Chekhov. A woman without prejudices
A woman without prejudices
(Roman)Maxim Kuzmich Salutes tall, stout, portly. Body type it can be called athletic. His strength was extraordinary. He bends dimes, pulling out by the roots young trees, raises teeth weights and swears that no man on earth that would dare to compete with him.
He is brave and bold. Didn't see that he ever did anything afraid. On the contrary, his own scared and pale before him, when he is angry. Men and women squealing and blushing when he shakes their hands: it hurts!!! His beautiful baritone voice is impossible to hear because it drowns out the... Power man! Another similar I do not know.
And this monstrous, inhuman, ox-power was like nothing on crushed rat as the Maxim Kuzmich declared his love to Elena Gavrilovna! Maxim Kuzmich paled, blushed, trembled and was not able to raise the chair when he had to squeeze out of his big mouth: "I love you!" Power take a back seat, and a large body turned in a big empty vessel.
He explained in love on the rink. She flew across the ice with ease light as a feather, and he was chasing her, quivered and thrilled and whispering. On his face was written pain... Nimble, agile legs buckled and was confused when I had to carve on the ice some whimsical monogram... do You think he was afraid of rejection? No, Elena Gavrilovna loved him and longed for the offer of his hand and heart... She, petite, pretty brunette, were ready every minute to burn down from impatience... He was thirty, his chin is small, the money had not particularly much, but he's so handsome, witty, clever! He is dancing to, well... shoot Better no one rides. Once he is, walking with her, jumped over a ditch to jump through which would find it difficult any English horse!..
Impossible not to love such a person!
And he knew that his love. He was sure of it. He suffered from the thought... the thought choked his brain, made him rage, cry, gave him to drink, eat, sleep... It was the Bane of his life. He swore in love, and it is at this time swarmed in his mind and pounded in his whiskey.
— Be my wife! he said to Elena Gavrilovna. — I love you! wildly, it is terrible!!
And himself at the same time thought:
"Do I have the right to be her husband? No, you do not have! If she knew what I origin, if somebody told her about my past, she would give me a slap! Shameful, unhappy past! She, noble, rich, educated, would spit on me if he knew I was a bird."
When Elena Gavrilovna rushed at him and swore her love for him, he didn't feel happy.
The thought poisoned all... Returning home from the rink, he was biting my lips and thought:
"Scoundrel I am! If I was an honest man, I would have told her everything... everything! I had before to declare his love, fill her in on your secret! But I didn't, and I'm a scoundrel!"
Parents Elena Gavrilovna agreed to her marriage with Maxim Kuzmich. The athlete liked them: he was reverent, and as an officer with the highest of hopes. Elena Gavrilovna felt perfect. She was happy. But poor athlete was not happy! Before the wedding, he was tormented by the thought that during the explanation...
Tormented him and one friend, who, like the five fingers, knew his past... had to give the man almost all his salary.
— Treat lunch at the Hermitage! — said the man. — And then tell everyone... Yes, twenty-five rubles loan it to me!
Poor Maxim Kuzmich thin, haggard... his Cheeks have fallen, fists have become wiry. He got sick from the thought. If not for the beloved woman, he would have shot...
"I am a scoundrel, a scoundrel! he thought. — I should confront her before the wedding! Let him spit on me!"
But before the wedding, he didn't explain: don't have the courage.
And the idea that after the explanations he would have to part with the woman was for him the worst of them all thought like this!
Come the wedding night. Young to get married, congratulated, and everyone marvelled at their happiness. Poor Maxim Kuzmich congratulated each other, drank, danced, laughed, but was terribly unhappy. "I, cattle, forced to explain! We get married, but it's not too late! We can still leave!"
And he explained...
When came the coveted hour and the young was carried into the bedroom, conscience, and honesty have taken their... Maxim Kuzmich, pale, shivering, not remembering kinship, barely breathing, timidly approached her and, taking her hand, said:
— Before we... belong to each other, I have... had to explain...
"What is it, Max?! You... pale! You all these days pale, silent... are You sick?
— I... I have to tell you, Lelya... Sit down... I need to hit, to poison your happiness... but what can you do? Duty first... I'll tell you my past...
Lola opened his eyes and grinned...
— Well, tell me... Just hurry, please. And try not to shiver so.
— Ro... I was born in There... there... Beauvais... my Parents were not noble, and terribly poor... I'll tell you what I come up with. You will be astonished. Wait... See... I was broke... As a boy, I used to sell apples... pears...
— You?!
— You're horrified? But, honey, that's not so terrible. Oh, I unfortunate! You'll curse me if you know!
"But what?
Twenty years... I was... was... excuse me! Bear with me. I was... a clown in the circus!
— You?!? A clown?
Fireworks in anticipation of slapping his hands covered his pale face... He was close to fainting...
— You... a clown?!
And Lola fell from the couch... jumped, ran...
What's wrong with her? Clutched his stomach... sleeping away and fell down laughing, like hysterical...
Ha ha ha... You were a clown? You? Maxine... Darling! Imagine something! Prove that you were him! Ha ha ha! Darling!
She jumped to Salutova and hugged him...
— Think of something! Cute! Darling!
— You laugh, unhappy? Despise?
— Do something! And on the rope know how to walk? Come on!
She showered her husband with kisses, clung to him, flattered... Not much was that she was angry... He does not understand anything, happy, gave in to his wife's request.
Approaching the bed, he counted to three and began upside down, leaning his forehead on the edge of the bed...
Bravo, Max! Encore! Ha ha! Darling! More!
Max swayed, jumped, as he was on the floor and went on her hands...
In the morning parents Leli was terribly surprised.
— Who's that knocking at the top? they asked each other. — Young still sleeping... Must be the maid... naughty Potter! Ekie bastards!
Dad went upstairs, but the workers are not found there.
Rustled, to his great surprise, in the room young... He stood near the door, shrugged his shoulders and slightly pushed it open... Looking into the bedroom, he cringed, and almost died from surprise: among the bedrooms stood Maxim Kuzmich and cut in the air Athanasia salto mortale; beside him stood Helen and applauded. Both their faces shone with happiness.published
Henry Miller. Best quotes about women
Charles Bukowski on life and women
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ostrovok.de/p/chekhov/zhenshchina-bez-predrassudkov.html
(Roman)Maxim Kuzmich Salutes tall, stout, portly. Body type it can be called athletic. His strength was extraordinary. He bends dimes, pulling out by the roots young trees, raises teeth weights and swears that no man on earth that would dare to compete with him.
He is brave and bold. Didn't see that he ever did anything afraid. On the contrary, his own scared and pale before him, when he is angry. Men and women squealing and blushing when he shakes their hands: it hurts!!! His beautiful baritone voice is impossible to hear because it drowns out the... Power man! Another similar I do not know.

And this monstrous, inhuman, ox-power was like nothing on crushed rat as the Maxim Kuzmich declared his love to Elena Gavrilovna! Maxim Kuzmich paled, blushed, trembled and was not able to raise the chair when he had to squeeze out of his big mouth: "I love you!" Power take a back seat, and a large body turned in a big empty vessel.
He explained in love on the rink. She flew across the ice with ease light as a feather, and he was chasing her, quivered and thrilled and whispering. On his face was written pain... Nimble, agile legs buckled and was confused when I had to carve on the ice some whimsical monogram... do You think he was afraid of rejection? No, Elena Gavrilovna loved him and longed for the offer of his hand and heart... She, petite, pretty brunette, were ready every minute to burn down from impatience... He was thirty, his chin is small, the money had not particularly much, but he's so handsome, witty, clever! He is dancing to, well... shoot Better no one rides. Once he is, walking with her, jumped over a ditch to jump through which would find it difficult any English horse!..
Impossible not to love such a person!
And he knew that his love. He was sure of it. He suffered from the thought... the thought choked his brain, made him rage, cry, gave him to drink, eat, sleep... It was the Bane of his life. He swore in love, and it is at this time swarmed in his mind and pounded in his whiskey.
— Be my wife! he said to Elena Gavrilovna. — I love you! wildly, it is terrible!!
And himself at the same time thought:
"Do I have the right to be her husband? No, you do not have! If she knew what I origin, if somebody told her about my past, she would give me a slap! Shameful, unhappy past! She, noble, rich, educated, would spit on me if he knew I was a bird."
When Elena Gavrilovna rushed at him and swore her love for him, he didn't feel happy.
The thought poisoned all... Returning home from the rink, he was biting my lips and thought:
"Scoundrel I am! If I was an honest man, I would have told her everything... everything! I had before to declare his love, fill her in on your secret! But I didn't, and I'm a scoundrel!"
Parents Elena Gavrilovna agreed to her marriage with Maxim Kuzmich. The athlete liked them: he was reverent, and as an officer with the highest of hopes. Elena Gavrilovna felt perfect. She was happy. But poor athlete was not happy! Before the wedding, he was tormented by the thought that during the explanation...
Tormented him and one friend, who, like the five fingers, knew his past... had to give the man almost all his salary.
— Treat lunch at the Hermitage! — said the man. — And then tell everyone... Yes, twenty-five rubles loan it to me!
Poor Maxim Kuzmich thin, haggard... his Cheeks have fallen, fists have become wiry. He got sick from the thought. If not for the beloved woman, he would have shot...
"I am a scoundrel, a scoundrel! he thought. — I should confront her before the wedding! Let him spit on me!"
But before the wedding, he didn't explain: don't have the courage.
And the idea that after the explanations he would have to part with the woman was for him the worst of them all thought like this!
Come the wedding night. Young to get married, congratulated, and everyone marvelled at their happiness. Poor Maxim Kuzmich congratulated each other, drank, danced, laughed, but was terribly unhappy. "I, cattle, forced to explain! We get married, but it's not too late! We can still leave!"
And he explained...
When came the coveted hour and the young was carried into the bedroom, conscience, and honesty have taken their... Maxim Kuzmich, pale, shivering, not remembering kinship, barely breathing, timidly approached her and, taking her hand, said:
— Before we... belong to each other, I have... had to explain...
"What is it, Max?! You... pale! You all these days pale, silent... are You sick?
— I... I have to tell you, Lelya... Sit down... I need to hit, to poison your happiness... but what can you do? Duty first... I'll tell you my past...
Lola opened his eyes and grinned...
— Well, tell me... Just hurry, please. And try not to shiver so.
— Ro... I was born in There... there... Beauvais... my Parents were not noble, and terribly poor... I'll tell you what I come up with. You will be astonished. Wait... See... I was broke... As a boy, I used to sell apples... pears...
— You?!
— You're horrified? But, honey, that's not so terrible. Oh, I unfortunate! You'll curse me if you know!
"But what?
Twenty years... I was... was... excuse me! Bear with me. I was... a clown in the circus!
— You?!? A clown?
Fireworks in anticipation of slapping his hands covered his pale face... He was close to fainting...
— You... a clown?!
And Lola fell from the couch... jumped, ran...
What's wrong with her? Clutched his stomach... sleeping away and fell down laughing, like hysterical...
Ha ha ha... You were a clown? You? Maxine... Darling! Imagine something! Prove that you were him! Ha ha ha! Darling!
She jumped to Salutova and hugged him...
— Think of something! Cute! Darling!
— You laugh, unhappy? Despise?
— Do something! And on the rope know how to walk? Come on!
She showered her husband with kisses, clung to him, flattered... Not much was that she was angry... He does not understand anything, happy, gave in to his wife's request.
Approaching the bed, he counted to three and began upside down, leaning his forehead on the edge of the bed...
Bravo, Max! Encore! Ha ha! Darling! More!
Max swayed, jumped, as he was on the floor and went on her hands...
In the morning parents Leli was terribly surprised.
— Who's that knocking at the top? they asked each other. — Young still sleeping... Must be the maid... naughty Potter! Ekie bastards!
Dad went upstairs, but the workers are not found there.
Rustled, to his great surprise, in the room young... He stood near the door, shrugged his shoulders and slightly pushed it open... Looking into the bedroom, he cringed, and almost died from surprise: among the bedrooms stood Maxim Kuzmich and cut in the air Athanasia salto mortale; beside him stood Helen and applauded. Both their faces shone with happiness.published
Henry Miller. Best quotes about women
Charles Bukowski on life and women
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ostrovok.de/p/chekhov/zhenshchina-bez-predrassudkov.html