A monument to Soviet soldiers painted
A monument to Soviet soldiers in Bulgaria painted in colors of Ukraine
In the center of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, unknown desecrated a monument to Soviet Army-liberator. The memorial inscription at the base of the stele unknown Ukrainian flag painted and painted in yellow and blue colors of one of the sculptures.
6 photos.
Also under the monument appeared the inscription "Glory to Ukraine" and "Kaputin»
On the night of August 21, 2013, the anniversary of the Soviet invasion, which included Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia to crush the uprising in Prague in 1968, a monument to the unknown painted pink paint and wrote "Bulgaria apologizes!»
The monument is not the first time attacked by vandals. Once the sculptural group was painted as heroes of American comics
The Embassy of Russia in Bulgaria expressed outrage another act of vandalism, noting that, despite numerous appeals, the protection of the monument is not properly carried out
More to the west, and mock
In the center of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, unknown desecrated a monument to Soviet Army-liberator. The memorial inscription at the base of the stele unknown Ukrainian flag painted and painted in yellow and blue colors of one of the sculptures.
6 photos.
Also under the monument appeared the inscription "Glory to Ukraine" and "Kaputin»
On the night of August 21, 2013, the anniversary of the Soviet invasion, which included Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia to crush the uprising in Prague in 1968, a monument to the unknown painted pink paint and wrote "Bulgaria apologizes!»
The monument is not the first time attacked by vandals. Once the sculptural group was painted as heroes of American comics
The Embassy of Russia in Bulgaria expressed outrage another act of vandalism, noting that, despite numerous appeals, the protection of the monument is not properly carried out
More to the west, and mock