40 rules of life Richard Branson
Hippie billionaire Richard Branson is 63 years old. The secret of its success — a 40-rules of life that we present to you:
1. If you are an entrepreneur and did not make mistakes, then you're not an entrepreneur.
2. Not handle the case, if you don't like it.
3. I always treated the business as a pleasant pastime and sometimes forget where ends the work and where personal life begins.
4. My pride never prevents me to admit they were wrong.
5. I'm always happy when I serve badly. No, I'm not a masochist — simply the best of my business ideas arose when I was served poorly.
6. My willingness to listen to the opinions of others and to accept offers that are better than mine, always helped me all the 40 years that I have been doing business.
7. In business there is no place for a conservative mindset, because it cuts you wings, makes you weak, unable to evaluate the facts and just kills.
8. I'm sure you can't let that stopped you miserable little word "no".
9. For me to create a business — so make something to be proud of, to unite talented people and build something that could seriously change the lives of others.
10. Don't be afraid to take calculated risk. Sometimes better in the Bush than the bird in the hand.
11. Much better to promise less and give more, than Vice versa.
12. For me there is nothing worse than to hear the staff apologize for his employer.
13. In business, as in life, it is important to do good.
14. I still prefer to talk to people and not to correspond.
15. My biggest achievement is that I have always tried to give people the independence, the ability to feel the responsibility and was ready to push them to ensure that they took the risk and achieved the target.
16. I spent my whole life trying to stay as far away from classrooms and worked mainly in three places: at home, on the boat and in the hammock.
17. Remember: no one on his deathbed not regretted that too little time spent in the office!
18. I never cease to be a businessman even when I'm in a Bathrobe, and, of course, the suit doesn't make me business skills.
19. In every organization, every leader — from the head of Department to top management- from time to time have to remove your costume and get your hands dirty.
20. Inform employees your email address and phone number. They will not bother you for no reason, but your actions will give them a powerful psychological incentive: they will know that if a solution to the problem will require your participation, they can contact you at any time.
21. The entrepreneur should not consider the failure of a negative experience: it's just a plot on the learning curve.
22. Luck does not come by itself: you need to work on.
23. I never say "I can't do that because I don't know how it's done". I will always try. And won't let silly rules stop me.
24. As soon as something ceases to bring joy, I begin to think about change. Life is too short to live it with a sour face.
25. My slogan: live fun, and the money will come.
26. In life you win some and you lose some. Be happy and cheerful when you win. Don't be bitter about the loss and did not repent. Never look back — the past you still do not change. But I try to learn from his mistakes.
27. If you are starting a new business and ask me what lesson I could share with you, then I say: "Exercise integrity at the conclusion of each of your transaction. Not cheats, but try to win".
28. Most importantly, what I always want to do, is keep a word that someone gave.
29. Morality is not an empty phrase in business. It's the whole point.
30. The business aims to improve and enrich the lives of people, otherwise it and start not worth it.
31. Make friends with your enemies is a good rule both for business and for life.
32. Success come to you one day, not feed you forever.
33. You should treat people the way you treat yourself, and even better.
34. True leadership is to calmly and clearly be able to explain why it made a decision.
35. Money is a bad indicator of success. Worse thank.
36. If you ask what I believe more than anything, I will answer: their family.
Neuroscientist dick of Swaab: In heaven I am the first to admit that the definition of "consciousness" was wrong...
The rules of life by Robert De Niro
37. I am a happy person. I laugh always. I love people, life, good jokes. I really agree that laughter ennobles the soul.
38. My story is only mine, such strategy will work not for everyone.
39. I think I'm not gonna stop until I drop.
40. I firmly believe that in life nothing is impossible.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/blacklionmag?w=wall-95325074_18491

1. If you are an entrepreneur and did not make mistakes, then you're not an entrepreneur.
2. Not handle the case, if you don't like it.
3. I always treated the business as a pleasant pastime and sometimes forget where ends the work and where personal life begins.
4. My pride never prevents me to admit they were wrong.
5. I'm always happy when I serve badly. No, I'm not a masochist — simply the best of my business ideas arose when I was served poorly.
6. My willingness to listen to the opinions of others and to accept offers that are better than mine, always helped me all the 40 years that I have been doing business.
7. In business there is no place for a conservative mindset, because it cuts you wings, makes you weak, unable to evaluate the facts and just kills.
8. I'm sure you can't let that stopped you miserable little word "no".
9. For me to create a business — so make something to be proud of, to unite talented people and build something that could seriously change the lives of others.
10. Don't be afraid to take calculated risk. Sometimes better in the Bush than the bird in the hand.
11. Much better to promise less and give more, than Vice versa.
12. For me there is nothing worse than to hear the staff apologize for his employer.
13. In business, as in life, it is important to do good.
14. I still prefer to talk to people and not to correspond.
15. My biggest achievement is that I have always tried to give people the independence, the ability to feel the responsibility and was ready to push them to ensure that they took the risk and achieved the target.
16. I spent my whole life trying to stay as far away from classrooms and worked mainly in three places: at home, on the boat and in the hammock.
17. Remember: no one on his deathbed not regretted that too little time spent in the office!
18. I never cease to be a businessman even when I'm in a Bathrobe, and, of course, the suit doesn't make me business skills.
19. In every organization, every leader — from the head of Department to top management- from time to time have to remove your costume and get your hands dirty.
20. Inform employees your email address and phone number. They will not bother you for no reason, but your actions will give them a powerful psychological incentive: they will know that if a solution to the problem will require your participation, they can contact you at any time.
21. The entrepreneur should not consider the failure of a negative experience: it's just a plot on the learning curve.
22. Luck does not come by itself: you need to work on.
23. I never say "I can't do that because I don't know how it's done". I will always try. And won't let silly rules stop me.
24. As soon as something ceases to bring joy, I begin to think about change. Life is too short to live it with a sour face.
25. My slogan: live fun, and the money will come.
26. In life you win some and you lose some. Be happy and cheerful when you win. Don't be bitter about the loss and did not repent. Never look back — the past you still do not change. But I try to learn from his mistakes.
27. If you are starting a new business and ask me what lesson I could share with you, then I say: "Exercise integrity at the conclusion of each of your transaction. Not cheats, but try to win".
28. Most importantly, what I always want to do, is keep a word that someone gave.
29. Morality is not an empty phrase in business. It's the whole point.
30. The business aims to improve and enrich the lives of people, otherwise it and start not worth it.
31. Make friends with your enemies is a good rule both for business and for life.
32. Success come to you one day, not feed you forever.
33. You should treat people the way you treat yourself, and even better.
34. True leadership is to calmly and clearly be able to explain why it made a decision.
35. Money is a bad indicator of success. Worse thank.
36. If you ask what I believe more than anything, I will answer: their family.
Neuroscientist dick of Swaab: In heaven I am the first to admit that the definition of "consciousness" was wrong...
The rules of life by Robert De Niro
37. I am a happy person. I laugh always. I love people, life, good jokes. I really agree that laughter ennobles the soul.
38. My story is only mine, such strategy will work not for everyone.
39. I think I'm not gonna stop until I drop.
40. I firmly believe that in life nothing is impossible.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/blacklionmag?w=wall-95325074_18491