15 children's books, the true meaning of which is understood only by adults
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George Bernard Shaw wrote: "All the best children's books were written for adults." Indeed, the most significant works of children's literature is multifaceted and filled with deep meaning. The website offers access to favorite childhood books again.
Lewis Carrollite Alice in Wonderland This book can be solve like a crossword puzzle: each page is filled with literary allusions, mathematical riddles and political references. And many of the quotations are worth a philosophical debate.
Alvin Brooks Whitpain Charlotte the Story of how the spider Charlotte saves from death of a pig Wilber's childhood seems like a sweet tale about animals. Over the years her charm fails, but the book is perceived differently: it is a story of sacrifice and a wonderful power of persuasion.
Astrid Lindgren, the robber's daughter the young heroine of this tale has a lot to learn adult readers: the pure soul of the girl helps her to acquire a friend in the person of former sworn enemy and to reconcile the leaders of the two ferocious brigands.
Joan Rowlingharry Potter Story about young wizards grow up with the readers: with each new book, the topics become more serious, and a fairy tale is a story of growing up. But most importantly, in the world created by Rowling, I want to go back at any age. And to make it easy — simply re-open the workbook.
Lois Loridae In the US, this book is part of the school curriculum, but not inferior to "adult" dystopia. A short novel about what causes the desire to create a perfect society and exclude everyone who does not fit in the frame.
Richard hills Adamsonites the Main characters of the book — the rabbits, but Adams gives their society its mythology, language, morality and philosophy. And adventures to share of heroes fall does not baby: forced migration and the dictatorship, and moral choice.
Rudyard the jungle Kilinskiego Unexpected discovery may be that Mowgli is the hero not all stories books. "The jungle book" — the work is not about a boy raised by animals, and the wild world of the jungle and its laws, unflinching and often brutal.
K. S. Luisfrank Narnia the World of Narnia is complex and multidimensional, it is woven from Christian motifs, mythological references and philosophical symbols. Because he was so interesting at any age — close the last page and leave Narnia is very difficult.
Alan Alexander Milne, Boris Sahodaran-the-Pooh and all, all, all Milne wrote a book about the toys his son, but in the plush characters lot human: and the good-natured Winnie, Piglet and humble, and sad Eeyore was very alive and real. And yet the book is full of subtle humor, which is fully understand only with the years.
James Krystin Thaler, or Sold laughter the Story of a boy who traded his laughter on material well-being, is almost a children's version of Dr. Faustus. But at any age a reminder about the true values will not be superfluous.
Diana Wynne Constace castle This is the tale that has equal effect on people regardless of their age, character and mood: dive into the magic guaranteed. The characters here are imperfect, the world is cruel, but in the end still a smile on his face.
James Barrierer pan the story of a boy who never wanted to grow up, is suddenly a story about growing up. The desire to remain a child and fear of adult responsibility is clear, but the truth is that all children sooner or later grow up, and there is nothing tragic.
Michael Interesantna story Bastian is very unhappy, and therefore seeks solace in books. In one of them he is immersed in the literal sense, becoming a hope for the salvation of an imaginary Fantasy. But you can't hide from, even in a fairy tale, and the main challenge for Bayern will not win over the monsters.
Roald Dalmatina Smart Matilda does not fit in with his family. The girl loves to read books: they give her the confidence that she was not alone in the world. A brilliant child, not only saves himself from the yoke of unbearable adults, but also helps your favorite teacher.
Mark Topreclude of Tom Sawyer Book the adventures of naughty boys, a brilliant inventor and a real Tomboy Tom Sawyer is able to move in childhood even the most serious reader.
Download the Photo to preview Warner Bros. Pictures
See also
11 reasons to love Rowling even more
23 new books that you should definitely read to their children
20 books for children up to 12 years, thanks to which they will fall in love with reading
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George Bernard Shaw wrote: "All the best children's books were written for adults." Indeed, the most significant works of children's literature is multifaceted and filled with deep meaning. The website offers access to favorite childhood books again.

Lewis Carrollite Alice in Wonderland This book can be solve like a crossword puzzle: each page is filled with literary allusions, mathematical riddles and political references. And many of the quotations are worth a philosophical debate.

Alvin Brooks Whitpain Charlotte the Story of how the spider Charlotte saves from death of a pig Wilber's childhood seems like a sweet tale about animals. Over the years her charm fails, but the book is perceived differently: it is a story of sacrifice and a wonderful power of persuasion.

Astrid Lindgren, the robber's daughter the young heroine of this tale has a lot to learn adult readers: the pure soul of the girl helps her to acquire a friend in the person of former sworn enemy and to reconcile the leaders of the two ferocious brigands.

Joan Rowlingharry Potter Story about young wizards grow up with the readers: with each new book, the topics become more serious, and a fairy tale is a story of growing up. But most importantly, in the world created by Rowling, I want to go back at any age. And to make it easy — simply re-open the workbook.

Lois Loridae In the US, this book is part of the school curriculum, but not inferior to "adult" dystopia. A short novel about what causes the desire to create a perfect society and exclude everyone who does not fit in the frame.

Richard hills Adamsonites the Main characters of the book — the rabbits, but Adams gives their society its mythology, language, morality and philosophy. And adventures to share of heroes fall does not baby: forced migration and the dictatorship, and moral choice.

Rudyard the jungle Kilinskiego Unexpected discovery may be that Mowgli is the hero not all stories books. "The jungle book" — the work is not about a boy raised by animals, and the wild world of the jungle and its laws, unflinching and often brutal.

K. S. Luisfrank Narnia the World of Narnia is complex and multidimensional, it is woven from Christian motifs, mythological references and philosophical symbols. Because he was so interesting at any age — close the last page and leave Narnia is very difficult.

Alan Alexander Milne, Boris Sahodaran-the-Pooh and all, all, all Milne wrote a book about the toys his son, but in the plush characters lot human: and the good-natured Winnie, Piglet and humble, and sad Eeyore was very alive and real. And yet the book is full of subtle humor, which is fully understand only with the years.

James Krystin Thaler, or Sold laughter the Story of a boy who traded his laughter on material well-being, is almost a children's version of Dr. Faustus. But at any age a reminder about the true values will not be superfluous.

Diana Wynne Constace castle This is the tale that has equal effect on people regardless of their age, character and mood: dive into the magic guaranteed. The characters here are imperfect, the world is cruel, but in the end still a smile on his face.

James Barrierer pan the story of a boy who never wanted to grow up, is suddenly a story about growing up. The desire to remain a child and fear of adult responsibility is clear, but the truth is that all children sooner or later grow up, and there is nothing tragic.

Michael Interesantna story Bastian is very unhappy, and therefore seeks solace in books. In one of them he is immersed in the literal sense, becoming a hope for the salvation of an imaginary Fantasy. But you can't hide from, even in a fairy tale, and the main challenge for Bayern will not win over the monsters.

Roald Dalmatina Smart Matilda does not fit in with his family. The girl loves to read books: they give her the confidence that she was not alone in the world. A brilliant child, not only saves himself from the yoke of unbearable adults, but also helps your favorite teacher.

Mark Topreclude of Tom Sawyer Book the adventures of naughty boys, a brilliant inventor and a real Tomboy Tom Sawyer is able to move in childhood even the most serious reader.
Download the Photo to preview Warner Bros. Pictures
See also
11 reasons to love Rowling even more
23 new books that you should definitely read to their children
20 books for children up to 12 years, thanks to which they will fall in love with reading
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-pisateli/20-knig-dlya-detej-do-12-let-blagodarya-kotorym-oni-vlyubyatsya-v-chtenie-1299015/
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