It is proved that frivolous people often succeed

Few easily call himself a frivolous man. And this despite the fact that most of the jobs are similar to the effects of the explosion, and the disorder in credit card and papers alluding to host sloppiness. But one rather sees himself in dreams a serious person, controlling their lives and all the space around
Website found an interesting article that shows that carelessness -. This is not a lack of <. br>
We used to consider the seriousness of the procedure and the key to success inspired us since childhood: the clutter and frivolous attitude to things and life do not contribute anything good in general. < We believe that only a serious approach to life can lead to success.
And as if we are living a full life, although the scatter things exist and every day is not in the ideal world of pure. Even when we go by leaps and bounds to the heights of a career, the worm inside keeps whispering, "No, you're too superficial to treat everything, your lifestyle is too frivolous, you just get into some kind of brawl, and it will not work." Should I listen to that inner critic?
Frivolous people are more inclined to creativity According to Eric Barker, author of Time The magazine, in fact, it is Lightness of Being determines how much a person is intelligent. The journalist refers to a book by Steven Johnson, "Where are the good ideas. The birth and destiny of innovation, "the basic idea which lies precisely in the fact that the disorder around a man - a measure of his intelligence. In big cities people live more lightly in comparison with the small settlements. And in major cities all activity is focused on the creation of innovation. < Flip the brain is more inclined to be creative and capable of innovation.
Only a man of frivolous mindset can work on several projects at the same time, or to get involved in different hobbies. This, in turn, causes his mind to work as efficiently as possible, at the peak of their capabilities. Such a person born most unexpected thoughts and new ideas. For example, drawing to the music, you can create a new style of painting. < Ability to live and work in multitasking mode allows frivolous people to achieve significant success and make grand opening.
Yes chaos around leads to brilliant ideas! It may seem strange, but the more diverse thoughts wandering in your head, the more likely that among them there is something really worthwhile. It is a similar principle underlies the brainstorming sessions, which often hold creative teams to create something innovative, out of the way.
Eric Barker refers to the book of Jonah Lehrer's "Imagine. How does creativity ", in which the author argues that the mess on the table or around the man stimulates his creative thinking. < In other words, the more confusion, the more creative the brain works.
Chaos around not only does not interfere with clear thinking, but also makes such unorganized people look at the world from a different point of view, the approach to the situation on the other side. < In many cases, it is the inability to live in a perfect world ordered to become the key to this success.
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