10 things unworthy, degrading the human
In the practice of educational work of our school over many years developed moral rules about the "Ten things unworthy, degrading a person." We affirm in the minds of children the idea of the abomination, the inadmissibility of a number of actions. Only on the basis of thoughts, beliefs, a growing feeling of contempt for the unworthy.
Merging the thoughts and feelings of moral claims valuable personality trait — disgust unworthy in your own behavior, and active pursuit of worthy actions, the uplifting of man; a willingness, in spite of everything, act guided by their own beliefs about worthy and unworthy.
1. Unworthy to produce their well-being, joy, pleasure, peace through oppression, insecurity, grief, anxiety of another person.
We strive to ensure that the children's team reigned harmony, prosperity, joy, happiness. The welfare of the child should not infringe upon the well-being of the other. The little man should not withdraw into the shell of his happiness. The ideal we see is this: happy is experiencing remorse from what his peers are deprived of happiness. This experience is a very sensitive area of the child's soul, in which lurks a subtle sense of dignity. True dignity cannot be complacent, calm, indifferent to what is done in the heart of another person.
2. Unworthy to leave a friend in trouble, danger, pass indifferently by someone else's grief, sorrow, suffering.
Moral deafness and blindness, numbness of the heart is one of the most vile vices. Feeling someone else's misfortune and understanding what to stay away from this evil vile and disgusting, one of the main lines of the whole educational work.
Education dignity in relation to the trouble plays a very important role in school life, due to the fact that big trouble in the teachings are failures in the acquisition of knowledge. It is very important that the backlog of friend in his bad marks children saw the distress, sympathized with her, do not remain indifferent to the fact that there are losers.
3. Unworthy to use the results of the work of others, to hide behind someone else's back.
This sphere is very subtle spiritual relations connected with teaching, and with the whole structure of life of the collective and the individual. To be a worker — the honor of being a boarder — a disgrace. The education of this view, we believe the focus of beliefs, which form the basis for a citizen. It is very important that the first wonder, the first revelation that was experienced by man, was the thought: I have done this by our own efforts, this made up my mind.
Great educational skills requires to help the weak, unready, and inexperienced. What would be necessary nor was the help she needs to hurt feelings someone help. The little man must develop the desire of eventually get rid of assistance. Shameful to be weak — this belief is aiming to establish a master educator from the weak. A strain of thought, search the independent solution is the fertile field in which to grow a people of strong spirit.
4. Unworthy to be fearful, relaxed; it's disgracefully, to waver, to retreat in the face of danger, whimpering.
Timidity and indecision give rise to cowardice, meanness, treachery. Courage and bravery are the sources of courage. Where it is dangerous, I should be the first — this moral rule, our teaching staff is committed to making a norm of behavior.
A manifestation of bravery, courage, determination, courage in danger, steadfastness — an incomparable state of mind, imposes its imprint on the whole human form, giving birth to true nobility. I am confident that only the courage and bravery of a man truly expresses and perceives itself.
5. Unworthy to give vent to his needs and passions, as if freed from the control of the human spirit.
You want to eat or drink, relax or warm up by the fire — in need your body, but do not forget that you are a man! Satisfying their needs, you should show generosity, restraint, patience. It is not only the modesty. It is something higher and more significant: ruling over their needs and passions, you elevate your spiritual self.
6. Unworthy to be silent, when your word is honesty, generosity and courage, and silence is cowardice and meanness.
Unworthy to speak when your silence — honesty, generosity and courage, and the word cowardice, meanness, and even betrayal. As much to say about the dignity of man and his ability to be a wise master of words, master, owning this fine human tool!
7. Is unworthy of man not only to lie, to dissemble, to grovel, to adapt to someone's will, but do not have their own opinion, to lose your face.
Repulsive and disgusting newsniche: it is worse than betrayal. Tell tales, to inform on fellow tantamount to a shot in the back. Here we enter the sphere very fine human relations, generosity and purity which largely determine the moral character of the person for life. To raise the courage of the word, and the courage of silence, the tutor have to be noble and courageous. You should be able to respect one's own opinion, belief small person, especially a teenager, even when not all his behavior seems to us a clear and justified.
8. Unworthy of frivolously throwing around the word, give unrealistic promises.
One of the very thin faces of truly human character, which hones educator, I see that the pet was a person crystal-clear and hard words. This requires education at a young soul that I would call the nobility of will. From childhood man should be taught to set goals aimed at self-education, self-improvement. Let this objective will first be seemingly insignificant; but man should not live in vain; they must move the commitment; the achievement of the goal may bring him joy and pride.
9. Unworthy of excessive self-pity, and ruthless attitude, indifference to another person.
Unworthy of the excessive exaggeration of personal grief, resentment, troubles, suffering. Unworthy watery eyes. Man decorates exposure. The atmosphere of resistance, endurance, resilience — it is, figuratively speaking, the light in which the little man sees the true value in their behavior.
10. Unworthy of drunkenness and gluttony.
Alcohol and people as incompatible as corruption and loyalty. Alcohol clouds the mind and frees the instinct, relegating man to a bestial state. I believe it is critical the mission of the school to establish in the young soul a contempt for this abomination.
The most important thing in this effort is the wealth of spiritual interests, human pride of the thinker. The greatest happiness, luxury, ideal for a child, especially for a teenager, young men should communicate with a good book, reading, thinking. Contempt for sadomania understanding of consciousness also brought a keen understanding and feeling beautiful — in nature, in art, in human relations.
Anxiety and anger mothers ALWAYS take power from the baby!
How to convince a kid to listen to without tears and whims: 7 soft tech
Our ideal — beauty needs to be a measure of self-esteem, to delight and beauty merged together. The thinner the understanding and feeling beautiful, the deeper her hatred for the brute, the animal, instinctual.
Author: Vasily Sukhomlinsky
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: nashaplaneta.su/news/desjat_nedostojnykh_veshhej_unizhajushhikh_cheloveka/2016-08-31-26690
Merging the thoughts and feelings of moral claims valuable personality trait — disgust unworthy in your own behavior, and active pursuit of worthy actions, the uplifting of man; a willingness, in spite of everything, act guided by their own beliefs about worthy and unworthy.

1. Unworthy to produce their well-being, joy, pleasure, peace through oppression, insecurity, grief, anxiety of another person.
We strive to ensure that the children's team reigned harmony, prosperity, joy, happiness. The welfare of the child should not infringe upon the well-being of the other. The little man should not withdraw into the shell of his happiness. The ideal we see is this: happy is experiencing remorse from what his peers are deprived of happiness. This experience is a very sensitive area of the child's soul, in which lurks a subtle sense of dignity. True dignity cannot be complacent, calm, indifferent to what is done in the heart of another person.
2. Unworthy to leave a friend in trouble, danger, pass indifferently by someone else's grief, sorrow, suffering.
Moral deafness and blindness, numbness of the heart is one of the most vile vices. Feeling someone else's misfortune and understanding what to stay away from this evil vile and disgusting, one of the main lines of the whole educational work.
Education dignity in relation to the trouble plays a very important role in school life, due to the fact that big trouble in the teachings are failures in the acquisition of knowledge. It is very important that the backlog of friend in his bad marks children saw the distress, sympathized with her, do not remain indifferent to the fact that there are losers.
3. Unworthy to use the results of the work of others, to hide behind someone else's back.
This sphere is very subtle spiritual relations connected with teaching, and with the whole structure of life of the collective and the individual. To be a worker — the honor of being a boarder — a disgrace. The education of this view, we believe the focus of beliefs, which form the basis for a citizen. It is very important that the first wonder, the first revelation that was experienced by man, was the thought: I have done this by our own efforts, this made up my mind.
Great educational skills requires to help the weak, unready, and inexperienced. What would be necessary nor was the help she needs to hurt feelings someone help. The little man must develop the desire of eventually get rid of assistance. Shameful to be weak — this belief is aiming to establish a master educator from the weak. A strain of thought, search the independent solution is the fertile field in which to grow a people of strong spirit.
4. Unworthy to be fearful, relaxed; it's disgracefully, to waver, to retreat in the face of danger, whimpering.
Timidity and indecision give rise to cowardice, meanness, treachery. Courage and bravery are the sources of courage. Where it is dangerous, I should be the first — this moral rule, our teaching staff is committed to making a norm of behavior.
A manifestation of bravery, courage, determination, courage in danger, steadfastness — an incomparable state of mind, imposes its imprint on the whole human form, giving birth to true nobility. I am confident that only the courage and bravery of a man truly expresses and perceives itself.
5. Unworthy to give vent to his needs and passions, as if freed from the control of the human spirit.
You want to eat or drink, relax or warm up by the fire — in need your body, but do not forget that you are a man! Satisfying their needs, you should show generosity, restraint, patience. It is not only the modesty. It is something higher and more significant: ruling over their needs and passions, you elevate your spiritual self.
6. Unworthy to be silent, when your word is honesty, generosity and courage, and silence is cowardice and meanness.
Unworthy to speak when your silence — honesty, generosity and courage, and the word cowardice, meanness, and even betrayal. As much to say about the dignity of man and his ability to be a wise master of words, master, owning this fine human tool!
7. Is unworthy of man not only to lie, to dissemble, to grovel, to adapt to someone's will, but do not have their own opinion, to lose your face.
Repulsive and disgusting newsniche: it is worse than betrayal. Tell tales, to inform on fellow tantamount to a shot in the back. Here we enter the sphere very fine human relations, generosity and purity which largely determine the moral character of the person for life. To raise the courage of the word, and the courage of silence, the tutor have to be noble and courageous. You should be able to respect one's own opinion, belief small person, especially a teenager, even when not all his behavior seems to us a clear and justified.
8. Unworthy of frivolously throwing around the word, give unrealistic promises.
One of the very thin faces of truly human character, which hones educator, I see that the pet was a person crystal-clear and hard words. This requires education at a young soul that I would call the nobility of will. From childhood man should be taught to set goals aimed at self-education, self-improvement. Let this objective will first be seemingly insignificant; but man should not live in vain; they must move the commitment; the achievement of the goal may bring him joy and pride.
9. Unworthy of excessive self-pity, and ruthless attitude, indifference to another person.
Unworthy of the excessive exaggeration of personal grief, resentment, troubles, suffering. Unworthy watery eyes. Man decorates exposure. The atmosphere of resistance, endurance, resilience — it is, figuratively speaking, the light in which the little man sees the true value in their behavior.
10. Unworthy of drunkenness and gluttony.
Alcohol and people as incompatible as corruption and loyalty. Alcohol clouds the mind and frees the instinct, relegating man to a bestial state. I believe it is critical the mission of the school to establish in the young soul a contempt for this abomination.
The most important thing in this effort is the wealth of spiritual interests, human pride of the thinker. The greatest happiness, luxury, ideal for a child, especially for a teenager, young men should communicate with a good book, reading, thinking. Contempt for sadomania understanding of consciousness also brought a keen understanding and feeling beautiful — in nature, in art, in human relations.
Anxiety and anger mothers ALWAYS take power from the baby!
How to convince a kid to listen to without tears and whims: 7 soft tech
Our ideal — beauty needs to be a measure of self-esteem, to delight and beauty merged together. The thinner the understanding and feeling beautiful, the deeper her hatred for the brute, the animal, instinctual.
Author: Vasily Sukhomlinsky
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: nashaplaneta.su/news/desjat_nedostojnykh_veshhej_unizhajushhikh_cheloveka/2016-08-31-26690
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