Russia is preparing the most powerful a breakthrough in the field of alternative energy
The best fuel isthe most Important characteristic of fuel is its gross calorific value — a measure indicating the amount of emitted heat during the combustion of one kilogram of fuel. For example, from kilograms of dry birch firewood is to 15 MJ of heat, and of hard coal twice. Specific heat of combustion of gasoline 42-44 MJ/kg. the winner of this characteristic of hydrogen is the giving of 141 MJ of heat during combustion of one kilogram.
It turns out that hydrogen is the best fuel. Have hydrogen and another advantage is that combustion formed water. Hydrogen is an environmentally friendly fuel. Why it is not used as extensively as oil or natural gas?
Production and use ofthe Problem is that hydrogen is not found on Earth, with deposits of pure gas, although in itself this element is most common in the universe. The hydrogen should be obtained from the containing substances. This requires energy, which will have to develop using conventional fuels or electricity from nuclear power plants. It turns out that the transition to hydrogen as a fuel does not solve the problem of exhaustion of fossil fuel resources.
Another problem is how to use hydrogen. In principle, once finalized, to use the conventional internal combustion engine. However, even the best engine efficiency is barely 50%. Needless to fence all the fuss in hydrogen energy, to half heat to send into the atmosphere? In addition, the interaction of hydrogen with steel leads to the so-called hydrogen corrosion, where the steel becomes brittle no visible signs of surface damage.
Fuel cells areMuch more prospects for fuel cells (FC), in which chemical energy is directly converted into electric without combustion. In fact, in a fuel cell, the process is opposite to electrolysis of water. Output TE is obtained water. Unlike internal combustion engines, fuel cells do not make noise and do not require lubrication.
By design, fuel cells can be divided into six types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, for fuel cells with proton-exchange membrane need platinum, which significantly increases the cost of the product.
Cheaper solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) operate at very high temperatures — up to thousands of degrees. To such an element, it first needs to heat up to operating temperature and then the temperature will be maintained by the heat of chemical reaction. But SOFC multifuel and can run on any fuel, not just hydrogen. The cost of electrical energy, obtained using SOFC 25 rubles per kilowatt-hour.
Russian-Indian scientific cooperationit is Obvious that the main task of the developers of SOFC is to reduce the operating temperature of the element, as long-term work at high temperatures require special materials. Russian scientists, in particular experts from the Ural Federal University also contribute to the solution of this problem, experimenting with different oxides.
Recently, our scientists, together with Indian colleagues from the Center for advanced scientific research Jawaharlal Nehru in Bangalore won the competition of grants of the Russian Foundation for basic research. As stated in the press release on the website of the Ural Federal University, the main task of this joint project is to develop the most promising oxide materials for SOFC.
From research groups from both countries already have a wealth of scientific research on the subject and published in scientific journals article.
We wish them success in this difficult matter. Russia and India have good prospects to become leaders in the production of fuel cells for hydrogen energy.
At the moment, the cost of fuel cells on the international market is hovering around the amount of three thousand dollars in terms of kilowatt (not to be confused with the kilowatt-hours!) the generated electricity. Marketing studies show that by reducing the price twice, the fuel cells will have to compete with traditional energy sources. Russian and Indian scientists will work on a solution to this problem.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: oko-planet.su/science/sciencenews/328792-razvorot-na-vodorod-rossiya-gotovit-moschneyshiy-proryv-v-oblasti-alternativnoy-energetiki.html

It turns out that hydrogen is the best fuel. Have hydrogen and another advantage is that combustion formed water. Hydrogen is an environmentally friendly fuel. Why it is not used as extensively as oil or natural gas?
Production and use ofthe Problem is that hydrogen is not found on Earth, with deposits of pure gas, although in itself this element is most common in the universe. The hydrogen should be obtained from the containing substances. This requires energy, which will have to develop using conventional fuels or electricity from nuclear power plants. It turns out that the transition to hydrogen as a fuel does not solve the problem of exhaustion of fossil fuel resources.
Another problem is how to use hydrogen. In principle, once finalized, to use the conventional internal combustion engine. However, even the best engine efficiency is barely 50%. Needless to fence all the fuss in hydrogen energy, to half heat to send into the atmosphere? In addition, the interaction of hydrogen with steel leads to the so-called hydrogen corrosion, where the steel becomes brittle no visible signs of surface damage.
Fuel cells areMuch more prospects for fuel cells (FC), in which chemical energy is directly converted into electric without combustion. In fact, in a fuel cell, the process is opposite to electrolysis of water. Output TE is obtained water. Unlike internal combustion engines, fuel cells do not make noise and do not require lubrication.

By design, fuel cells can be divided into six types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, for fuel cells with proton-exchange membrane need platinum, which significantly increases the cost of the product.
Cheaper solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) operate at very high temperatures — up to thousands of degrees. To such an element, it first needs to heat up to operating temperature and then the temperature will be maintained by the heat of chemical reaction. But SOFC multifuel and can run on any fuel, not just hydrogen. The cost of electrical energy, obtained using SOFC 25 rubles per kilowatt-hour.
Russian-Indian scientific cooperationit is Obvious that the main task of the developers of SOFC is to reduce the operating temperature of the element, as long-term work at high temperatures require special materials. Russian scientists, in particular experts from the Ural Federal University also contribute to the solution of this problem, experimenting with different oxides.
Recently, our scientists, together with Indian colleagues from the Center for advanced scientific research Jawaharlal Nehru in Bangalore won the competition of grants of the Russian Foundation for basic research. As stated in the press release on the website of the Ural Federal University, the main task of this joint project is to develop the most promising oxide materials for SOFC.

From research groups from both countries already have a wealth of scientific research on the subject and published in scientific journals article.
We wish them success in this difficult matter. Russia and India have good prospects to become leaders in the production of fuel cells for hydrogen energy.
At the moment, the cost of fuel cells on the international market is hovering around the amount of three thousand dollars in terms of kilowatt (not to be confused with the kilowatt-hours!) the generated electricity. Marketing studies show that by reducing the price twice, the fuel cells will have to compete with traditional energy sources. Russian and Indian scientists will work on a solution to this problem.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: oko-planet.su/science/sciencenews/328792-razvorot-na-vodorod-rossiya-gotovit-moschneyshiy-proryv-v-oblasti-alternativnoy-energetiki.html
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