Shocking story about today's Mowgli, brought up by the tablet
The tablet, of course, can take the baby for an hour or two, but he will not be able to replace his mother. Obvious? Not for the heroine of this story. The website publishes the story first hand, overheard at the Peekaboo community.
Mama.usacas came enchanting Madame. Business-lady. Came to enroll a child in 1 class (directly on 1 September, the set comes all spring and summer). The beginning of a dialogue about the abilities of the child standard:
— Able to read?
"You did not hear? We are only in first grade!
Then from the conversation of the psychologist with the child revealed that the boy does not know how to count to 10, knows letters, colors of the rainbow, months of the year, days of the week, the directions, the birds know only pigeons and sparrows, trees mentioned only two — the tree and the tree (he knows the word "birch", but what she does not know), the dinosaurs he had seen in the movies, but they were actually not aware that they are no longer — also, the clock can not identify, does not know what is "hide and seek" or "hide and seek", can't what to repeat — call at least one tale. To draw it doesn't like (paint it no — "he didn't ask"), scissors, plasticine and glue in the hands not kept. The poem no one knows. While talking to child, mother to no end indignantly repeated that he's only going to school, why he needs to know all this, why does she have to do someone else's work, for which teachers pay the money?!
In school the child does not want to squeal, because I don't know what it is, of course, afraid.
In kindergarten he didn't go with other children talked, in early childhood, remained with the grandmother, and then... well, he bought a tablet. Since then most of the time for games like "collect 5 balls in a row." He was well clothed and fed, he even traveled to other countries (which I do not remember, he only went to the beach and to the store). That's all the education. Even in the zoo the child was not.
As became clear from the conversation with her mother, with her child, she speaks on the topic "what do you want to eat?", "what can I purchase?" "play tablet, do not let the mother."
Such is the harsh diet for children brain — nothing "extra". The chances that the kid at least to class 4 compensates for this "diet" is negligible. Feel sorry for him.
via pikabu.ru/story/v_shkole_nauchat_4442410
Mama.usacas came enchanting Madame. Business-lady. Came to enroll a child in 1 class (directly on 1 September, the set comes all spring and summer). The beginning of a dialogue about the abilities of the child standard:
— Able to read?
"You did not hear? We are only in first grade!
Then from the conversation of the psychologist with the child revealed that the boy does not know how to count to 10, knows letters, colors of the rainbow, months of the year, days of the week, the directions, the birds know only pigeons and sparrows, trees mentioned only two — the tree and the tree (he knows the word "birch", but what she does not know), the dinosaurs he had seen in the movies, but they were actually not aware that they are no longer — also, the clock can not identify, does not know what is "hide and seek" or "hide and seek", can't what to repeat — call at least one tale. To draw it doesn't like (paint it no — "he didn't ask"), scissors, plasticine and glue in the hands not kept. The poem no one knows. While talking to child, mother to no end indignantly repeated that he's only going to school, why he needs to know all this, why does she have to do someone else's work, for which teachers pay the money?!
In school the child does not want to squeal, because I don't know what it is, of course, afraid.
In kindergarten he didn't go with other children talked, in early childhood, remained with the grandmother, and then... well, he bought a tablet. Since then most of the time for games like "collect 5 balls in a row." He was well clothed and fed, he even traveled to other countries (which I do not remember, he only went to the beach and to the store). That's all the education. Even in the zoo the child was not.
As became clear from the conversation with her mother, with her child, she speaks on the topic "what do you want to eat?", "what can I purchase?" "play tablet, do not let the mother."
Such is the harsh diet for children brain — nothing "extra". The chances that the kid at least to class 4 compensates for this "diet" is negligible. Feel sorry for him.
via pikabu.ru/story/v_shkole_nauchat_4442410
25 teachers, too cool for my work
The cat decided to show the parrot who's boss. The reaction of the parrot he was shocked!