35 thousand dressings

This heart wrenching story told Alexander Vertinsky, a star of the first half of the 20th century. More More young singer volunteer went to the First World War he served as a medical orderly. < Website publish actor memories of one case.
One day I was in a compartment (carriages were already packed to capacity) put the wounded colonel. Senior military doctor, who commanded the loading, said to me:
- Take it. I do not want to die in my village. And you do not care. Next Pskov he does not make it. Relieve him on the road.
- And what he
? - The bullet near the heart. Could not vynut- no tools. Clear? He's going to die anyway. Take. And there - reset ...
I did not like it all: a well - to lose? Why die? How so? It's a human life. And now, almost the train started, I put the Colonel on the dressing table. Our only train Zaydis doctor shook his head wound was intricate. The bullet, apparently, was on the decline, entered the upper part of the abdomen, and, having done the course to the heart and not reaching it, stopped. Input hole no longer a keyhole, there is almost no blood. Zaydis felt his pulse, listened to breathing, smeared clotted the wound with iodine, and again shook his head and told the cast bandages.
- Like this? - I threw up
. - And. we are unable to take out the bullet. Operations on the train is prohibited. And then - I'm not a surgeon. Save Colonel can only be in the hospital. But before we reach the nearest only tomorrow evening. But he did not live to see tomorrow.
Zaydis washed his hands and went out of the compartment. And I looked at the Colonel and painful thought: what to do? And then I remembered that one day I was sent to Moscow for tools. The store surgical instruments "Schwabe" I took everything that I was asked to buy, and in addition has acquired long thin forceps, forceps. The list did not have them, but they liked me his "decadent" view. They were not only long, but also curves and ends with two lateral needles.
I remember when I bought the instrument laid before the chief of the train Nikita Tolstoy saw forceps, he asked:
- What is this for? That will write on your personal account - you will pay. To svoevolnichal.
And now I remembered about these "decadent" tongs. It has not been! Roused medic Gasova (before the war it was ice-cream), told him to light the autoclave. Found forceps, boil, put in alcohol, returned to the coupe. Gasov helped me. It was three hours of the night. The colonel was unconscious. I cut the bandage and began to gently introduce the forceps into the wound. After some time felt that the ends of the forceps ran into some obstacle. Bullet? The car was shaking, I was staggered, but I have learned to work among the wrists, on what basis do not. My heart was beating like mad. Capturing the "obstacle" I began slowly pulling pliers from the colonel's body. Finally he took a bullet! Someone touched me on the shoulder. I turned around. Behind me stood Zaydis. He was white as chalk:
- For such things given by a court-martial, - he said in a trembling voice
. Wash the wound with his in her gauze "turunda" and bandaged, I injected Colonel camphor. By morning he had recovered. In Pskov we have not passed. Able to take to Moscow. I was happy as never before in my life!
The train was a book in which is written each ligation. I only worked on heavy. Light doing sisters. When I finished my service on the train, on my account I was thirty-five thousand dressings!

Pikabu.ru- Who is this brother Piero? - The Lord God said, when he reported on human affairs
. - Oh ... an actor or something, - said the duty angel.- former cocaine addict
. Lord thought.
- A real
as a surname? -. Vertinskii
- Well, if he's an actor, and thirty-five thousand dressings did, multiply all this in a million, and return it to the applause
. Since then I have become a lot of cheering. And since then, I am afraid of everything that has already exhausted the reserves of applause, or that they are already on the wane. Joking aside, I worked indeed like an animal ...

Pikabu.ruAleksandr Vertinsky, "Long Road».
via pikabu.ru/story/35_tyisyach_4269893
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