Education outside the school: 4 main concerns
When it comes to teaching children outside school, questions begin to grow like mushrooms. Of course, it is difficult to imagine how the life of the whole family will change when a child (or children) will learn at home. No phone calls, change desks and biscuits in the cupboard.
However, if the parents already had an idea that there are alternative options for education, then, for it has its own prerequisites.
This can be obtained, and dissatisfaction with the quality of mass education, and factors related to the child's extracurricular activities (eg, the child is actively involved in sports or creative activity) and problems in the school community. Yes, thousands may be reasons for the departure from the traditional school, and each family is eligible.
Yet a decision dictated by the most objective reasons in the world, is not easy to accept. To change the habitual way is always scary.
Leo Tolstoy with his family
We have collected some of the most common fears associated with the transfer of children to family education, and asked them to comment on Alexis.
This requires large investments of money
You should always remember that family education entirely - the issue of family status. And the way it goes depends on the family allowance, including financial.
Of course, if you have money, you can invest in the education of the child - to hire him the best tutors, the best post in the camp, to buy the best benefits ...
But the formation of a home can be quite free. It is difficult, but possible when the parents have another reserve - reserve time. And then they are in the mode of very low expenditure to teach the child the whole school from first to eleventh grade.
In general, quite difficult to accurately determine the value of home schooling. On family education spending is often difficult to differentiate. If the child is not in school, so he visits clubs, clubs, walking hiking, sent an expedition, traveling - with the whole family ... All this brings the same educational effect, as well as school. Can we call it the cost of family education? Rather, it is part of the lifestyle of the family, and therefore the family expenses.
Chekhov family friends
Two working parents do not find time for it
Yes, when parents both work, family education is difficult to organize. But only difficult, but not impossible. The most difficult thing - to go from school to training at home. Grow out of school. This is a complex process, which involves all family members.
If the process went well, then continue to learn in an independent mode, the child will be easy, and parents function will be reduced only to the control program.
By the way, the problem of lack of time parents are now successfully removed the remote schools, which virtually control every step in the child's education, without breaking the family boundaries.
The family listens to a radio program, 1920.
Bureaucratically difficult to translate into domestic child education, which already goes to school
Quite simply. It can be done in one day. Wrote a statement and leave. That is the law.
The child, "dropped out of the system ', will be then difficult to study in high school and work
Looking at how the system then determine the child's parents are planning. If you work in the bureaucracy, in the small office manager, then yes, it has difficult. If the creative profession if in business, then it will turn out. A home and children go there quite successfully studying in high school. After all, the university people are united by common interests, rather than the geographic and age, in school.
Selection of forms of education is guaranteed by Russian law. This does not undermine the foundations and not to fight over, and the right of every family to organize training as it is convenient and / or necessary.
Author: Lucy Shirshov
However, if the parents already had an idea that there are alternative options for education, then, for it has its own prerequisites.
This can be obtained, and dissatisfaction with the quality of mass education, and factors related to the child's extracurricular activities (eg, the child is actively involved in sports or creative activity) and problems in the school community. Yes, thousands may be reasons for the departure from the traditional school, and each family is eligible.
Yet a decision dictated by the most objective reasons in the world, is not easy to accept. To change the habitual way is always scary.

Leo Tolstoy with his family
We have collected some of the most common fears associated with the transfer of children to family education, and asked them to comment on Alexis.
This requires large investments of money
You should always remember that family education entirely - the issue of family status. And the way it goes depends on the family allowance, including financial.
Of course, if you have money, you can invest in the education of the child - to hire him the best tutors, the best post in the camp, to buy the best benefits ...
But the formation of a home can be quite free. It is difficult, but possible when the parents have another reserve - reserve time. And then they are in the mode of very low expenditure to teach the child the whole school from first to eleventh grade.
In general, quite difficult to accurately determine the value of home schooling. On family education spending is often difficult to differentiate. If the child is not in school, so he visits clubs, clubs, walking hiking, sent an expedition, traveling - with the whole family ... All this brings the same educational effect, as well as school. Can we call it the cost of family education? Rather, it is part of the lifestyle of the family, and therefore the family expenses.

Chekhov family friends
Two working parents do not find time for it
Yes, when parents both work, family education is difficult to organize. But only difficult, but not impossible. The most difficult thing - to go from school to training at home. Grow out of school. This is a complex process, which involves all family members.
If the process went well, then continue to learn in an independent mode, the child will be easy, and parents function will be reduced only to the control program.
By the way, the problem of lack of time parents are now successfully removed the remote schools, which virtually control every step in the child's education, without breaking the family boundaries.

The family listens to a radio program, 1920.
Bureaucratically difficult to translate into domestic child education, which already goes to school
Quite simply. It can be done in one day. Wrote a statement and leave. That is the law.
The child, "dropped out of the system ', will be then difficult to study in high school and work
Looking at how the system then determine the child's parents are planning. If you work in the bureaucracy, in the small office manager, then yes, it has difficult. If the creative profession if in business, then it will turn out. A home and children go there quite successfully studying in high school. After all, the university people are united by common interests, rather than the geographic and age, in school.
Selection of forms of education is guaranteed by Russian law. This does not undermine the foundations and not to fight over, and the right of every family to organize training as it is convenient and / or necessary.
Author: Lucy Shirshov
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