. Because imported almonds to Russia from other countries easier than a much more perishable marzipan, which increases the price of imported product to the end user.
Yet there are some businesses that offer cake decorating marzipan, but many of them use not just imported almonds, and even replace him – walnuts or apricot pits.
All this allows you to be the first player on the market that offers this quality product at a acceptable for marzipan price. Marzipan can also be different, and its price is determined primarily by the content of the almond mass. Common varieties of marzipan with the almond content of 25%, although particularly expensive, this figure reaches 70%.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/blacklionmag?w=wall-95325074_13147