Useful phrases for drafting a cover letter in English

1. I learned from your ads ... I see from your advertisement in ...
2. I learned from business partners ... I have learned from business associates ...
3. I would like to get this job. I'd like to apply for this post.
4. Please send me more information about this position.
5. Together with the application form for a job. Please send me further details of the post.
Together with the application.
6. As you will see from the attached autobiography ... As you will see from the enclosed CV (curriculum vitae) ...
7. I have quite a lot of experience in this field. I have considerable experience in this type of work.
8. In addition, I participated in several conferences on this topic. I have also attended several conferences on this subject.
9. I believe that the requirements for this post. I feel I can meet the requirements of this post.
10. At this time, I am working in an export firm. I am currently working for an export firm.
11. I'm looking for a similar job. I am looking for a similar post.
12. Now I want to change jobs. Now I wish to change my job.
13. I am fluent in French and German. I speak fluent French and German.
14. I have a profession ... I have qualifications in ...
15. I have a diploma in ... I have a diploma in ...
16. I have a degree ... I have a degree in ...
17. I am typing with speed ... characters per minute. My typing speed is ... per minute.
18. I have experience working with computers. I can operate the computer.
19. I was born ... I was born in ...
20. I studied at the University of ... I went to University in ...
21 ... where he studied as a specialty ... ... where I studied ... as my major.
22. ... And ... as a second specialty studied ... And ... as my minor.
23. I graduated from the university in the following subjects ... I graduated in the following subjects ...
24. I passed the state examinations with honors. I passed the State exam with distinction.
25. Then I worked for years in the firm ... ... Then I worked for ... years for a firm ...
26. I spent ... years abroad. I spent ... years abroad.
27. In 2007, I became head of the department. I was promoted to department manager in 2007.
28. In 2008, I was dismissed on grounds of redundancy. I was made redundant in 2008.
29. Since that time, I do not work. I have been unemployed since then.
30. I have a specialty of the Secretary with knowledge of a foreign language. I was trained as a bilingual secretary.
31. I want to work in a larger organization with international connections. I wish to work for a larger organization with international links.
32. To expand the opportunities for promotion ... To improve my career prospects ...
33. For personal reasons. For personal reasons.
34. I'm looking for a job with great responsibility. I am looking for a position with more responsibility.
35. I would like to work abroad. I wish to work abroad.
36. I want a promotion. I wish to improve my chances of promotion.
37. I need a place with a better perspective. I'm looking for a post with better perspectives.
38. I want to use the knowledge of foreign languages. I wish to make use of my knowledge of languages.
39. I pretend to place ... I have applied for the post of ...
40. If you want to invite me for an interview, I can come at any time. Should you wish to invite me for an interview, I can come to be interviewed at any time.
41. I have only meeting Friday. I can only come to interview on Fridays.
42. Allow me to reschedule later. Could I come to interview at a later date?
43. I will be ready to meet on 14 June. I shall be available from the 14th June onwards.
44. I am attaching a copy of two reviews of my former employers and copies of my diplomas. I enclose copies of references from my last two employers, and copies of my diplomas.
45. The names of the two guarantors are listed below. The names of two references are given below.
46. I am pleased to give you any other information you may need. I would be pleased to provide you with any further information you may require.
47. I enclose a self-addressed envelope. I enclose a stamped addressed envelope.
48. I have enclosed my resume, where you will find full information about my qualifications and experience. I enclose a CV, which gives full details of my qualification and work experience.