Cucumbers in Korean

Many people like to buy on the market a variety of fresh salads in Korean. One of the most common and favorite of such purchases are Korean pickles. I prefer these snacks do at home and offer you one of the variants of cucumbers in Korean. These cucumbers perfectly stored in the refrigerator for one week, and every day becomes more tasty. They can serve as an excellent appetizer on the holiday table.
For the preparation you will need:
cucumbers - 1 kg;
onions - 1 pc. (not necessary!);
Garlic - 3 cloves;
Salt - 1 tsp .;.
soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l .;
vinegar - 2 tbsp. l .;
dried hot red pepper - 0, 5 tsp.. (Or taste);
sesame oil - 5 tablespoons. l .;
sugar - on request and to taste (optional!);
sesame seeds - 1 tbsp. l.
Cucumbers first cut lengthwise into quarters.
You can even cut along the cucumbers, then across, about 3 cm long, fold the chopped cucumber in a bowl, add salt, stir and leave for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, the resulting liquid is drained, add the onion, sliced into thin slices (if you are doing with onions).
Now, add the soy sauce, vinegar and sugar, if you decide to do with sugar (I do without sugar).
Separately, mix the mashed garlic and hot red pepper.
Add the resulting mixture to the cucumbers.
Red-hot sesame oil in a small frying pan and pour hot oil on the mixture of hot pepper and garlic. Stir.
On top sprinkle with sesame seeds. To better sesame gave its flavor, you need to quickly fry it on a dry frying pan, literally 5 seconds (it gets dark quickly and can burn slightly) and cucumbers in Korean ready.
Bon appetit!

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