What do NOT HAVE to constantly ask the child
Parent leader questions when they take the child from the kindergarten, is the question "How he ate today?"
The question is often asked with alarm in his voice in the presence of a child, who at this moment according to some parents should feel guilt or pride depending on whether he ate soup today, chicken and mush...
To respond to me in such cases like the quotes by famous Dr. Komarovsky: "the Child knows best when and how much he should eat" and "the Only "cure" in 100% of cases, the crucial problem of selective appetite, — a feeling of hunger."
Do not ask: "What have you eaten today?". Ask: "What was the most interesting?"
It is also very recommend to abandon the regular question: "You today no one is hurt?" The question itself already contains a promise to the child that the kindergarten environment is hostile and you must expect that at any moment can hurt. The child strained, the child focuses on "offensive" actions of classmates, may even begin to provoke his behavior the other children to those "hurt" and was about to tell my mom. Because it is, as always, the evening will ask: "didn't hurt You?"
Better ask: "With whom did you play?"
The leader of the parent questions addressed to a student: "What did you get today?"
The expected response – an enumeration of the number of fives, fours, threes or twos. Sadly, when the dialogue will end. The formal approach.
In addition to the marks, the child gains experience, emotions, impressions, smiles, bumps and bruises... Ask besides: "What did you learn? What did you learn? What was the most interesting? What is the most difficult?" And my favorite question: "And if to live the day over again, what would you change?" So not only do you get more information about the child, but also teach them how to analyze their mistakes, to sum up.
To teach a child to "fight back"
Mikhail Kazinik: to Take the children's childhood, to tell them a bunch of information — it is criminal
Another example of the success of on-duty question: "How's it going?" This innocuous question me in my childhood was very annoying. Because the success was not every day, and the question gave rise to the feeling that I have to daily success...
And another negative point: I formed an inner conviction that you can share only successes. This I now realize that sharing can and should not only achievements, but also difficulties and disappointments. published
Author: Anna Bykova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: annabykova.ru/malishi-detskiy-sad/o-chem-ne-nado-postoyanno-sprashivat-reb.html
The question is often asked with alarm in his voice in the presence of a child, who at this moment according to some parents should feel guilt or pride depending on whether he ate soup today, chicken and mush...
To respond to me in such cases like the quotes by famous Dr. Komarovsky: "the Child knows best when and how much he should eat" and "the Only "cure" in 100% of cases, the crucial problem of selective appetite, — a feeling of hunger."
Do not ask: "What have you eaten today?". Ask: "What was the most interesting?"

It is also very recommend to abandon the regular question: "You today no one is hurt?" The question itself already contains a promise to the child that the kindergarten environment is hostile and you must expect that at any moment can hurt. The child strained, the child focuses on "offensive" actions of classmates, may even begin to provoke his behavior the other children to those "hurt" and was about to tell my mom. Because it is, as always, the evening will ask: "didn't hurt You?"
Better ask: "With whom did you play?"
The leader of the parent questions addressed to a student: "What did you get today?"
The expected response – an enumeration of the number of fives, fours, threes or twos. Sadly, when the dialogue will end. The formal approach.
In addition to the marks, the child gains experience, emotions, impressions, smiles, bumps and bruises... Ask besides: "What did you learn? What did you learn? What was the most interesting? What is the most difficult?" And my favorite question: "And if to live the day over again, what would you change?" So not only do you get more information about the child, but also teach them how to analyze their mistakes, to sum up.
To teach a child to "fight back"
Mikhail Kazinik: to Take the children's childhood, to tell them a bunch of information — it is criminal
Another example of the success of on-duty question: "How's it going?" This innocuous question me in my childhood was very annoying. Because the success was not every day, and the question gave rise to the feeling that I have to daily success...
And another negative point: I formed an inner conviction that you can share only successes. This I now realize that sharing can and should not only achievements, but also difficulties and disappointments. published
Author: Anna Bykova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: annabykova.ru/malishi-detskiy-sad/o-chem-ne-nado-postoyanno-sprashivat-reb.html
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