Aggressive teenager. How to talk to him
My teaching experience with aggressive teenagers provides an understanding that aggression is often a response to hurt, disappointment and dissatisfaction with the situation according to the scenario opposite to that which was intended by them. And even if they manage to pour out their negative emotions on someone, the mental instability they did not pass.
It is very important to make it clear to such children that the adult is their ally in the solution of internal problems, understand them and offer the effective assistance.
1. Preventive conversation can begin with a discussion of the commandments of Mother Teresa.
In the end you realize that all of this happened between you and God.
And it was never between you and people.
In my perception, in the image of the vertical cross symbolizes the connection of man with God and horizontal connection with people.
The moral power of man is manifested in the ability to keep the vertical in any circumstances. Everyone carries his own Cross!
2. Then ask the teenagers to Express their opinions about the choice of a particular model of human behavior.
3. In conclusion, it is possible to collectively perform our version of the proverb "as you sow so shall you reap".
The first step in our logical chain of thought. This is the first step on the crossroads. Where it goes – there will find their destiny. That's how high a price for every thought. Therefore, the wise people suggest: can't change the situation – change your attitude to it. It's only a thought and a thought can be changed. The choice is up to you!
Also interesting: the Right guys will lose those who are happier
What is the reason for the generation gap
Tactfully and consistently aggressive in teaching children the techniques of self-control, internal discipline and restraint, helping him to form value orientations, educators and parents can translate his activism into constructive channel and to switch on the organization of socially useful activities.
And the commandments Mother Teresa, it is useful to read at any age.published
Author: Lyudmyla Andrievska
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: Ludmila Andrievsky
It is very important to make it clear to such children that the adult is their ally in the solution of internal problems, understand them and offer the effective assistance.

1. Preventive conversation can begin with a discussion of the commandments of Mother Teresa.
- People are illogical and selfish.
- If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior intentions.
- If you are successful you may receive a lot of friends and real enemies.
- If you're honest and sincere, people may deceive you.
- What you spend years creating, someone can destroy in an instant.
- If you find peace and happiness, people may jealous of you.
- The good you do today most likely, tomorrow will forget people.
- Give the world the best of what you have, and it will never be enough.
In the end you realize that all of this happened between you and God.
And it was never between you and people.
In my perception, in the image of the vertical cross symbolizes the connection of man with God and horizontal connection with people.
The moral power of man is manifested in the ability to keep the vertical in any circumstances. Everyone carries his own Cross!
2. Then ask the teenagers to Express their opinions about the choice of a particular model of human behavior.
3. In conclusion, it is possible to collectively perform our version of the proverb "as you sow so shall you reap".
- Sow a thought – reap a deed;
- sow an act, reap a behavior;
- sow a behavior, reap a habit;
- sow a habit and reap a character;
- sow a character and reap a destiny;
- sow a fate, reap a Life.
The first step in our logical chain of thought. This is the first step on the crossroads. Where it goes – there will find their destiny. That's how high a price for every thought. Therefore, the wise people suggest: can't change the situation – change your attitude to it. It's only a thought and a thought can be changed. The choice is up to you!
Also interesting: the Right guys will lose those who are happier
What is the reason for the generation gap
Tactfully and consistently aggressive in teaching children the techniques of self-control, internal discipline and restraint, helping him to form value orientations, educators and parents can translate his activism into constructive channel and to switch on the organization of socially useful activities.
And the commandments Mother Teresa, it is useful to read at any age.published
Author: Lyudmyla Andrievska
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: Ludmila Andrievsky
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