25 amazing facts about the life and history

Site has collected a selection-mishmash: with it, you can spend a few minutes, at the same time expanding the erudition and learn some amazing things. < 1. In 1976, a very average performance by the student of Princeton wrote a semester work, in which he outlined in detail how to make a nuclear bomb. His praise, put "excellent", but did not return to work, as its "confiscated" the FBI.
< 2. Ozzy Osbourne decades tormented his body exorbitant doses of alcohol and drugs and was able to survive only thanks to a genetic mutation in a series of "in our medical practice, this has not been».
3. the researchers, who studied hyenas, sued Disney, because he hath humbled good the name of their wards in the animated film "the Lion King».
4. the bubbles in champagne once considered a defect. Before serving the drink prevented the special tool.
< 5. Do viruses that infect animals and plants have their own parasites. In virus amoeba Acanthamoeba polyphaga, for example, to detect a virus, a parasite, named Sputnik.

Freestockphotos.biz 6 There is a mental disorder in which a person finds himself dead, and his body -. Long been decomposed. It is called
«delirium Kotar." 7. The first men mastered high heels. Warriors Persian cavalry wore them back in the 9th century
8 The ancient Spartans, there was a custom:.. A young man who wanted to marry, the power carried away vending Woman him, shaved bald and dressed in men clothes. After a while the groom / bride thief secretly visited, until finally, it never came to bed. By age 30 all Spartans were supposed to get married.
< 9. Once carrot color is not orange, as now, and purple. Modern orange carrots because the Dutch began to cultivate some mutated and become orange varieties, because it is their national color.
< 10. Prairie dogs greet each other by touching tongues.
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Drobs.ru 11. Police dogs are often confused with the smell the smell of heroin pickles or glue.
< 12. If you nakrichit on your computer, then head hard the disc at the time of slow down its work. The vibrations of sound enough to move the read head of a disk with its current position.
< 13. In South Carolina there is a cafe where every visitor pays not for myself, but for the next visitor.
14 The word "prostitute" is derived from the Latin verb «prostituere» - put up for sale
15 Ernest Hemingway survived two plane crash.. And the second took place on the very next day after the first.

Eggheado.com 16. Youtube started out as ... a virtual dating service.
< 17. In a few English historical documents of the 12th century mentions the mysterious "Green children Vulpita" . According to ancient records, they were brother and sister with a green skin, who spoke in an unknown language, and ate only green food.
< 18. After the death of the Sultan of Egypt and Syria, Saladin of his vast fortune stayed just one gold coin and 47 of silver. Everything else Saladin gave to the poor.
< 19. in one of Taiwan's universities can obtain a degree in pornography.
< 20. exclusion zone around Chernobyl planted hemp because it has the ability to clean the soil and water.

. Delaemvmeste.by 21 On the Moon occur moonquakes
22 In the Indian state of Gujarat cow urine is bottled and sold as a remedy for a variety of ailments..: from liver disease to obesity and even cancer.
23. Keanu Reeves was forced to star in "The observer" film due to the fact that man has forged his signature on a contract.
24. Once, during a long trip on a dogsled Japanese adventurer / whalers / marathoners Yuhiro Wada did not have enough food reserves and he fed the hungry dogs his leather pants.
25. One couple from New Zealand to defend in court the right to give their child a name (number 16 bus Shelter) «bus stop number 16».
via factroom.ru