Do you want to get rid of gray hair? There is a solution - it is a natural remedy will return them to the natural color!
To date, gray hair problem it is not just the elderly. Frequent stress, poor environment, lack of proper nutrition, serious illness - all this leads to the appearance of gray hair in 25-30 years
. Today, our editors will share with you a secret, how to restore natural hair color , without the need for staining procedure. This is an effective means of stimulating the body to develop a special pigment - melanin, which is responsible for the color of our hair.
How to get rid of sediny
You need 3 heads of garlic 1 liter of honey 4 lemon 200 ml linseed oil
Preparation we shall cut lemon and garlic into small pieces. Next, add honey and flax seed oil. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
The means necessary to use 1 tablespoon 2 times a day before meals. The drug must be taken within 3 months, and then make a break for 30 days. After this period, you can repeat the course.
Share with your friends the useful article, and do not forget to learn how to deal with the problem of hair loss!
. Today, our editors will share with you a secret, how to restore natural hair color , without the need for staining procedure. This is an effective means of stimulating the body to develop a special pigment - melanin, which is responsible for the color of our hair.
How to get rid of sediny

You need 3 heads of garlic 1 liter of honey 4 lemon 200 ml linseed oil
Preparation we shall cut lemon and garlic into small pieces. Next, add honey and flax seed oil. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
The means necessary to use 1 tablespoon 2 times a day before meals. The drug must be taken within 3 months, and then make a break for 30 days. After this period, you can repeat the course.
Share with your friends the useful article, and do not forget to learn how to deal with the problem of hair loss!
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