11 tricks for cleaning the house, which does not really work

Surely at least once every one of you tried to use the "genius" trick and with the help of available tools to remove stains from clothes or clean the stubborn dirt. Some of these tricks worked, some do not. But who wants to spend their time and effort, if the result is zero.
< AdMe.ru has decided to save you time and gathered 11 top life hacking from the internet, most of which do not work if ... only the stars successfully converge.
wet wipes in the lattice of ventilation for a pleasant smell in the house

Ventilation draws air from the room, and not vice versa. And besides, to block the outflow of air - not a good idea. It is much safer and easier to buy an air freshener.
Slice of lemon in the dishwasher for the dishes without streaks

Even if you put a lemon before you run, it does not affect the purity of your dishes. With a large flow of water, plying in the dishwasher during operation, the acid of the lemon is only a drop in the ocean. If you want your dishes shone, it is best to use a special conditioner.
As car wax to protect the surface of the plate from sticking

Do not even think to do that. Really. Wax Car toxic, and sometimes fire hazard. Now many cleaners plates leave behind a thin film, which later will allow much easier to wash the surface of the mud. Use them, or even better - to remove stains as soon as they become available
soda + vinegar as a universal cleaner 85,618,606
. This method does not work. Soda - alkali vinegar - acid, but they mutually cancel each other, and all that we get when they are mixed at the outlet, - a water and salt solution. And a lot of bubbles. Which, incidentally, will help to gently remove dirt or blockage in the sink, but it's what you'll get. The best effect can be achieved by using two substances separately.
Cornstarch as a means for cleaning stains from iron

So you will not return the thing to its life. But try immediately after the unpleasant incident spoiled wash clothes with stain remover. The result may please you.
Lemon in combination with salt for the cleanliness of kitchen board

This method, of course, will help small scrub dirt and disinfect your board, but certainly not cope with traces of hot dishes or stubborn stains, even if you add the baking soda, as suggested by some sites.
Mouthwash like cleaner washing machine

Another useless idea. All that you need to maintain cleanliness in your washing machine, - once a month pour a little bleach in the cell for cleaning and rinsing to enable mode or normal wash
Melamine sponge as a means for cleaning the toilet bowl

Of course, this magic sponge is able to cope with many kinds of contaminants in your home. But whether it can remove rust stains and limescale from the toilet? The answer is - no. It is better to entrust this work to specific products, after all, not for nothing that came up with them.
Hairspray as a stain remover

If your hair spray contains alcohol, then yes, this trick is ideal to help remove the stain of ink. But now almost not find a manufacturer who could produce such coatings. It is easiest to just take alcohol and rub it into the stain with a sponge.
Saline solution to preserve the bright color of things

If the fabric is not dyed properly, no "old wives' advice will help you to prevent the gradual fading of clothing with each subsequent washing.
Carbonated water as a cleaning agent for toilet

And who only comes up like that. Firstly, many stains, it is simply not able to remove as many microbes. And secondly, Bank of soda costs about the same as the most common cleaning agent for the toilet, despite the fact that the latter can be used many more times.
Based on materials goodhouse
See also:
Find out which of these 10 popular culinary tricks really work
Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning
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