10 movies that will cheer up after a bad day
Six million eight hundred forty two thousand two hundred thirty two
Nothing will help you better cope with fatigue and bad mood than a good story, filled with warmth, love, comfort and joy. The website has prepared a selection of films that even after the worst of the day will remind us that life is full of happiness
Uncomfortable farm Cold Comfort Farm, 1994
Circumstances force a young Flora Post to move in with relatives in the village. Relatives of the heroine are well-matched with a strange, the house in ruins, and family passion all heating up. But she firmly believes that common sense will help her cope with all the dramas.
Musical career of Willie Conway didn't work out and he returned to his hometown, a small, lost in the vastness of America, the knight ridge. And there are family, old friends, managed to grow during the absence of the hero of the neighborhood kids. And all have their history.
Nathan Ellis — sullen teenager with an outstanding talent for mathematics. He is forced to go out of your comfort zone when it selected to represent great Britain at the International mathematical Olympiad. Faced with difficulties of adaptation to new circumstances, Nathan reveals his new powers, learning to understand people and met the first love.
Remaining without a job the heroes are trying to make, organizing their own strip show. The venture will be doomed to failure, because the newly minted dancers are no different ethereal beauty and trained bodies. So they decide to attract the attention of potential spectators in a radical way.
When 10-year-old daughter of William and asks him to tell about the past, and he reveals the truth about the three main women in his life, changing only the names of the lovers. Answering the questions of his daughter, William realizes that he is still not too late to try to regain the main love of his life. But who of the three girls was the one?
A French film about two very different people. Germain — provincial that all friends believe the near. Once in the Park he meets a lovely old lady, Margareta. Between them there is a real friendly sympathy. Margaretta Germain opens the world of literature, thereby changing his whole life.
In a small diner next to the sea are young people — three girls and one guy. All of them at the beginning of his ways, everyone has their dreams and their fears. Sunny, sincere and romantic movie.
Mr. Spivey only 10, but he is a recognized genius. When his drawings of the miracle inventions receive the award of the prestigious Metropolitan University, the boy runs away from home to personally collect your prize. But for this he will have to go through the whole country.
After the ban of fishing of the inhabitants of the canadian village lost its only classes. Most chose to leave (even the mayor escaped under cover of night), and the remaining hundred-odd residents trying to save their small home: to do this, just need to find 100 thousand us dollars to bribe, to increase the population and to persuade the city doctor to settle in this remote area.
The O'donnell family adopts a boy named Thomas. Reticent and reclusive, he's disappointing his adoptive father, but Mary O'donnell, a loving and kind woman, was able to find a way to the heart of a child.
See also
12 the magic of films that you will forget about all the problems
14 movies that will help you to escape from reality
20 films for those who want to change everything
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/20-filmov-dlya-teh-kto-mechtaet-vse-izmenit-1362765/
Nothing will help you better cope with fatigue and bad mood than a good story, filled with warmth, love, comfort and joy. The website has prepared a selection of films that even after the worst of the day will remind us that life is full of happiness
Uncomfortable farm Cold Comfort Farm, 1994

Circumstances force a young Flora Post to move in with relatives in the village. Relatives of the heroine are well-matched with a strange, the house in ruins, and family passion all heating up. But she firmly believes that common sense will help her cope with all the dramas.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.3

Musical career of Willie Conway didn't work out and he returned to his hometown, a small, lost in the vastness of America, the knight ridge. And there are family, old friends, managed to grow during the absence of the hero of the neighborhood kids. And all have their history.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.2

Nathan Ellis — sullen teenager with an outstanding talent for mathematics. He is forced to go out of your comfort zone when it selected to represent great Britain at the International mathematical Olympiad. Faced with difficulties of adaptation to new circumstances, Nathan reveals his new powers, learning to understand people and met the first love.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.2

Remaining without a job the heroes are trying to make, organizing their own strip show. The venture will be doomed to failure, because the newly minted dancers are no different ethereal beauty and trained bodies. So they decide to attract the attention of potential spectators in a radical way.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.2

When 10-year-old daughter of William and asks him to tell about the past, and he reveals the truth about the three main women in his life, changing only the names of the lovers. Answering the questions of his daughter, William realizes that he is still not too late to try to regain the main love of his life. But who of the three girls was the one?
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.2

A French film about two very different people. Germain — provincial that all friends believe the near. Once in the Park he meets a lovely old lady, Margareta. Between them there is a real friendly sympathy. Margaretta Germain opens the world of literature, thereby changing his whole life.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.2

In a small diner next to the sea are young people — three girls and one guy. All of them at the beginning of his ways, everyone has their dreams and their fears. Sunny, sincere and romantic movie.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.5

Mr. Spivey only 10, but he is a recognized genius. When his drawings of the miracle inventions receive the award of the prestigious Metropolitan University, the boy runs away from home to personally collect your prize. But for this he will have to go through the whole country.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.1.

After the ban of fishing of the inhabitants of the canadian village lost its only classes. Most chose to leave (even the mayor escaped under cover of night), and the remaining hundred-odd residents trying to save their small home: to do this, just need to find 100 thousand us dollars to bribe, to increase the population and to persuade the city doctor to settle in this remote area.
- The IMDb Rating Of 7.0

The O'donnell family adopts a boy named Thomas. Reticent and reclusive, he's disappointing his adoptive father, but Mary O'donnell, a loving and kind woman, was able to find a way to the heart of a child.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.2
See also
12 the magic of films that you will forget about all the problems
14 movies that will help you to escape from reality
20 films for those who want to change everything
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/20-filmov-dlya-teh-kto-mechtaet-vse-izmenit-1362765/
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