Excerpts from the works of Sergei Bodrov ml.
"The events that have influenced me, or how I was raised a good man»:
1) One time I stole from a friend car. Play it, I could not. He began to suffer terribly. I learned about it and advised my mother to call the parents of the boy. Shame was monstrous, the idea of calling - unbearable, but I decided.
Then I realized that the courageous actions to do difficult than shameful, but they make you stronger ...
2) One day, I went to Pioneer Camp asset, because he was in love with the Pioneer. Before that I was in the camp only once, but fled. There I was appointed standard-bearer. I really liked the white gloves, red ribbon over his shoulder and garrison cap, but it turned out that at the end of the flag handover ceremony it should be kissing. It seemed to me a little unnatural, even more so, to say honestly, by the time I had never kissed. In general, the appointment did not take place. Also, I did not conduct public life, I did not like the game, "candle", and I never learned to play the drum. Nothing bad, I did, but I hate activists. I had to leave again.
Then I realized that even if you're a good person, it does not mean that all of you will love ...
3) Once we sat with friends after class in the school locker room. Passing by an elementary school teacher who has decided that we climbed on the pockets. Commencement of proceedings. About the case of theft was announced at the parents' meeting. It was impossible to justify, even parents doubted. Prior to that, I had to lie, but usually fail. Therefore, the power and authority of the truth for me were adamant.
But then I realized that even if you're right, it does not mean that you will believe. It turned out that the truth must be fought ...
4) In the early years mean much physical strength and sense of justice. Therefore, in high school I often fought. At sixteen, I broke his nose to his classmate. In principle, as explained by the investigator, it was considered a grievous bodily harm. But after questioning, he promised not to pursue the matter, and suggested to him to report on cases of theft and dissemination of pornography at school and left the phone. The paper had to throw in the hallway, because the victim was listening at the door.
Then I realized that dignity must always be stronger than the fear ...
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