16 things that will change when you finally meet your man

1. You will not be afraid to talk about their inner feelings

What once seemed difficult and uncomfortable, with the right person it becomes easy and natural. You know that you will not be blamed for something that was even happening now, so you become easier to open up and let you know this.
2. You will be able to be alone with you, without fear of being misunderstood

You do not need to constantly talk, to feel comfortable with each other. You have a very real opportunity to spend time in a comfortable silence, and still feel each other. After all, communication is not always in the gossip.
3. You no longer have to guess that the partner feels

You are calm, and you do not need to sit in a nervous anticipation, if you answer the call or SMS, and when did you notify you of the plans. His people will make you a priority in his life, just as you are making it a priority in your.
4. You will be able to disagree without showing disrespect to each other

You can often be somewhat disagree with each other, but it does not lead to endless disputes and quarrels. You respect the views of each other and listen to her with curiosity and without irritation.
5. You will cause a desire to one another, even when this is not the objective reasons

The way he / she drinks coffee or talks about something sexy for you in the same way as if the man was naked. Are you interested in the essence of man itself, even more than just how it looks.
6. You will not be afraid to confess their strange habits

You not only recognize the strange habits of each other and treat them calmly, but in some cases even involved in the process, or to learn from them.
7. Did you meet this man with my friends

You're not worried about what your friends do not approve of your choice or say that you deserve more. You finally with the man who treats you with all the thrill and you can not wait to finally submit it to his surroundings. You do not doubt that they will love him or her as well as you.
8. And like his friends how his

9. You will be comfortable with, even if you do not do anything special

You can spend the whole day idly hanging out at home, and enjoy every minute of this pastime. You do not need to constantly do something specific, being near - lazy together as much fun as doing everything else
10.. Touch will bring you one great pleasure

Whatever touch - innocent and passionate, your body perfectly tuned to each other. You can just lay your head on your partner's shoulder and take his hand, or with all the passion hug and cuddle him - all this without a doubt is perceived as something natural
11.. You will always have fun with each other
Do you look incredibly funny TV show or just lie side by side in their pajamas - there is no such situation in which you would not have found something to joke and laugh. Life is 10 times more solar and lively when you are together.
12. You do not have to constantly monitor themselves

You do not have to think about how to properly speak and that it is better to say. His people always listen to and understand the flow of thoughts. This effectively reduces tensions on the no.
13. Communication will flow easily and pleasantly

You do not need to puzzle over the topic of conversation - you like to talk about absolutely everything. Should you only start - and dialogue can last for hours
14.. You will be able to make fun of each other, not touching anyone's feelings

You have not sustained the feeling that you are walking on a knife edge, when kindly teased partner. You understand each other a sense of humor and know how to "pin" for the sake of fun and do not cross the border.
15. You will not have to wait for an opportunity to write an SMS or call

When you eye catches something that certainly could cheer your soul mate, you do not hesitate to write 2 or even 3 posts, without fear that it is too intrusive. Your communication is not a game, but a very real attraction to each other, which does not stop for a minute.
16. You will not care that others think about your relationship

You do not aspire rastrezvonit about promotions and events in your relationship in social networks or to discuss all the details of his personal life. You do not have to nervously wait, whether it will be the parents or stand in a pose. You know, what you feel, period. Are you sure of their choice and for the first time in a long time do not need someone else's approval.
Source thoughtcatalog
Translation Website
Photos on the preview Paramount Pictures
Author Heidi Priebe
See also:
5 love languages that make the relationship stronger
12 Simple Secrets of Happy incredibly relations
Such nuances in relationships allow us to say: "We are happy together!»
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