Only one reason, because of which in any case should not spank children
If you spanked as a child, it is unlikely it raises some fond memories. And, as shown by recent studies, it is possible, it is even reflected not best way to your future behavior.
According to experts from the Austin State University and the University of Texas, The more the child spanked, the more likely that in the future he will have mental health problems and increase the level of aggression. The studies were conducted over 50 years, which was attended by about 160 thousand children.
Often parents believe that spanking small - good "prevention", but in fact, the consequences can be dire. By the way, adhere to such methods of education tend to parents who also once spanked - formed so far the most useful cyclical
. "We hope that our research will make adults think about the consequences of their actions in the future parents will vaccinate children discipline, using only positive methods" - scientists say
. Source mic.com
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To educate a child does not mean to explain to him how to live
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