Unknown facts about famous writers
On the famous writer, you can find a wealth of information - how they lived, how to create their immortal works. Writing is not easy and quite time-consuming. When reading an interesting book, the reader usually does not think about the features of the character and lifestyle of the writer, who wrote it. But some facts of his biography or a history of this or that book is very entertaining and sometimes even causes.
Byron h3> «I can not be a genius 24 hours, there will be no time for shaving». em>
He suffered manic-depressive psychosis. The great poet Byron was lame, inclined to be overweight and extremely full of love - a year in Venice, according to some reports, he blessed them, lame and thick, 250 ladies. Byron had an amazing personal collection - strands of hair cut pubic beloveds.
Charles Dickens h3> «Near Candlelight always fawned upon midges and insects, but is to blame candle?» em>
Dickens fascinated by hypnosis, or, as they said, mesmerism. One of the most popular entertainment Dickens were hiking in the Paris morgue, where exhibited unidentified bodies. Charles Dickens always slept head to the north. He also sat facing north, when he wrote his great works. Oscar Wilde h3> «I like to talk about anything - it's the only thing I understand." em>
Oscar Wilde did not take seriously the works of Dickens and for any reason mocked them. Generally, contemporary Charles Dickens criticism endlessly hinted that he would never go into a list of the best British writers. In 1878, he graduated from Oxford with honors. Wilde was very kind and extravagant personality. And even he spent two years in prison. Oscar was convicted on charges of sodomy. At the end of the life of Wilde for some reason changed his name to Sebastian Melmoth. Ernest Hemingway h3> «A truly brave people do not need to fight on duel, but it is constantly doing many shorts to assure himself in his own courage ». em>
Ernest Hemingway was not only ... and suicide, as everyone knows. Yet he had peyrafobiya (fear of public speaking), besides, he never believed even the most sincere praise his readers and admirers. Even friends - did not believe, and that's it! Hemingway lived through five wars, four road and two air disaster. Hemingway often and willingly talked about how he was being followed by the FBI. The two sides crooked smile, but in the end it turned out that he was right - declassified documents confirmed that this was indeed under surveillance, not paranoia.
«In our world, all the crazy». em> h3>
The personal diaries Carroll constantly repented of certain sins. However, these pages were destroyed family of the writer, not to denigrate his image. Some of the researchers seriously believes that Carroll was Jack the Ripper, which, as we know, has never been found. Carroll suffered from swamp fever, cystitis, lumbago, eczema, abrasions, arthritis, pleurisy, rheumatism, insomnia and a whole bunch of various illnesses. In addition, it has almost continuously - and very strong - had a headache. Carroll personally invented a tricycle, a mnemonic system for remembering names and dates and electric pen.
Franz Kafka h3> «They lie less likely to lie when least, not when it is less likely for the reasons». em>
He worked as a clerk. According to modern concepts was a typical office plankton, zadrotom and loser. Franz Kafka was the grandson of a kosher butcher and a vegan. In all his life he was able to publish a few stories of unsung community. Before his death, he bequeathed to his executor, Max Brod to destroy all his manuscripts. But Max Brod did not submit to the will of the dying. So Franz Kafka became world-famous writer. Posthumously. Currently, Kafka is one of the main mascots of Prague. William Shakespeare h3> «The sins of others to judge you so hard breaks, start with its up to other people do not get ». em>
William Shakespeare "was born and died in the same day - April 23». Contemporaries claimed that Shakespeare was fond of poaching - hunting deer in the possession of Sir Thomas Lucy, without permission. In honor of Shakespeare named a crater on Mercury. For several hundred years is debatable whether he was the true author of the works published under his name. ul >
Leo Tolstoy h3> «Most people are proud of the purity of his conscience just because they have a short memory». em>
On the wedding night with Sophia Bers 34-year-old Leo Tolstoy made the 18-year-old wife freshly read the pages in his diary, which described in detail amorous adventures of a writer with different women, among others - a serf. Tolstoy wanted between him and his wife did not have any secrets. Leo Tolstoy skeptical of his novels, including "War and Peace." In 1871 he sent a letter to Fet: "How happy I am ... what to write wordy rubbish like" War "I will never become». Leo Tolstoy instead of cross wearing underwear portrait of a French educator JJ Rousseau. Agatha Christie h3> «Discussions invented in order to prevent people from thinking». Em>
In the First World, she worked as a nurse in a military hospital. Later, she worked in the pharmacy, because well-versed in poisons, and many murders in her books were committed by using poisons. Agatha Christie suffered from dysgraphia, that is virtually unable to write by hand. All her famous novels were dictated. Brian Aldiss, familiar to Agatha Christie, once told about her methods - "She was finishing the book until the last chapter, and then choose the most unlikely of suspects and, returning to the top remade some moments to substitute him ».
Anton Chekhov
«Each of us too many screws, wheels and flaps, so that we can judge each other at first glance or two or three signs». em>
Chekhov was a big fan of walking into a brothel - and, being in a strange city, first studied it from this side. Anton Chekhov was a passionate collector of stamps. He collected them all my life. Anton Chekhov was a friend of the composer Tchaikovsky and even dedicated his stories "Gloomy people». was left at the 2nd year in the 3rd class of the gap in the literature. li > Chekhov sat down to write, dressed in ceremonial dress. Arthur Conan Doyle h3> «Nothing is so deceptive as too obvious facts». em>
Arthur Conan Doyle invented Sherlock Holmes, was an occultist and believed in the existence of the little winged feechek. Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes stories have described many of the methods of criminology, which were still unknown to police. Among them collect cigarette butts and cigarette ashes, the identification of typewriters, a magnifying glass Looking at the traces at the scene. Subsequently, the police began to make extensive use of these and other methods of Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyle were extremely strained relationship with Bernard Shaw who once said Sherlock Holmes as a "drug addict, not having a single pleasant quality." < / On the tombstone of Arthur, at the request of the widow engraved knight's motto: Steel True, Blade Straight («faithful as steel, just like the blade»). See also: < /
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Byron h3> «I can not be a genius 24 hours, there will be no time for shaving». em>
He suffered manic-depressive psychosis. The great poet Byron was lame, inclined to be overweight and extremely full of love - a year in Venice, according to some reports, he blessed them, lame and thick, 250 ladies. Byron had an amazing personal collection - strands of hair cut pubic beloveds. Charles Dickens h3> «Near Candlelight always fawned upon midges and insects, but is to blame candle?» em>
Dickens fascinated by hypnosis, or, as they said, mesmerism. One of the most popular entertainment Dickens were hiking in the Paris morgue, where exhibited unidentified bodies. Charles Dickens always slept head to the north. He also sat facing north, when he wrote his great works. Oscar Wilde h3> «I like to talk about anything - it's the only thing I understand." em>
Oscar Wilde did not take seriously the works of Dickens and for any reason mocked them. Generally, contemporary Charles Dickens criticism endlessly hinted that he would never go into a list of the best British writers. In 1878, he graduated from Oxford with honors. Wilde was very kind and extravagant personality. And even he spent two years in prison. Oscar was convicted on charges of sodomy. At the end of the life of Wilde for some reason changed his name to Sebastian Melmoth. Ernest Hemingway h3> «A truly brave people do not need to fight on duel, but it is constantly doing many shorts to assure himself in his own courage ». em>
Ernest Hemingway was not only ... and suicide, as everyone knows. Yet he had peyrafobiya (fear of public speaking), besides, he never believed even the most sincere praise his readers and admirers. Even friends - did not believe, and that's it! Hemingway lived through five wars, four road and two air disaster. Hemingway often and willingly talked about how he was being followed by the FBI. The two sides crooked smile, but in the end it turned out that he was right - declassified documents confirmed that this was indeed under surveillance, not paranoia. Lewis Carroll h3>
«In our world, all the crazy». em> h3>
The personal diaries Carroll constantly repented of certain sins. However, these pages were destroyed family of the writer, not to denigrate his image. Some of the researchers seriously believes that Carroll was Jack the Ripper, which, as we know, has never been found. Carroll suffered from swamp fever, cystitis, lumbago, eczema, abrasions, arthritis, pleurisy, rheumatism, insomnia and a whole bunch of various illnesses. In addition, it has almost continuously - and very strong - had a headache. Carroll personally invented a tricycle, a mnemonic system for remembering names and dates and electric pen. Franz Kafka h3> «They lie less likely to lie when least, not when it is less likely for the reasons». em>
He worked as a clerk. According to modern concepts was a typical office plankton, zadrotom and loser. Franz Kafka was the grandson of a kosher butcher and a vegan. In all his life he was able to publish a few stories of unsung community. Before his death, he bequeathed to his executor, Max Brod to destroy all his manuscripts. But Max Brod did not submit to the will of the dying. So Franz Kafka became world-famous writer. Posthumously. Currently, Kafka is one of the main mascots of Prague. William Shakespeare h3> «The sins of others to judge you so hard breaks, start with its up to other people do not get ». em>
William Shakespeare "was born and died in the same day - April 23». Contemporaries claimed that Shakespeare was fond of poaching - hunting deer in the possession of Sir Thomas Lucy, without permission. In honor of Shakespeare named a crater on Mercury. For several hundred years is debatable whether he was the true author of the works published under his name. ul > Leo Tolstoy h3> «Most people are proud of the purity of his conscience just because they have a short memory». em>
On the wedding night with Sophia Bers 34-year-old Leo Tolstoy made the 18-year-old wife freshly read the pages in his diary, which described in detail amorous adventures of a writer with different women, among others - a serf. Tolstoy wanted between him and his wife did not have any secrets. Leo Tolstoy skeptical of his novels, including "War and Peace." In 1871 he sent a letter to Fet: "How happy I am ... what to write wordy rubbish like" War "I will never become». Leo Tolstoy instead of cross wearing underwear portrait of a French educator JJ Rousseau. Agatha Christie h3> «Discussions invented in order to prevent people from thinking». Em>
In the First World, she worked as a nurse in a military hospital. Later, she worked in the pharmacy, because well-versed in poisons, and many murders in her books were committed by using poisons. Agatha Christie suffered from dysgraphia, that is virtually unable to write by hand. All her famous novels were dictated. Brian Aldiss, familiar to Agatha Christie, once told about her methods - "She was finishing the book until the last chapter, and then choose the most unlikely of suspects and, returning to the top remade some moments to substitute him ». Anton Chekhov
«Each of us too many screws, wheels and flaps, so that we can judge each other at first glance or two or three signs». em>

Chekhov was a big fan of walking into a brothel - and, being in a strange city, first studied it from this side. Anton Chekhov was a passionate collector of stamps. He collected them all my life. Anton Chekhov was a friend of the composer Tchaikovsky and even dedicated his stories "Gloomy people». was left at the 2nd year in the 3rd class of the gap in the literature. li > Chekhov sat down to write, dressed in ceremonial dress.
Arthur Conan Doyle h3> «Nothing is so deceptive as too obvious facts». em>
Arthur Conan Doyle invented Sherlock Holmes, was an occultist and believed in the existence of the little winged feechek. Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes stories have described many of the methods of criminology, which were still unknown to police. Among them collect cigarette butts and cigarette ashes, the identification of typewriters, a magnifying glass Looking at the traces at the scene. Subsequently, the police began to make extensive use of these and other methods of Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyle were extremely strained relationship with Bernard Shaw who once said Sherlock Holmes as a "drug addict, not having a single pleasant quality." < / On the tombstone of Arthur, at the request of the widow engraved knight's motto: Steel True, Blade Straight («faithful as steel, just like the blade»). See also: < / Inspirational quotes
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