Back to school: rules of adaptation of the parent and the child for school life
Simple rules of adaptation of the child and parent to school life after the holidays, camps, summer idleness.
1. The mode of the day. Now — three weeks before 1 September is the time to gradually get back into "school" routine. The abrupt transition from the rest state to the working mode, both for children and adults — stress. you can now gradually waking up in the morning and going to bed in the evening just before.
2. Summer rollback in knowledge. Our brain needs exercise. During the summer months there is a "roll-down" knowledge, on average, by the second quarter of the previous year. And that's why the first few months of the school year, teachers are engaged with children repetition. Homework for the holidays and often given to the child in the process of learning. Great if summer child free vacation mode systematically studied (e.g. foreign languages). Three weeks before school you can in a relaxed pace, without pressure and coercion to scroll through the notebook and maybe the directories for the previous year. (Or download from the Internet training program on the subject and even just browse the titles)
3. If during the school year, it is plannedthat the child will go to mugs and sections, it is better to start practicing in August.
4. The first training months (especially at a new school in a new class) is stressful. The education system is changing, but still many children go to school afraid. a teenage life (so physiologically developed) is always stressful. When a person is in a state of chronic stress, the brain experiences a shortage of zinc. Zinc affects the hippocampus, which helps us and our children to process and remember large amounts of information. Now it's time to use what you believe is to eat foods that contain zinc, if you believe in vitamins or supplements — use them.
5. For introverted, shy children, who also the summer months spent in solitude — a return to the team is a burden and a potential source of tensions. To offer some remainder before September 1, the day to meet the whole class and go to the movies or on a picnic. This will help to reduce anxiety and may help the child to manifest those faces that it is difficult for them to demonstrate at school.
6. Before the first of September, it is important to come to school, walk through the corridors, look at new (or rediscover old) office.
If a child brings to class some thing a book to the library, pot, poster, the photo — he seemed to be putting the print "I is". This facilitates adaptation and getting used to the class. Great, if the class is a General "newspaper" — with photos of all the students.
7. For those who are inclined to focus on the negative, who have "nothing good and never will be" who tend to ignore the resource of events and pleasures -make a collage of photos (even photographed on a mobile phone camera) of the most joyous moments of the summer. Record all the most significant in the "journal of memories", thanks, success. (Great to put it into practice)
8. Sometimes, when the child arrives back from camp, we have a feeling that he was "not returned". Sometimes we, the adults, it is important to consciously "put an end" to the different processes. it is easier to make a transition to other actions, and psychologically "acclimated". You can, for example, to celebrate the return from the camp, from vacation, to celebrate the completion of vacation. To meet even an adult child from camp or after any absence — surprise — ball, gift, handmade poster, cake.
9. The child returned from camp and changed. it is important to give yourself a chance to adjust to the changing summer for the child. A child's life is constantly enriched with new relations, new roles, new knowledge, words and "systems." The focus of his attention will shift to other adults and children. Our role with the child on the one hand unchanged to the other their faces transformirovalsya. It is important to try not to worry and "force" not to return their power and authority.
10. The child fell in love. Love child is always a new level of relationship with their parents. It is important to respect the feelings of the child or teenager. It is important to keep secrets, if we share. It is important not to invade the personal space, if we take care of him. A) Often "feel" experiencing the love of a child ceases to be "thinking". B) Not all adults can cope with "load sense". C) our children to undergo their first experience of love, charms and disappointments. (And Yes, the performance at this time drops.
11. Buy important and useful things in school. A) the child in life are very few choices. When the financial ability — it is important that he was able to choose at least design the covers and diaries and model of the handles. B) it is Important to remember that the store is a selection of the many products of baby scares. (sometimes children have tantrums happen when they are offered to choose whatever they want). C) the Child is in a dual state. On the one hand a new class of schools is a status upgrade.
On the other — may appear, the fear of new, fear of growing up. great if in addition to the rational and mandatory purchases, if you want a child, you will buy something from the adult point of view "childish".
School uniform — as a psychological element — for many children important. She is not formed at the inner core-provides support to external. (External "crutch" — the rules — code, mode of the day, the bell schedule, form..,) School uniforms would have to call the pride of WE class, school, school. It should be modern, beautiful, comfortable. On school uniforms, that can and must be taken into account PTS professionally speaks and writes Evgeny Grigoriev.
1. To Parents were not a continuation school. The child must be a safe space. need our support. Our confidence in his Destiny and faith in his potential.
2. Parents don't sacrifice yourself for the success and implementation of children. If we invest in a child's "energy sacrifice" — we put more expectations in the result, giving the child sometimes is unbearable for his responsibility, we are too tense. Where there is sacrifice — less joy. Sometimes I suggest parents look at the word education — vos-food - than we have of the child? Than fed — so it is filled. And sometimes "not digesting".
3. We all learn, including, and due to the mirror system in our brain. Can "mirror" the child we have, what we demand from it? — training, responsibility, care, respect, gratitude. The child, it is important to see us students doing exercises that perform your "homework" constructively responsive to criticism, able to confront...
4. It is important not to transfer your feelings and experiences of the past school year in the future. The child develops and changes. Some items, tasks it will be easier, some harder. It is important to try to shape the "image" of school life — this way — our expectations — can become "self fulfilling prophecy" — a program for the child.
5. Very often the child wants, but cannot or will apply an excessive effort to master some skill. Sometimes these problems are caused by the peculiarities of the operation or asynchronous in different parts of the brain.
Sometimes a child is important, not the rating and "motivating", and help. Now more and more popular neuropsychology, kinesiology — with simple practices and exercises that stimulate the brain.
The problem of child casaceli
Replaceable school: how to help your child adapt
6. We remember — what school grades are very subjective and do not reflect the real knowledge of the child?
7. In our power to be "agents of change" in the school. Perhaps you'll be able to come to school and to conduct workshops for children, conduct workshops, invite them to their work.
8. School is just a part of life. Important. But "for" her child must wait for a full and joyful life. With the free time, socializing and inspiration.
Our children are more and wiser of any system. the education system is gradually changing. And hopefully soon we will have to wait a lot of discoveries.
Good vzrosloi. published
Author: Svetlana Roiz
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/svetlanaroyz?fref=nf

1. The mode of the day. Now — three weeks before 1 September is the time to gradually get back into "school" routine. The abrupt transition from the rest state to the working mode, both for children and adults — stress. you can now gradually waking up in the morning and going to bed in the evening just before.
2. Summer rollback in knowledge. Our brain needs exercise. During the summer months there is a "roll-down" knowledge, on average, by the second quarter of the previous year. And that's why the first few months of the school year, teachers are engaged with children repetition. Homework for the holidays and often given to the child in the process of learning. Great if summer child free vacation mode systematically studied (e.g. foreign languages). Three weeks before school you can in a relaxed pace, without pressure and coercion to scroll through the notebook and maybe the directories for the previous year. (Or download from the Internet training program on the subject and even just browse the titles)
3. If during the school year, it is plannedthat the child will go to mugs and sections, it is better to start practicing in August.
4. The first training months (especially at a new school in a new class) is stressful. The education system is changing, but still many children go to school afraid. a teenage life (so physiologically developed) is always stressful. When a person is in a state of chronic stress, the brain experiences a shortage of zinc. Zinc affects the hippocampus, which helps us and our children to process and remember large amounts of information. Now it's time to use what you believe is to eat foods that contain zinc, if you believe in vitamins or supplements — use them.
5. For introverted, shy children, who also the summer months spent in solitude — a return to the team is a burden and a potential source of tensions. To offer some remainder before September 1, the day to meet the whole class and go to the movies or on a picnic. This will help to reduce anxiety and may help the child to manifest those faces that it is difficult for them to demonstrate at school.
6. Before the first of September, it is important to come to school, walk through the corridors, look at new (or rediscover old) office.
If a child brings to class some thing a book to the library, pot, poster, the photo — he seemed to be putting the print "I is". This facilitates adaptation and getting used to the class. Great, if the class is a General "newspaper" — with photos of all the students.
7. For those who are inclined to focus on the negative, who have "nothing good and never will be" who tend to ignore the resource of events and pleasures -make a collage of photos (even photographed on a mobile phone camera) of the most joyous moments of the summer. Record all the most significant in the "journal of memories", thanks, success. (Great to put it into practice)
8. Sometimes, when the child arrives back from camp, we have a feeling that he was "not returned". Sometimes we, the adults, it is important to consciously "put an end" to the different processes. it is easier to make a transition to other actions, and psychologically "acclimated". You can, for example, to celebrate the return from the camp, from vacation, to celebrate the completion of vacation. To meet even an adult child from camp or after any absence — surprise — ball, gift, handmade poster, cake.
9. The child returned from camp and changed. it is important to give yourself a chance to adjust to the changing summer for the child. A child's life is constantly enriched with new relations, new roles, new knowledge, words and "systems." The focus of his attention will shift to other adults and children. Our role with the child on the one hand unchanged to the other their faces transformirovalsya. It is important to try not to worry and "force" not to return their power and authority.
10. The child fell in love. Love child is always a new level of relationship with their parents. It is important to respect the feelings of the child or teenager. It is important to keep secrets, if we share. It is important not to invade the personal space, if we take care of him. A) Often "feel" experiencing the love of a child ceases to be "thinking". B) Not all adults can cope with "load sense". C) our children to undergo their first experience of love, charms and disappointments. (And Yes, the performance at this time drops.
11. Buy important and useful things in school. A) the child in life are very few choices. When the financial ability — it is important that he was able to choose at least design the covers and diaries and model of the handles. B) it is Important to remember that the store is a selection of the many products of baby scares. (sometimes children have tantrums happen when they are offered to choose whatever they want). C) the Child is in a dual state. On the one hand a new class of schools is a status upgrade.
On the other — may appear, the fear of new, fear of growing up. great if in addition to the rational and mandatory purchases, if you want a child, you will buy something from the adult point of view "childish".
School uniform — as a psychological element — for many children important. She is not formed at the inner core-provides support to external. (External "crutch" — the rules — code, mode of the day, the bell schedule, form..,) School uniforms would have to call the pride of WE class, school, school. It should be modern, beautiful, comfortable. On school uniforms, that can and must be taken into account PTS professionally speaks and writes Evgeny Grigoriev.
1. To Parents were not a continuation school. The child must be a safe space. need our support. Our confidence in his Destiny and faith in his potential.
2. Parents don't sacrifice yourself for the success and implementation of children. If we invest in a child's "energy sacrifice" — we put more expectations in the result, giving the child sometimes is unbearable for his responsibility, we are too tense. Where there is sacrifice — less joy. Sometimes I suggest parents look at the word education — vos-food - than we have of the child? Than fed — so it is filled. And sometimes "not digesting".
3. We all learn, including, and due to the mirror system in our brain. Can "mirror" the child we have, what we demand from it? — training, responsibility, care, respect, gratitude. The child, it is important to see us students doing exercises that perform your "homework" constructively responsive to criticism, able to confront...
4. It is important not to transfer your feelings and experiences of the past school year in the future. The child develops and changes. Some items, tasks it will be easier, some harder. It is important to try to shape the "image" of school life — this way — our expectations — can become "self fulfilling prophecy" — a program for the child.
5. Very often the child wants, but cannot or will apply an excessive effort to master some skill. Sometimes these problems are caused by the peculiarities of the operation or asynchronous in different parts of the brain.
Sometimes a child is important, not the rating and "motivating", and help. Now more and more popular neuropsychology, kinesiology — with simple practices and exercises that stimulate the brain.
The problem of child casaceli
Replaceable school: how to help your child adapt
6. We remember — what school grades are very subjective and do not reflect the real knowledge of the child?
7. In our power to be "agents of change" in the school. Perhaps you'll be able to come to school and to conduct workshops for children, conduct workshops, invite them to their work.
8. School is just a part of life. Important. But "for" her child must wait for a full and joyful life. With the free time, socializing and inspiration.
Our children are more and wiser of any system. the education system is gradually changing. And hopefully soon we will have to wait a lot of discoveries.
Good vzrosloi. published
Author: Svetlana Roiz
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/svetlanaroyz?fref=nf